Cocoa Shells

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Cocoa, Coffee, Fruity, Cacao, Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Nuts, Chocolate
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 11 oz / 315 ml

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From Simpson & Vail

Theobroma cacao (or “Food of the Gods”) was native to the Amazon and is now produced around the world. This delicious, chocolaty tisane is made from the shells of cocoa (cacao) beans. The Cocoa tree produces a pod that is full of sweet pulp that surrounds a cluster of cacao beans. In the process of turning cacao beans into chocolate, the pod and pulp are removed and the beans are roasted. This roasting separates the shells from the bean.

The bean goes on to become chocolate and, historically, the shell was then used as mulch. Cacao shells, however, are now also being used to brew into a delicious beverage.

Cocoa offers many health benefits and contains antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, etc. The shells do contain a small amount of caffeine but they do not contain dairy, fat or sugar so you can enjoy this calorie-free beverage without the guilt.

The aroma is decadent cocoa and the taste is rich and delicious! Brew a cup and you’ll easily be convinced that cocoa is truly the food of the gods.

Ingredients: 100% Cocoa shells

Brewing: Steep 2 tsp. of cocoa shells in 8oz of boiling water for 5 minutes.

Enjoy brewed cocoa shell tea as is, or sweetened, or mixed in with your favorite teas, tisanes or coffee. Try mixing with mint, chamomile, vanilla teas and more. Heavenly!

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8 Tasting Notes

157 tasting notes

Very tasty, like hot chocolate only less sweet which I actually prefer. I know lots of tea-lovers like to add milk to blends like these but I went without and, honestly, I think it tasted great. If you like 90% dark chocolate, then you’ll probably like this tea.

Flavors: Cocoa

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1277 tasting notes

Discovery Advent Tea #11
Ive tried and tried to like these plain. I just can’t.

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1324 tasting notes

Sipdown #18
I didn’t quite have enough of these cocoa shells left so I mixed them with another herbal tea. It was an interesting experiment and not one I’d necessarily repeat. Instead of just adding a cocoa note to the herbal it added a fruity chocolate type flavor that doesn’t work quite as well. I often find plain black coffee especially tastes kind of like this fruity and dark.

Flavors: Cocoa, Coffee, Fruity

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2171 tasting notes

From the Samurai TTB.

This one has been on my list to try since I first opened the TTB. I’ve been waiting to have it as an evening cuppa but haven’t really been drinking much of anything after dark. I’m finally getting around to making a cup today and have absolutely no regrets. It’s delicious. I did add some oat milk, so it’s pretty much a hot chocolate and I love it. It reminds me very much of the German’s Chocolate baking bars. So basically liquid chocolate. Many thanks, tea-sipper, for introducing us to this one!

Flavors: Cacao

Boiling 8 min or more 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

You’re welcome! I like converting anyone to the cocoa shell. :D

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2439 tasting notes

This was a fun find from the tea box! I didn’t love the flavor before adding milk, but once milk is added, this is almost like hot chocolate! (Except I’m drinking it cold) The chocolate flavor is deep and tasty, and the second steep tastes as great as the first. Now I’m thinking I should order some of these to add to teas that aren’t chocolatey enough. This might even be tastier than most chocolate teas I’ve ever had – and there’s only one ingredient here! The more I drink it, the more I like it.


AND this is very cheap from S&V!


I really can’t argue with S&V’s prices. You get a lot for your money there!

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1241 tasting notes

Trick or Treat! This is another sample I had stashed from the Here’s Hoping Teabox, thank you tea-sipper and participants! Decided this would be my desserty herbal of the night.

Plain ol’ cocoa shells. They smell delightfully chocolately, semi-sweet with those slight bittersweet notes I like in a good chocolate, and I always notice that tea blends that include cocoa shells rather than nibs or chips or flavoring are always so much creamier, so I’m hoping that will come through here. I used boiling water and gave it an extra long steep of around ten minutes.

The steeped aroma smelled like home-made hot cocoa, and a bit like warm chocolate dessert topping. The flavor tastes of semi-sweet chocolate or a bittersweet dark chocolate rather than a sweet milk chocolate, and as a fan of chocolate with a little bite, I am all about that! I was also getting some very subtle notes of nuts and coffee. Honestly, I enjoyed this just fine drinking a pot of this steeped plain, but am curious how this would taste in latte form (I’m imagining mixed with milk it would taste just like hot cocoa, since the milk would add that creamy texture), and I can also imagine this would be nice to have around just to add to other “chocolate” teas that just never seem to taste chocolatey enough.

When I have room in my tiny apartment for more tea again, I’ll definitely have to keep some of these in stock!

Flavors: Cocoa, Coffee, Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Nuts

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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4246 tasting notes

Additional notes: This is more of a tasting note for S&V’s marshmallow root that I somehow didn’t add to Steepster… I’m usually mixing the marshmallow root with the cocoa shells anyway. The marshmallow root doesn’t have that super sweet flavor that some marshmallow root has from other sources (like the type from 52Teas that I like a lot), but it isn’t unpleasant by any means. It’s a nice flavor level to the cocoa shells. More earthy than sweet. Also, the marshmallow root really helps sore throats. Better than that “throat” tea that doesn’t really seem to do much. But on a cocoa shells note, I will ALWAYS keep these in stock from S&V. They are very cheap and the best cocoa shells you can get!


Glad to know there’s a good source of these! I have some I got in Hawaii, because I happened to see them.


I love them, so I am glad to know a good source now!

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