Chamomile, Vanilla & Manuka Honey

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Fennel Seed, Honey, Licorice Root, Vanilla Flavour
Chamomile, Honey, Licorice, Vanilla, Anise, Clover, Floral, Licorice Root, Nectar, Pollen, Smooth, Sweet, Thick, Wildflowers, Fennel
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec 1 g 13 oz / 399 ml

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From Pukka

Good news for inner peace

Made with organic chamomile, fennel, licorice, manuka honey and vanilla

With a sip, stillness takes over. Enjoy your blissful moments

Ethically sourced, 100% organically grown ingredients

In stillness you are restored. In the midst of chaos and clutter, there’s a beautiful still pool. Finding your way there is easy – fresh water and heat awaken the magic of nature’s finest gifts: silky golden chamomile, exotic vanilla pod, and the golden balm of manuka honey. With a sip, stillness takes over. Enjoy your blissful moments.

Chamomile flower (68%), sweet fennel seed, licorice root, vanilla pod (3.5%), manuka honey flavour* (3.5%). *contains non organic antioxidant: ascorbic acid.

About Pukka View company

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8 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (2611)!

Drank this last night before heading to bed. As far as chamomile forward blends go I do think this was on the more palatable side, since that’s a flavour I’m not a fan of and also a bit more sensitive to because of that. The vanilla and honey notes helped a lot. I definitely tasted more honey than vanilla and the aftertaste was a little cloying to me, but overall not half bad. Definitely a complimentary note!

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294 tasting notes

I saved this one for after the kids were in bed, when I was supposed to be grading papers but really was online playing games. My phone note just reads “just chamomile and a ton of licorice root – ew.” And I didn’t finish it before bed, so there it is.

sipsby bagged advent, day 7

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40 tasting notes

Right up my alley.

Flavors: Chamomile, Honey, Licorice, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (13 | 360)

I’m not sure when or why I bought this one, but it was a terrible idea. I don’t generally like honey-flavored teas (even though I like honey) and this also has licorice root…

Given all of that though, it’s not bad. I sipped through the whole box without complaining, if that tells you anything. Mostly it tastes like chamomile with some extra sweetness. I do get a touch of that licorice note in the background, and the accompanying sweetness at the end of the sip, but it’s pretty minimal. The honey is quite mild as well, and it’s contributing more of a light clover-y floral note than anything?

So overall, mostly chamomile with a touch of licorice root. Not something I would buy again, but it was fine to sip on as my last tea of the evening each day.

Flavors: Anise, Chamomile, Clover, Floral, Honey, Licorice, Licorice Root, Nectar, Pollen, Smooth, Sweet, Thick, Wildflowers

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1967 tasting notes

Sipdown 111-2021
Drank the single teabag I had. Truthfully, this is terrible and I couldn’t drink more than a couple of sips. The fennel and licorice is just so strong. Combined with the chamomile…just not good.

Flavors: Chamomile, Fennel, Licorice

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1650 tasting notes

I wish I could actually taste the fennel seed here. It’s all chamomile and sweet licorice root, softened by vanilla flavor and honey flavor. Too much of tastes I’m picky about (chamomile, licorice, honey).


Flavors: Chamomile, Honey, Licorice Root, Sweet, Vanilla

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836 tasting notes

Great combination of flavours. The vanilla gives a creamy note which softens the harshness that I normally find with chamomile.


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346 tasting notes

Pukka Days of Christmas#17

I was cautious about having this one after my last experience with chamomile, but I need to admit I quite liked this one. The chamomile is discrete, with the vanilla and honey making it smoother and softer in taste and smell! Especially the honey comes through in the finish, quite ideal I would think. It makes it, as far as I am concerned of course, a lot more enjoyable to have as an infusion before going to bed.

Flavors: Floral, Honey, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 1 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

I just had the Celestial Seasonings version of this. I need to try the Pukka one! I am pretty sure I have seen it here in town.

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