A bit of an unusual format for me, I wrote tasting notes right after my gaiwan session, here they are:
Cinnamon not detectable in dry leaf.
Very sweet wuyi! Not vegetal at all, sweet sweet sweet. Would be great stand alone wuyi.
Cinnamon not present until later steeping 3-4.
First detectable in the aroma, then realized late in the palate.
Not bold in your face cinnamon, this comes later, much more subtly towards the end of the palate and the back of the throat…. like a cinnamon essence.
Remarkable subtlety! Teaches patience, awareness and subtlety – things which I need to improve on or am lacking generally… ahh this is like tea therapy.
Subtle floral like cinnamon, or rather oolong-like cinnamon.
Warm sensation persists in back of throat, cinnamon related or just temperature?
Retains flavor up to around 6 quick gaiwan infusions, then starts to dissipate.
This ones as intrigued me as well. I need to sample with my Next mandala order :)
my other half is in your box LOL
See, that’s why we’re awesome!
oohh.. breakfast and tea all in one! I will have to pick up some instant oatmeal. ;-)