Darling Blend Herbal Tea

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
Not available
Artificial, Chocolate, Cocoa, Floral, Pepper, Rose, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 4 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was mostly rose petals, which always taste sour and unpleasant to me, so I don’t really like it. The base is a bit peppery. I don’t notice any chocolate. Really it’s just the peppery base plus...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown (276) D is for…Darling Blend Herbal Tea I was sad that I haven’t really done an Easter tea though as a Jewish person and a student coming into exams, Easter doesn’t really feel like...” Read full tasting note
  • “Plum Deluxe Advent Day 15 Another catchup blend. This is so rosy. I usual enjoy rose, but this is coming off as very synthetic and perfumey. The chocolate flavor isn’t helping. It’s also extremely...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ooo, I smell chocolate and rose from the dry leaf, which is one of my favorite flavor combinations! I even make my own rose cocoa powder… Steeping, the tea smells very fudgy with sweet rose...” Read full tasting note

From Plum Deluxe

Celebrating motherly figures in every sip.

Ingredients: Honeybush Tea, Rose Hips, Cocoa Nibs, Rose Petals, Chocolate Essence.

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6 Tasting Notes

2593 tasting notes

This was mostly rose petals, which always taste sour and unpleasant to me, so I don’t really like it. The base is a bit peppery. I don’t notice any chocolate. Really it’s just the peppery base plus the sour rose. With milk, it was tolerable and ended up tasting a bit fruity almost. I’m glad it’s over.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (276)

D is for…Darling Blend Herbal Tea

I was sad that I haven’t really done an Easter tea though as a Jewish person and a student coming into exams, Easter doesn’t really feel like anything in our house today.

I guess this could be my Easter-ish tea since it is a chocolate blend of sorts. That said, it really is more Valentine’s Day if anything since it is chocolate and rose and called “Darling” blend. Flavorwise, it is Valentine’s as well since you definitely get equal parts rose and chocolate. Chocolate up front with a floral rose aftertaste that sort of gives way to the slightest lingering pepper from the honeybush base. One of my favorite blends was a rose blend (Des Roses et Des Bonbons by Camellia Sinensis which is discontinued now) but it had a sweet rose flavor and this is not that – this is more like someone was adding rose perfume to this since its more floral and perfume-y than it is sweet. I will finish the cup but I don’t really need more of this.

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1968 tasting notes

Plum Deluxe Advent Day 15
Another catchup blend. This is so rosy. I usual enjoy rose, but this is coming off as very synthetic and perfumey. The chocolate flavor isn’t helping. It’s also extremely synthetic tasting. The combination is really off-putting and borderline undrinkable.

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1268 tasting notes

Ooo, I smell chocolate and rose from the dry leaf, which is one of my favorite flavor combinations! I even make my own rose cocoa powder…

Steeping, the tea smells very fudgy with sweet rose florals, but I’m also getting a bit of pepperiness in the aroma (a note I sometimes get from honeybush).

The chocolate flavor here, as I find in many teas, is a bit thin and artificial, so mostly I’m getting a rose honeybush with some underlying cocoa notes, rather than a nice chocolate rose profile (honestly, I feel like the last really good chocolate rose tea I had was 52Teas Chocolate Rose Truffle, and it was quite old… don’t imagine that one will get reblended since florals aren’t very popular, but damn did I love that tea!) I do, however, really like rose, so I’m not particularly bothered by a rose-heavy cup of honeybush… except that the peppery note I’m getting from this honeybush is very off-putting with these flavors. I have no idea if it’s just this particular honeybush, or something in the chocolate flavoring that is making it pop since I know I didn’t taste it in some of the previous honeybush teas…

A thicker, creamier, more pronounced chocolate flavor would probably help this cup a lot. As a floral fan, I’ll have no problem finishing this cuppa tonight, but I’ve certainly had better of this particular profile.

Flavors: Artificial, Chocolate, Cocoa, Floral, Pepper, Rose

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 4 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

Sounds okay, bit disappointing…
1. Somehow it must be difficult to make a good chocolate tea.
2. 52teas obviously uses some kind of magic.


Have you tried the rose teas from Teavivre? They’re good!


oh wait, maybe they don’t have them anymore..

Mastress Alita

I like rose teas in general, but the TeaVivre ones still wouldn’t specifically be chocolate rose teas…

My main beef with TeaVivre is they are another one of those “have to order in a ridiculously huge amount” sites, so unless I can find a wholesaler of them that sells their teas in smaller quantities, I just don’t do business with them.


Mastress Alita, you’re right that 100 grams, which is Teavivre’s minimum quantity for most of their teas, is a lot. At least they offer samples and sell their pricier teas in 50 g increments. I basically just get teas I know I like.

BTW, their Rose Dian Hong was good, though I don’t remember it having chocolate notes.

Mastress Alita

Ya, I refuse to do business with shops that sell 100g minimum. That is just way too much tea for me, in a one person household. It doesn’t matter how much I like it, it would just lose its flavor and taste like crap before I’d ever come close to hitting the bottom of the bag. So unless I can find their teas being sold by a different shop in 50g or 25g sizes, it just isn’t feasible for me.

Martin Bednář

Same here Mastress Alita, I can finish 50 grams, or 25 grams. 100 g for special teas I really find out liking.


Mastress Alita, I agree that smaller amounts of tea are definitely better. I’ve been working on a couple 100 g bags for years now.

Daylon R Thomas

I miss it when companies did 10 gram samples.


Daylon, so do I. Those samples let me take risks on teas I wouldn’t have bought otherwise.

Mastress Alita

Ditto. If I actually want a stash of tea, I usually want 25-50g. If I’ve never tried a tea, I don’t even want to have to grab that much just to sample it. So many companies that I know used to offer samplers have axed them, and it makes me sad.

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1780 tasting notes

Advent Day 15

TWO advents with a chocolate rose combo for the day. The first was on a black base and this is honeybush, which I want to pronounce as honeybooosh right now for some reason. The scent of rose dominates, but the chocolate isn’t lost either. The flavor is more ethereal than tangible. It’s very light and perfumy. The tea I had earlier seemed to be wanting in the mid note range and this is missing the base note range. Maybe with their powers combined? There is a slight tang on the back and sides of my tongue in parts of the sip, but I can’t decide if I dislike that or not. Tempted to try cream, but also afraid I’ll ruin the cup.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I like honeybooosh, ha ha!


It’s fun to say!

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4333 tasting notes

Plum Deluxe Advent Calendar – Day 15

Rose and chocolate essence? (makes face)

Yeah, no. This is very rosy. To its credit, it’s not horribly perfumey or anything.

But it’s definitely not for me. And the chocolate flavor isn’t helping either… :P

(today’s advent teas: https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0x3pugvaO/)

Flavors: Artificial, Chocolate, Floral, Rose, Sweet

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