Fruits d'Alsace

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Not available
Apricot, Berry, Cherry, Fruity, Plum, Stonefruit, Tea, Vanilla, Smooth, Sweet, Chocolate, Medicinal, Raisins, Alcohol, Malt, Dried Fruit, Musty, Wood, Earth, Peach, Berries, Jam, Smoke
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by SimplyJenW
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 13 oz / 381 ml

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139 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Today is a day to drink teas I like, I’ve decided, and after a long morning of stress and work, I’m going to take a moment with fruits D’ alsace, a much enjoyed tea that I’ve neglected for a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is one of the samples sent to me by Russel Allyn of Harney and Sons. This is actually a tea I already had in my cupboard, so I am going to gift this sample out to someone wanting to try it! I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, epic fail here. and I don’t even think it’s the tea, necessarily. Last night, I decided to go buck wild and do a cold-brew of this. First attempt at a cold brew ever. No one was going to stop...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cold brew of this one tonight as well. I think I prefer it hot to be honest. Th cold brew just seemed to flatten the flavours and make it less appealing to me. Still a nice tea, but not as...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Inspired by the delicious Alsatian cuisine of Chef Jean Joho, this is a dessert tea with the flavors of the tree fruits of that region of France: apricots, cherries and plums.

Chef Jean Joho, formerly of Alsace and now of Chicago and Las Vegas fame, asked Mike to do a new dessert tea in 2011. This tea is inspired by fruits found in many Alsatian desserts. Many do love its bold fruity flavors. Mike describes it as " Paris on steroids".

Dry Leaves:
China Black is the base of this tea, which is combined with bits of dried cherries.

The liquor of this tea is a lighter brown because of the addition of the cherries to the tea leaves.

When you smell this tea you will feel like you are in an orchard because of the strong scents of cherry and plum.

Caffeine Level:

This tea has a medium body and a taste of fresh fruit lingers in your mouth.

This tea is fruity with plum and cherry flavors and a trace of vanilla.

Brewing Time:
4 to 5 minutes

Brewing Temp:
212° Fº

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

139 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

Today is a day to drink teas I like, I’ve decided, and after a long morning of stress and work, I’m going to take a moment with fruits D’ alsace, a much enjoyed tea that I’ve neglected for a while.
Fruity, rich, and with the Harney smoothness that I know and love. Yum.


Sounds like one I’ll have to put on the shopping list!

Roswell Strange

I’ve been dying to try this one for a while now :( Slowly working my way through the Harney samples I actually have in my possession, though ;P Nothing has blown me away yet, though.


If either of you would like a little sample, I would be happy to send you some. Shoot me a message, if you’d like!


That’s very kind, but I’ll just add it to the next set of samples I get from H&S.


That reminds me that I have a sample of this I haven’t gotten around to. I’ll probably brew it up tomorrow!

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3513 tasting notes

This is one of the samples sent to me by Russel Allyn of Harney and Sons.

This is actually a tea I already had in my cupboard, so I am going to gift this sample out to someone wanting to try it!

I have served it at tea time and my guest and I both Ike it a lot. We have been drinking it hot and sans additions. Smelling the cherry aroma enticed me to make it as an iced tea. Last night, I put five teaspoons of dry leaf in my 22 ounce pot. I boiled a kettle of water and put two tablespoons of raw sugar in a pitcher. Part of the boiling water went over the sugar to dissolve it while I steeped the tea. After five minutes steeping, I added the strong tea to the very hot water in the pitcher. I added a wee bit of ice and let it sit out on the counter for a while, then popped it in the refrigerator. The tea stayed a lovely color and did not cloud.

I drank it with lunch on the patio. This is very refreshing! I guess I got the proportions just right because the sweetness and flavor levels all match the bottled Harney iced tea that I tried on Sunday. (Keep in mind that a normal Carolina lady would have added at least 3/4 cup of sugar to that little pitcher! My mother used three cups of sugar for a gallon of iced tea, and balked when I cut it back to two!)

