SoHo Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Coconut, Tea, Tropical, Vanilla, Nutty, Floral, Caramel, Almond, Cream, Creamy, Malt, Nuts, Pastries, Rice Pudding, Sweet, Thick, Toasty, Cocoa, Flowers, Paper
Sold in
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Andreastt
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 10 oz / 309 ml

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119 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So long SoHo! (139/212) I think I may have fallen out of love with this one. It’s the coconut that does it – I don’t think I care for it and even the smell of it puts me off a little. It’s a shame.” Read full tasting note
  • “I haven’t had this in ages. My friend liked it and I gave it to her for her birthday last year. She hasn’t touched it, though, because she got distracted drinking other teas and her first cup of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Can’t get over how delicious this tea is! Shared it with the roommate tonight, and she was in love as well. I made it a touch weak in order to reserve one more cup’s worth for another day, but it...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m happy to announce that I am part of the Lush family again! I just got back from my first day at one of the locations here. Boy, have I ever missed working there. I love coming home smelling...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

In honor of our new shop in Manhattan, we are introducing our SoHo Blend. Emeric Harney, the store manager, came up with this flavored black tea concoction. It has flavors of Chocolate and Coconut.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

119 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

So long SoHo! (139/212)

I think I may have fallen out of love with this one. It’s the coconut that does it – I don’t think I care for it and even the smell of it puts me off a little. It’s a shame.


ETA: The milk made this good!




This is AMAZING when I make it in Montreal and not so amazing when I make it in Thornhill. That makes me sad. I have a 4 oz tin and only a few months left to drink it and really enjoy it.


Huh. Maybe the water here sucks?


Maybe. It was really weird. Also, ever since I used my timolino in Toronto and then I forgot it there. Since I got it back, I can’t use it to brew teas anymore because it imparts a metallic taste that makes the tea disgusting. I never had that issue before so I have no clue what happened.


I’m jealous you’re finished yours because I’ve been trying to work through my 4 oz. And I agree that the smell of this tea is kind of off too.

Now you all make me wonder how this would taste in Edmonton. I’ve only brewed it here on the coast.

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3503 tasting notes

I haven’t had this in ages. My friend liked it and I gave it to her for her birthday last year. She hasn’t touched it, though, because she got distracted drinking other teas and her first cup of this was a little disappointing, to as coconut-y as she remembered her sample being.

I wanted to try it because my daughters fiancé is coming soon and I had bought him the Bon Bon tea from Tin Roof Teas and he absolutely loved it. He wants something in sachets though, so I planned a side by side comparison of these today, only to discover that I put my whole bag of Bon Bon in the traveling tea box! Well, I can still drink this one and see what I think!

What I think is that he will like this, but he will prefer the taste of Bon Bon. It has big pieces of coconut in it, and that was the flavor he was really after.

As for my opinion, this is very good. It is very pretty to look at, my house still smells like chocolate, and my friend said it tasted better than she remembered, so maybe the bag just needed to age a little or get mixed a bit better.


Hey! My 1500th tasting note and I didn’t notice until after!

Miss Starfish



w00t, congrats! I need to revisit this one too. The first couple times I tried it, the base seemed too strong for me or something, and severely lacked in the coconut department.

Josie Jade

Glad you got to try this one too! :)

Josie Jade

And congrats on 1500 notes!!


Woot! Way to go with 1500!




congrats Ashmanra !


1500 that is awesome. Congrats!

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6119 tasting notes

Can’t get over how delicious this tea is! Shared it with the roommate tonight, and she was in love as well. I made it a touch weak in order to reserve one more cup’s worth for another day, but it was still pretty darn delicious! Bounty bar, all the way! Best coconut black I’ve tasted (whether that’s because of the chocolate, or because of great coconut flavouring, it’s difficult to know). And, a lack of gross scumminess! This is one of those few teas that actually could satisfy a craving for sweets, I think, kind of like Creme Caramel teas, because it is just so, so close in flavour to the real thing. Deeeelicious! Thanks again Alphakitty for the generous sample! Someday I’ll have to figure out how to work a H&S order…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec
Rebecca Lynn

I love making this into bubble tea <3


I will have to try this one day….


Bubble tea, eh? I imagine it would taste quite good like that!

Ze_Teamaker – YES, if you like chocolate/coconut, this blend is by far the best I’ve tried. I wish I had made it stronger last night, but that was my fault for likely using less than a tsp of tea per cup (didn’t measure the water, it was probably 3 cups and I only used 2 slightly rounded tsp).

