2018 Fuding Gong Mei

Tea type
White Tea
White Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by vallhallow
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “TTB Review #3: I like this one much more than the previous Northeast Tea House blend. The flavors are complex and sophisticated. I’m reminded of an English Breakfast-style tea but with more nuance...” Read full tasting note
  • “Valhallow. You win the advent tea gift-giving season. These are some amazing samples! And it’s my 1,000 tasting note! Huzzah! Though I’m sure it’s actually much higher than that since there was a...” Read full tasting note

From Northeast Tea House

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2 Tasting Notes

174 tasting notes

TTB Review #3: I like this one much more than the previous Northeast Tea House blend. The flavors are complex and sophisticated. I’m reminded of an English Breakfast-style tea but with more nuance and not nearly as strong. Very much enjoyed this one.

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1323 tasting notes

Valhallow. You win the advent tea gift-giving season. These are some amazing samples! And it’s my 1,000 tasting note! Huzzah! Though I’m sure it’s actually much higher than that since there was a year or two of Steepster bugs. Anywho. Silvery white fuzz and a mix of greens and a few browns in the dry leaf. Clear, light amber liquor. Wish the website would give info on the tea. They provide some really fantastic teas but provide no info on there. At the 30-second infusion mark, nothing was noticeable. At one minute there is a note of ground apple, Chamomile. Earthy notes. Slight barnyard. A hint of summer florals, specifically the common tansy. When steeped longer there are some burnt bread notes. But otherwise I can’t say I really fancy this one much ^^;

Random side note: I found a genealogy of my ancestors from my dad’s side and they have a copy of it in the MN Genealogy society near me. I am beyond excited to go and look at it. It’s 400 pages long _


That’s a looooot of pages! Can you take pics of it? Or has anyone ever scanned it in online? I hope you get plenty of time to look it over!


Congrats on 1000 notes!!

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