The fruity taste is light and refreshing, really delightful and good. I think this would even be good with no sugar at all, but one step at a time, friends, one step at a time!

Thank you for the inspiration, Russel!


It sounds Delicious! Why send it away if you like it so much?


I felt like it would be selfish to keep a sample of something I already own! And it would be more fair to Harney and Sons if they get an extra review out of what they send! Would YOU like to be the one? :)


Ah so this is in ADDITION to what you already have – I get it now. Blonde moment sorry LOL


Oh there we go another blonde moment! I didn’t even see where you offered it to me here! This is what happens when I get up early! Got your PM thanks! :)

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513 tasting notes

Ok, epic fail here. and I don’t even think it’s the tea, necessarily.

Last night, I decided to go buck wild and do a cold-brew of this. First attempt at a cold brew ever. No one was going to stop me!
So I put a few tsp of leaf into a mug, popped it into the fridge, and pulled it out about eighteen hours later. It didn’t taste bad, but it didn’t taste good, either. Here were my problems.
1) I don’t like cold drinks. Like ever. If I could have all my drinks (other than those that are meant to be hot) at room temperature, I would. This includes pop and juice, and also includes all four seasons—I don’t like ice-cold drinks ever. So that was like a million percent of the problem.
2) I couldn’t get out of my mind that this was a hot tea, and that tea isn’t supposed to taste cold ever. I didn’t grow up drinking iced tea, so just the whole concept felt really strange. besides, this tasted like little more than slightly flavoured sugary water, and I just couldn’t get behind it. so I dropped it like it was cold and that was the end of that. A few of you are getting samples of this, and that’s how I’ll finish the tin! woohoo!


yeah, i’m struggling with this tin too.


I’d be glad to try it :)


I hear ya, nxtdoor. And yvonne, you’re getting lots of this LOL


Awwww – that makes me sad – I LOVE this. :((


Oh dex, would you like some of this, then? You’re welcome to it!


Yay :D Thanks!


Thanks keychange but I have TONS of it, share with others who haven’t tried it. Sometimes I just think everyone should love EVERY tea that I do – it’s just a little sad that someone doesn’t love it. Thanks for the offer but I’m good. :))

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15618 tasting notes

Cold brew of this one tonight as well. I think I prefer it hot to be honest. Th cold brew just seemed to flatten the flavours and make it less appealing to me. Still a nice tea, but not as versatile as I’d hoped.

Iced 8 min or more
Terri HarpLady

I have some of this in the Azzrian Box that I’ve been working on sipping down today. Haven’t gotten to this one yet…



I’m totally spending this weekend drinking down things and packing up swap boxes!

Terri HarpLady

sounds like a good idea to me! I’m getting ready to do some new trades, & I’m thinking I want to polish off the trades I already did


This is weird, but this one as well as other flavored teas taste best to me after they have been inthe fridge for several days. This gets really sweet and mellow, and a friend who had a glass last summer immediately bought a pound of it for iced tea.


Not cold brews are usually put in the fridge and then I forget about them, put the tea away and then have to play the “what tea is this again?” Game lol



Do I understand correctly that you steeped cold for only 7 min 45 sec?? I always thought cold steeping was a process of hours… (not that I’ve ever tried :-P).


the system won’t let me put in hours – and since i was writing this on the ipad i couldn’t get it to put 8min or more. fixed it now :) it was cold brewing for a couple days :)


Thanks! :-)

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807 tasting notes

Well I want to give a HUGE Thank You to ashmara for this sample which is more than a sample in my opinion! I love this tea!!!!!
I have yet to try Tower of London yet wonderful generous ashmara also sent me a sample of that!
When I opened the bag I got wiffs of sweet yummy fruit and RUM!
The tea even tastes a smidgen like rum and fruit!
Oh yes I AM going to make some of this cold steeped!
I am absolutely ordering more when this is gone and I am doing a little happy dance right now! Not often do I fill my cup before it is empty but this one was half gone and I was dumping more in! I need a larger cup for that matter!
I also saw the BIGGEST cherry in my basket when I measured the tea out!
Most of my fruit flavored teas are green ones. I needed another good solid black fruity tea in my stash and this is going to be in my PERM stash!
Love love love!
ashmara you made the cutest little name tags for the tea samples! Thank you – really appreciate this!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I need to get this sometime soon already! I’ve been saying that since I first saw it! I stayed in Alsace for about 9 days last May and have since needed everything possibly related to the area.


