Organic The Skinny

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Pu'erh Blend
Eleuthero, Ginger, Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea, Orange Peel, Pu Erh Tea
Earth, Ginger, Orange, Citrus, Wood, Wet Earth, Citrusy, Orange Zest, Mint, Bitter
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 23 oz / 685 ml

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235 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Non-tea related revelation, can skip if desired So I decided, yesterday, randomly in the morning, that I need to do something about how I am living life. I go to work, sit at my desk, eat lunch,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I should probably buy an herbal ginger tea but this is all I’ve got so hopefully it’ll help settle my stomach. :( I was planning to go for a walk today but I just feel like turtling on the couch...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ugh. I seriously need to stop buying so much of my faves all at once. I overindulged in this one awhile back, didn’t want it for a long long time, and recently started drinking it again. Only it...” Read full tasting note
  • “My house has strep throat, and I’m trying to ensure I don’t get it. Though, the last few days I’ve been waking up with mild cold symptoms, hoping I don’t actually have it already! Either way, I’m...” Read full tasting note


A Chinese secret

Looking for the next big beauty secret or weight loss trend? Let us give you a hint: try water. It’s true, water is just about the healthiest thing you can put in your body – after all, you’re made out of it. And what better way to jazz water up than with delicious traditional digestives like pu’erh, oolong, ginger and eleuthero root. Go ahead, drink up. The only thing you’ll gain is wisdom. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic:Read more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

235 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Non-tea related revelation, can skip if desired

So I decided, yesterday, randomly in the morning, that I need to do something about how I am living life. I go to work, sit at my desk, eat lunch, sit at my desk, go home, eat, sit at computer or watch tv, go to sleep. Not very active, since I drive to work and drive most places really. So yeah, yesterday I was like screw this, I need to get heathier. Also, my back has been getting really bad (poor posture = many many knots and tension headaches) and yes, I just haven’t felt good lately really, even with all my tea. Oh, I am also going to try to cut back on caffeine for a bit for my anxiety.

So today, I went for a run! I was going to go yesterday, but the terrible excuses got me haha, but today I went! Now, it wasn’t a full, run the whole time thing, but I sweated and I couldn’t breathe and I’m sore tonight, so it must have done something! I am going to try to go every two days. I got in this habit last year, and I felt amazing, but for some reason quit halfway through the summer, and it went downhill from there. So this summer, I want to do it every second day for the first bit until I can actually do a decent amount of running without feeling horrible lol, and then I’d like to stick with 2 or 3 times a week. I need to do this. It’d be nice to progress into some yoga-like things or going to the gym for some weights, but for now, I will start small. I don’t need to lose weight at all from running, but I do need to get in shape and I’m hoping some physical activity will also help with how anxious I seem to get sometimes. Sorry for pouring my heart out, Steepsters, but I just felt the need to tonight, and I’m always happy you guys are here to listen!

OK, if you read through that, kudos, and thank you for reading my lamentations and goals. Sorry for cluttering up the tasting note with unnecessary and unrelated things. Now, onto this tea!

So after my exercise, I was feeling all cliched and was like “I’ll have The Skinny tea!!” LOL. But I do like this tea, I still can’t believe I used to dislike it so much, and now that I’m down to about one cup left in the bag, I might have to buy another decent sized bag just to have on hand for times of need, as this is a tea I crave at times. It was orangey and fresh, very enjoyable! See previous notes on this tea :)

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Good luck with the running! Run 3x a week and do something else 2 or 3x a week. It really makes a difference in my health and also just my attitude toward lfe. So go go go! :-)

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Running has always been my go-to fix when I get in a slump. It’s hard to start at first, but after a while you’ll have so much more energy and will look forward to your runs! Good luck! :)

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement :) i am hoping to add in more activities but I’ll start with committing to one lol, i’m terrible at starting things but once I start i’m usually good to go!

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I’m doing couch to 5k, and also hiking, and I sometimes cycle to work. Whee! Exercise and less caffeine truly do help. Good luck! :)

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Wow that sounds crazy active haha I am jealous! Hoping I get to that point eventually :D

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I’m training for a 7 day hike this fall. I need to be able to hike 10k each day with a full pack. EEP! So yeah, I’m doing a lot. Hopefully it works and I have an awesome trip!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Eeek. All you healthy people and your talk of running almost inspires me to try it, but… but… I hate it so much. >:| I get so wheezy and get stomach pain. I always figure that if I’m actually jogging then I must be pretty miserable with myself, yet so many people seem to like it. ;O

Anyway, you guys are inspiring!