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1792 tasting notes

I’m happy to announce that I am part of the Lush family again! I just got back from my first day at one of the locations here. Boy, have I ever missed working there. I love coming home smelling like it.

Total coconut fiend here. Let’s cut to the chase. This isn’t the best coconut tea I’ve had, but it’s pretty good. The base is great, but I was hoping for a little more chocolate, I think. Actually, this kind of reminds me of Tea Desire’s Praline de Champagne even though that has rose and strawberry on top of the chocolate (and perhaps coconut too, it’s been years).

It’s better hot, especially with soy milk. Naturally, the chocolate coconut comes through more strongly with the milk.

Cold-steeped? Meh. It kind of turns a little floral. I think the amaranth is speaking up this time. Don’t know what’s with that. 52teas Coconut Cream Pie still reigns supreme when it comes to iced coconut black tea.

Daisy Chubb

yaaay LUSH buddies! What’s your favourite Christmas item so far this year? I’m studying like a mad woman, but I think I have most of the key ingredients down pat like you suggested :)


I’m excited about having a long-distance co-worker haha. It’s hard to choose, but I’m impressed with Rocket, but only because I love violet and clove together. Reminds me of the discontinued Bathos bubble bar which was one of my favourites. Also, just washed my face with Let the Good Times Roll and it’s amaaaaazing. How about you?


Nice! Which Lush location are you at? Downtown or Hillside? That reminds me, I need to check into this play dough soap/shampoo thingamabob.


Oh dear…look at all the hair stuff that’s new. Sigh…too bad most of it has SLS/ALS. Still, me want to try!!

Daisy Chubb

Oh yeah Rocket is too awesome, so refreshing and fun! :3 Long distance co-worker win!
Hmm I have to say I am obsessed with Ponche. I want to eat it. It’s so freeessh I have dreams about it. I haven’t tasted it, which is probably a good thing ;)


Heather, I’m at Hillside. I recommend trying out the Fun! I got the pink one yesterday and used it as soap and shampoo, and it’s ultra silky due to the cornstarch. And the scent really lingered. :D I can’t wait for the new haircare to come in. It’s probably my favourite product category. Do you have a shop location preference?

Daisy, good call on the Ponche! Our store is already out and our tester is ultra low so I’m going to have to wait to get a bottle. I’m personally really happy they brought Twilight back. SO dreamy, and it makes your hair smell wonderful.

Daisy Chubb

Ohh Twilight, it’s like crack in shower gel form haha.

And FUN is so fun! I haven’t tried it yet, but just from playing with it all day my hands are super soft and smell amazing. :)


It was so hard to choose which one to get first. Was going between the pink and yellow. Do you know which one you’d like to try first?

I’m so sad that Crackersnap won’t be available for individual sale in the stores! Too bad they’re so fragile.


I saw the Fun tonight, but didn’t play with it. I had a hand wash with Let the Good Times Roll, mixed with some Ponche. Finished with Creme Anglais. Facial with Ultrabland as the base instead of water, LTGTR, Breath of Fresh Air, and Enchanted Eye Cream as my overall moisturizer. I think she also massaged the serum in. I’m feeling oily now, but I think it is because there was the ultrabland base that might not have gotten washed away well enough, plus the serum and moisturizer. I did get a small amount of LTGTR to take home though. Turns out the new hair stuff isn’t in til the 26th I think…later this month at least.

Daisy Chubb

Pink totally! Oh MAN I got to demo crackersnap at our staff meeting and it is massive and awesome! Smells like avobath, and the joke is just.. wow. I’m sure it’s a different joke for everyone but I don’t remember what it was, all I remember was groaning lol! It is too bad we can’t have them on the shelves – speaking of gifts, that’s what I’m studying right now. So.. much.. memorizing.

Oh I have to try let the good times roll now!

Heather that sounds like an awesome visit! Yeah I love ultrabland just on it’s own, I can see how it would feel oily with the other products. It can be a moisture boost for tonight anyways! haha

Pretty pumped for the new hair stuff! I’m such a lush noob. I love this conversation though :)


My only issues with the hair stuff are that they still use sulfates in both shampoos and conditioners (though the new Big solid conditioner looks sulfate free) and sulfates are pretty drying and stripping to wavy and curly hair like mine. I find it does very on the formula though, and I do use them occasionally, but not often, because of that. I also find that though the conditioners feel nice, they’re not great for detangling the mess my hair gets into.