If you want a sample I can send you one from the sample I got. Or just order it NOW because it is SO good! I would be making an order today but waiting on some cash flow. Flow been slow the last few days lol


I’m definitely going to buy it once I get through more of the things I have, so no worries! I try to use that as the reasoning instead of the lack of funds, haha. Oh it’s both, who am I kidding but this is definitely tops to finally get soon.

Hesper June

Well, Shoot!
I just ordered from H&S and this is one that I almost ordered!!
(sigh) Oh, WELL, just going to have to place another order soon and get it right this time;)


Awesome Amanda!
Hesper June – the neat thing about H and S it seems is that you get nice samples when you order from them. I don’t know personally but it seems that way from reading reviews here. I would be happy to send you Amanda’s sample since she is just ordering lol. PM if interested.
I can’t wait to place my first H and S order soon!

Hesper June

Oh, Azzrian, that is so sweet.
But, since I just recently fell in love with this Dragon Pearl…as in I am still drinking it and I want more, I am pretty sure I will be placing another order very soon as well.
So, you enjoy your sample while waiting for your order to come.
Yes,H&S do give out nice samples for sure.
I placed a modest order with H&S and I received 4 samples of their tea!


Oh wow FOUR samples! And their “samples” seem to be LARGE ones as well! Excellent to hear!
I am a sucker for samples from tea companies :)
I feel all companies should do this as they DO result in MORE SALES lol we are proof of that! :)
I will place an order soon!
I have a custom blend I need to pay for from Butiki WOO HOO then I will set my sights on H and S and well yeah a couple other places lol :)

Hesper June

Well, The samples were all sachet tea, not loose.
And it was one packet or sachet of each flavor.
I do not think they send out samples free in the boxes of loose tea, But I could be wrong.
I have just received the sachets.
But, it gives you the idea of loving or hating the tea and then you can order it in loose from them.
Also, the sachets are fairly nice, they are very open and even though the leaves are trapped, they do have space to float around.
I am all about letting the leaves float;)
Yes, I agree, usually when a company sends me samples of tea, it almost always guarantees a re-order:)


Ohhhhh man, I went through Harney’s flavoured teas the other night and found a bajillion I need to order. Pretty sure both this one and Tower of London were on the list! Their blends just seem to be done well; not overdone, as in the case of some companies.


Thanks Hesper June Well its good at least there is enough room for expansion in them!
Krystaleyn Im right there with ya girl!


Boston is also absolutely incredible. Don’t pass that one by!


Looking it up now. Wow I can travel around the world with these teas! :) Good thing since I rarely get out of my house to travel around THIS town.


Boston is completely different from Cranberry Autumn, though both have cranberry in them. Both are excellent, but Boston makes me want to cuddle the tin!


LOL Ashmara!

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1598 tasting notes

So I haven’t posted in a few days or checked the logs, but I’m ok you guys. I’m okay.

Things are crazy getting ready for the move to Toronto. Friday was my last day of work. The weekend was spent moving a good friend/my roommate into her own apartment, and yesterday was a quick trip to the island to visit family. So much traveling!

I’ll catch up when I can.

But on to this tea. It’s so sweet and smooth. I’m really happy I split a tin of this. I couldn’t quite identify the fruit flavours, but then I read the description (i.e. cheated), and I can totally seperate the apricot, plum and cherry flavours in my head. This is delicious. And as I said before, super sweet.

I think there was real dried fruit in there – there’s a bit of sediment left in my cup which is unappetizing but doesn’t change how good the cup is if I don’t look at the tea. :|

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec



I really like this one! I have a couple cherries in my half, but I’m saving them for a day off when I have time to sit and enjoy the tea and then eat the fruits. :)


One more month!


maybe… you’ll get here at the same time as my tea from stacy… lesigh


Awww. Hopefully the tea from Terri comes in before that- then you’ll have something to tide you over!