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Cavo, couch to 5k, seriously. You start by jogging (like a little old lady for pace) for 60 seconds, then walking 90 seconds. It’s the best way to ease into it. I’m repeating each week twice, just so I don’t overdo it.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Hmmmm…. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….
I’ll look into it. :P
Also, it doesn’t hurt that 5k is about 30 minutes of activity. I can make time for that…

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Cavo – Yes I do the walk and run thing, I’m not nearly as technical, I probably should be lol, I run until I can’t anymore, then I walk a bit, eventually it gets easier to not stop running. I go for about an hour, but that includes the walking, so I have no idea what the distance is, you can do it though! You just have to start :)

OMGsrsly – man a 7 day hike will be pretty intense! But awesome at the same time, I love hiking, it’s so nice to be outside in the wild :D

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

It should be awesome, if I can repeat what I did yesterday 7 days in a row, and with a loaded pack. Haha. I’m so sore. :)

CHAroma 12 years ago

Yay!!! Good for you! Keep up the awesome work! :D

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Haha I will try to, I haven’t been going running much lately with looking after my new kitty, but when he’s a bit bigger I’ll be able to go more often :)

EmiliaSteeps 9 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve been feeling that was repetition in my regular routine and You’ve inspired me to make some chances to my routine as well! I think I need to go for more walks and runs they are so excellent for clearing my head especially enjoying a cup of tea afterward. :)

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1598 tasting notes

I should probably buy an herbal ginger tea but this is all I’ve got so hopefully it’ll help settle my stomach. :( I was planning to go for a walk today but I just feel like turtling on the couch forever.

Maybe I’ll feel more human after I drink this.
You know it’s bad when I just don’t want to eat OR drink either. Not even my teas. #turtlesforever

Sorry for the pity post. Aside from feeling crappy, I’m not that miserable.

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OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Hope you feel better.

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Oh no, feel better soon, Cavo. :(

Indigobloom 11 years ago

Hope you’re feeling better today!

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Thanks! I am! :) I could actually drink tea again.

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1764 tasting notes

Ugh. I seriously need to stop buying so much of my faves all at once. I overindulged in this one awhile back, didn’t want it for a long long time, and recently started drinking it again. Only it has now been nearly two years that I’ve had my tin, and some flavour/smoothness has been lost. No surprise, time does that to consumables. Duh.
There isn’t much left, maybe fifteen grams out of 70. Could be worse, right?

I wonder if there are any fun things I could do with the last of it. Latte? nah. I’ve had it iced before. Hmmm. I must think on it!

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Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Marinade for chicken?

Roswell Strange 9 years ago

Could make an interesting Soup Stock as well…

M 9 years ago

I haven’t had this one in ages, but I remember loving it. It might be time to re-order.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

Evol- I was thinking about chicken! or maybe fish?

Roswell – Oooh that’d be different. I’ve never made stock out of tea before! :)

M – Me too. I can’t wait for a fresh supply!!

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Fish, yes! I hadn’t considered that. Might work. I like the soup stock idea too. I’d be tempted to add it at the very end as a finishing touch. Roswell Strange, have you tried this already? If so, how did you approach it?

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

I think the flavours in this one would go nicely as a marinade for chicken, mushrooms, carrots, and onions to be roasted in the oven. Maybe a touch of maple syrup.

Roswell Strange 9 years ago

@Evol Ving Ness I can’t say I’ve ever tried any teas as rubs because I don’t eat meat – but I’ve tried other teas for soup stock before (not this one). Basically, you brew a slightly concentrated pot (like, a western sized pot) and just use that as the stock you cook the rest of the soup in. I think the ingredients you listed for the marinade would likely work for the soup though: carrot, onion, mushrooms, and chicken.

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Thank you. And yes, it does show promise as a soup. I am going to give it a try one of these days.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

I saw one of those 30second cooking vids online with fish, potatoes and asparagus. I may try something like that using this as a glaze.
Roswell- Now I’m really curious about making it as a soup! I’ve only really thought about Lapsang before

Roswell Strange 9 years ago

Genmaicha makes a nice stock base too :)

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Wow! Those all sound great too.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

Ahhh I’ve been meaning to try genmaicha!

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1271 tasting notes

My house has strep throat, and I’m trying to ensure I don’t get it. Though, the last few days I’ve been waking up with mild cold symptoms, hoping I don’t actually have it already!

Either way, I’m drinking tea non stop, taking vitamins, drinking lots of juice and eating more fruit. Uggg so tired of going to the bathroom!

Brought out The Skinny this morning – hoping the orange and gingery combo here will unclog my dry throat. Which it did, yay! Now to stalk cyber monday sales.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 12 years ago

Make everyone throw away their toothbrushes so they reinfect themselves! Stay well!

Oolong Owl 12 years ago

Ewwww yeah! Thank you for letting me know, I’m ordering all my roommates to do this now!

ashmanra 12 years ago

So they don’t reinfect! LOL! That was an important word to leave out!

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1473 tasting notes

This is the tea that got one of my coworkers into DavidsTea. (Santa’s Secret won over most of the others). We bought this tin when we first got into DavidsTea and I’ve had an on again/off again love affair. These last few weeks, it has just really hit the spot for me, especially after meals. It just makes me feel better. It’s just a lovely, feel-good tea. Generally ginger and I don’t get along, but in this tea, we’re the best of buddies.