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985 tasting notes

Afternoon and post-workout tea……

This one is such a reward type tea. I had set in my mind that I was going to fix this after my workout and it was great motivation to get me going. Usually, that is the toughest part. Just getting started. And you don’t want to undo all the good you have done by treating yourself with something high in calories. I love chocolate and coconut. I like to think of this one as Mounds in a cup. Mind you, it is still very much tea, but the chocolate and coconut flavors in this one are a real treat. Plus, who doesn’t feel great when you can tell your core is getting stronger by the day? The road to a better life is built on one good choice after another, and I feel a tea like this is an easy good choice. Thank you, Emeric Harney for blending this one!

Usual teapot method.

PS…. I would still send out a few more samples if anyone is interested. The rest is for me!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

“Mounds in a cup.” This sounds amazing.


Yum. I’m (involuntarily) practicing tea budgetary restraint, but y’all keep posting such tempting suggestions, when I finally give up and spring for an order, I’m at a loss as to where to start!


Now on my shopping list! : )


Oh yum, this sounds good!
Sadly they don’t have it at H&S New Zealand, but if you’re willing to send a sample international I’d love to take you up on that offer .. And no worries if not, I totally understand! I’m happy to order internationally, Just not sure I want to invest in full tin of something I’ve not tried before ..


@ Serendipitea….I tried to pm you. Maybe you aren’t following me to get my pms. I will give it a go to ship one to NZ. We can hash out the details via pm.


I shipped tea to Sandy when she was in NZ several times and there was never a problem with customs or anything. It just took about ten to fourteen days to get to her.


Sorry yes I got the PM, just haven’t been back on until now :)

Thanks ever so much! I’m going to update what’s ‘in my cupboard’ right now, so if either of you or ashmara see anything you would like to try, please let me know :D

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1040 tasting notes

BrewTEAlly Sweet included some awesome “bonus samples” with the teas I had bought – thank you so much.
This is one of my favorites, that I’ve been out of for quite awhile. Enjoying this tonight, it’s like revisiting an old friend…


Soon you will have your fix of this. Soon! I’m really glad that BrewTEAlly Sweet shared some to tide you over. ;)

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6444 tasting notes

I am starting to think that the gross cup I had of this tea might have been caused by my Timolino and not the water. At least I hope because I had a sip of this today (and then got distracted by packing and cleaning) and it was amazing! Like a delicious chocolate coconut treat :).

In other news, I am already at the gate and my flight doesn’t leave until 8. Thank god for wi-fi.

Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut

Roswell Strange

I’ve decided I don’t like the new spelling; even if it is more correct.


It took me a while to figure out what you were referring to and tbh I think I prefer the old spelling better as well. It had more flow.


Ooh, that’s messing with my BRAIN! :) Who are you again? ;)

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1719 tasting notes

I have this at work now, where I have a better setup. I don’t have a kettle or the workspace at home. Weird I know. About a spoon of leaf @ 4m w/boiling water.

Not using the microwave really changes the flavor of this. Bolder. My natural inclination with a tea like this is to chug, but slowly sipping brings out the layers of flavor. First, I taste tea. Next, a hot chocolate rush, and then the coconut. In the aftertaste you get a good blending of all three flavors. This doesn’t make me think Mounds so much as one of the little red and white coffee tins my wife would buy.

I don’t buy flavored tea much any more, as the teas I can buy locally are generally way overdone. This and the Hot Cinnamon Spice are causing me to rethink flavored teas. Both are well balanced and enjoyable cups. Harney does it right.

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818 tasting notes

This tea reminded me a lot of Florence. It must be Harney’s chocolate flavoring. The flowers are really pretty! I think those should be added to more teas! Not sure if they impart flavor, as I didn’t notice anything particularly floral. In my opinion, this needs more coconut. I think the chocolate overpowered the coconut. I got a little more coconut as it cooled and in the aftertaste, but not as much as I was expecting. To tell you the truth, I didn’t see coconut in the dry leaf, but maybe they just use flavoring? Fortunately, the sample I bought is big enough for multiple cups, so I’ll definitely be trying this one again.


I still have yet to open my sample of this…tomorrow I think!

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4843 tasting notes

Mmm! I’ve been reading tasting notes on this tea and they never fail to make my mouth water when I read them … chocolate and coconut. YUM YUM YUM! So, when I placed an order with Harney, this was one of the samples I included in that order. Had to try it!

And it is every bit as tasty as expected it to be. Sweet and chocolate-y with a delicious creamy coconut flavor. The black tea base a good, solid base, robust but not so strong that it overwhelms the chocolate and coconut… these flavors really stand out.

I like this one a lot!

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