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1220 tasting notes

Are a lot of icons missing from the top (like the steepster logo itself) and on anyone else’s dashboards or is it just me? The best part is already knowing by heart exactly where to click anyway haha

Thank you Azzrian for a sample of this tea. I don’t know how I completely missed it from the one time I ordered from H&S because I would jump on anything to do with Alsace. Not my favorite place from my study abroad trip (i.e., Parisians aren’t the rude ones if you go to Strasbourg. I took Italian for 2 semesters and I always end up pronouncing French and Spanish words like they’re Italian…so I did so for “chantilly” and this woman FLIPS on me like you’d think I said chant-lily or something when all I did was pronounce the l’s! And people just stared at me while I was waiting at a bus stop. It was tacky.) but I still really enjoyed my time there.

This is such an interesting combination of fruits. I’m mostly getting cherry and plum, though I smell the apricot. It’s pretty sweet too, it almost feels too early for something this sweet but I will make it through.

I just really can’t get over how fruity it is, and it just tastes really good. As it cools, the black tea comes out a bit more since while it was really hot it was like a barrage of fruit flavors. There’s a nice balance between the flavors and the tea. I am going to finally have to get some of this.

This might taste better than most things I had in Alsace…but not tarte flambee by any means.


FYI, my dashboard is fine :-)
How rude of this woman! I find it so uncalled for, I think it’s refreshing whenever I hear a stanger making the effort to speak our language, who cares if it’s not perfect, that’s what creates diversity. I hope you don’t let that bother you :-)
P.S. I could give you a series of French answers you could reply if it ever happens again, but we’ll keep it classy, it is Sunday!


Yeah, it was only the second or third day there too, and I always tried first and usually let them switch to English if they wanted, but jeez she’s all like do you even know what chantilly is? It didn’t really bother me as much as the weird staring because I had just come from Germany (I literally walked back to France from Germany at that) and no big deal was ever made so coming back to that was like um okay, it’s not like I am yelling in obnoxious American English, I’m just sitting and waiting!

Hahaha I will take those French answers some other time.

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169 tasting notes

I thought I was better, but alas I was fooled.
I did too much too quickly and my nasty flu thing came back with a vengeance.
Not sure why when the throat aches and the nose runs, I reach for this tea.
It just soothes the spirit.
I can’t wait till I smell and taste and get back to reviewing all these delicious teas I have around, but for now, I have a mug of this, a new book and snuggly pets.
See previous notes for more on this tea.

Josie Jade

Hope you feel better soon! :)


That sounds so cozy….a new book and snuggly pets!


Get better soon!

Hesper June

Thank you all! I hope to be back to my old self by the new week.
Till then, sipping familiar teas and lots of snuggling on the sofa:)


Ooooh feel better soon!

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1015 tasting notes

My Harney order arrived today!! This is one of the teas I ordered based on reviews from my fellow Steepsterites – I sure am glad that I took a chance on this one. This reminds me quite a bit of Paris and Tower of London and I love both of those teas so I love this one also. I love how smooth the base of this tea is and that it is tasty both plain and with additions. I’m currently drinking it with a bit of sugar and cream which really makes the fruit flavors pop. I’m getting cherry more than apricot or plums and that is fine by me as I ADORE cherries. In fact, I also ordered Sour Cherry Preserves from Harney’s site (which I totally recommend! Also the black tea and fig preserves are good if you like figs). I don’t think this would be a good first thing in the morning tea as it is pretty smooth, but definitely a great afternoon/evening choice.

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you OMGsrsly for sharing. This is a very nice tea. The black base is present but not overpowering or astringent. The fruits are sweet and different than the typical flavor combination. This stays clear of berries and instead tastes of apricot and plums. Very nice although I don’t think this is something I would drink all that often. Nonetheless, I am glad to have a couple more tsps to enjoy.

Flavors: Apricot, Plum

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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