I know that I should be drinking other teas right now… I have so many different teas to be tasting and reviewing, but I wanted more Matcha!
When I opened the package, it smelled very much like banana candies. I’m not a big fan of banana runts but I do like banana taffy. I don’t know why I don’t like the banana runts. I just don’t. So, as I was whisking this, I hoped that it wouldn’t end up tasting like banana runts.
It doesn’t. I don’t know, maybe it actually does but as I have it made up in my mind that I “don’t” like banana runts that because I do like this Matcha, I’ve decided that it doesn’t taste like banana runts. Does that make sense? Probably not. Does it have to make sense? I guess not.
It tastes good and sweet, but it isn’t an overly sweet banana taste. It tastes more like the fruit to me, rather than something overly sweet. The sweetness is more like the sweetness from the banana and the Matcha … which is what I mean about the tasting like the fruit rather than something too sweet. It tastes like banana mixed in with Matcha without the texture of the banana.
As I was opening this pouch and all the while as I prepared the Matcha, I couldn’t help thinking about the minions – http://youtu.be/BYBw_o_2nG0 – and their love of bananas. I love the minions.
I chose the distinctive level of flavoring together with the classic grade of Matcha, and I think that this combination worked well. The banana flavor is strong but doesn’t overwhelm the sweet taste of the Matcha. Interestingly, though, I don’t taste a lot of vegetative taste from the Matcha with this… it’s almost like the vegetal tones have melded with the fruit tones in some way. It tastes less vegetal and more banana-y, but I still taste the Matcha. The Matcha tastes more buttery to me this time around than vegetative. But it is still smooth and creamy and rich, and I’m loving it! You can get some of your own Banana Matcha here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/banana-matcha.html
It tastes absolutely lovely. I love it on it’s own, but I think it will also taste great mixed with just about any of the various Matcha flavors that I have in my cupboard. Cinnamon Banana … yum. Banana Cheesecake … yum! Strawberry banana … might be good. I think I’m one of the only ones out there that isn’t particularly crazy about the combination of strawberry and banana, even though I do usually add strawberries and bananas to my smoothies … I usually have other fruits in there too so that it’s not all about the strawberries and bananas. I am thinking I’d rather have boysenberry and banana.
Anyway… I don’t usually close my reviews with a song choice, but, I think it’s fitting to offer this song choice with this Matcha: http://youtu.be/wCkerYMffMo
Oh, wow. Banana curry? I have a complicated relationship with bananas, similar to yours, but that sounds incredible!
Yes, my relationship with banana is so similar! I don’t particularly like the fruit, even now. It’s OK, but, I mean, if I had an array of different fruit in front of me, it wouldn’t be the one I’d choose. But I MUST have banana in my smoothies. I love the various banana flavored teas I’ve tasted. And I’ve found several different other banana beverages that I’ve loved, including the new banana flavored slurpee from 7-11. (OMG so good!) I love banana milk shakes.
But banana candy … not so much. The banana runts – I hated them. My gramma used to make a banana cake that I really didn’t like (that was probably the only dessert that gramma made that I wasn’t crazy about). But I love banana bread, and I make a killer banana cupcake.
My relationship with banana is just weird.
@Jess – my memories of this Curry are faint (I was young) but my mom and I wax poetic about it all the time. One day I’ll try some recipes and see if I can recreate it! It was savoury, not sweet, and the texture was really unique! Like a thick soup. mm!
@LiberTEAS – Banana slurpee?! Get me to a 7-11 stat! That sound soo good and it’s so hot out today! And a banana milk shake would be lovely. Reminds me that I used to cut up a banana, sprinkle brown sugar over it and pour milk in like cereal. Refreshing!
ps you can feed me your killer banana cupcakes anytime!
I have a love/hate relationship with bananas too.
I actually like the taste, but the texture is what gets to me!
I prefer my bananas on the firm/green side and when they are not as sweet.
Otherwise, in banana bread they go.
This tea sounds intriguing though.
You know I never much cared for banana flavoring. I like real bananas but the texture is a bit odd. I got over it in my crazy work out phase. It was one of the things I could eat to keep from getting so sore. :D
Yes! I do need to eat more bananas for the potassium alone, that’s for sure!
But I agree, the texture gets me too. Blargh. And the weird stringly things on the Banana. Do not like those.
I too am the same way with bananas. The texture really bothers my throat (makes me cough for some reason) if I eat one straight up. And it took me years and years to find out why I hated Dole juice so much. For the longest time, the poor pineapple was thought as the culprit. Nope! Banana juice = blech. Yet give me banana bread or a peanut butter banana sandwich anytime. Or peanut butter banana oatmeal cookies.
I like my bananas underripe and with all stringy things removed. I’m really dodgy about them though, because one time I found… a thing in the butt of my banana. Reminiscent of a seed (but bananas are seedless), so thoughts went to BUG. And now if I eat them, I’m paranoidly tearing them apart to make sure I don’t eat anything icky. I also don’t care for banana bread, but adore banana in smoothies :D Bananas are a weird fruit.
I can no longer eat bananas because of allergy issues, but I’ve mostly never liked them. The scent and texture are just unbearable to me. But I’ve never minded banana-flavoured stuff (like candy) and I used to love banana chips (which basically eliminated the scent and texture issues).
In Ecuador there are so many types of banana and it is used in everything… From soups to just eating it raw. There are HUGE bananas and tiny miniature super sweet bananas. Though, I must admit, I have never had banana matcha!
ohhh I’ve had the tiny sweet bananas when I was in… I don’t remember! It was hot and on the other side of the world from me – they were so adorable.