Now, excuse while I go gawk at the sheer WTFery that is this newest season of Dexter. XD

Ninavampi 13 years ago

I am slightly perturbed by just having finished all of the existing seasons of Dexter in the past two months or so. I have a love hate relationship with that series… There is one particular season finally that does not seize to disturb me… Still I can’t wait to watch the new season!

Uniquity 13 years ago

I stopped watching Dexter at the end of season 4. Somehow the finale just killed my interest in the show. : (

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15 tasting notes

I was going to steep Forever Nuts but I woke up late and realized that I couldn’t steep it for 7 minutes, let it cool, and drink it all. So I settled for The Skinny. Delicious as per usual, creamy, warm comfy tasting, etc. Sadly IO got too eager, drank my tea RIGHT after I boiled it, and burned my tongue :( Now it’s all numb and weird feeling :(

Anyway I hope you have a great day and no matter what someone says to you just remember that YOU are loved and you DO matter. No matter what :) Not much of a tea review since I already love this tea and words can’t explain my love for it but I hope I made your day :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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TheKesser 11 years ago

You made mine :) thanks for the positive reminder!

K S 11 years ago


keychange 11 years ago


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6119 tasting notes

Yet another advent calendar sip down! Such progress today!

I honestly don’t recall what my roommate and I initially thought of this tea, but if I recall correctly, we didn’t like it. We did write notes on the back of the advent calendar box (which I ran across tonight, as it happens), so I should definitely check to see what we noted down!

With both the dry and steeped tea, the aroma is coming off as vaguely citrusy, but that’s about all I can pick out.

Flavourwise, now that I know there’s pu’erh in this blend, I suspect we a) didn’t like it and b) the pu’erh was the reason! Now I know what pu’erh is, and what to expect, so I can definitely pick it out here. Luckily it’s not particularly fishy, just has a sort of earthy/mustiness that I associate with pu’erh. I can’t really pick out the oolong at all here, not even in the aftertaste; perhaps it will emerge in later infusions. As for flavouring, a creamy sort of ginger flavour comes out in the aftertaste, which is actually quite pleasant, although it’s rather mild.

I know pu’erh has a multitude of purported health benefits, but I wouldn’t be too likely to pick this tea up again, as there are many other vendors with better pu’erhs that I’d rather drink for the benefits! This one’s pretty so-so; not terrible, but nothing special.

ETA: Bleh, the second infusion (~90C, 5 min) is not to my liking. I think I’m really picky on citrusy-flavoured things, and citrus + pu’erh is not to my liking (nor citrus + green tea, for the most part). No real loss though!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec
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Azzrian 12 years ago

What is this tea advent calendar about? Where did you get it? Thanks :)

Kittenna 12 years ago

Last year DavidsTea put out an advent calendar with little tins of different teas in it. It was what got me into loose leaf tea! :P I’m trying to finish it off before the upcoming holiday season.

Mélissa 12 years ago

I had forgot about the calendar. I hope it’s back this year!

Kittenna 12 years ago

I see that the calendar will be back this year, and coming out in early November. I won’t be getting it this year, but I think it’s a fabulous idea, especially for people who don’t live near a DT, to try out a whole bunch of teas (and get a bunch of awesome little tins!)

CHAroma 12 years ago

Is the calendar something you can buy online? I scoped out the DAVIDsTEA website, but I couldn’t find any reference to it.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Yup, pretty sure it’s available online. Check out the DavidsTea facebook page, I think people have been talking about it a fair amount on there. They said an early November release, and it sold out quite quickly last year.

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6768 tasting notes

Last week I was doing HIGH RAW FOODS between 80 and 90% and I was sipping on this a few times…just backlogging…sorry…I have a lot of backlogging to do…lol…

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TeaBrat 13 years ago

Awesome. How do you like the raw food thing?

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

I wish I could go 100% raw but it’s near impossible where I live…but…HIGH RAW is great for my digestion issues :)

TeaBrat 13 years ago

It’s way too difficult for me to eat a 100% raw food diet in San francisco (I get cold!)
I have tried a few times.

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709 tasting notes

Here’s another one I’ve had for quite a well but never tried. Since I first started shopping at Davids Tea, this one has been strongly recommended. I’ve noticed that the newer sales girls tend to reach for the newest teas first, but this one used to be a strong seller for them, and I assume it still is as it’s still on the menu. Of course, for the first year or two of my tea life, I didn’t like oolong OR puerh – now it’s just puerh I can’t handle. I figured that after having a sample of this for probably a year or more we should probably try it out.

We steeped it in 85 degree water for 3 or 4 minutes, I didn’t want to scald the oolong as I didn’t know how well it would stand up to heat. The flavour was at first a bit strong, ginger and orange peel rounding out each sip and keeping the flavours together, but it became very palatable as I got deeper in the cup. I haven’t looked at the leaves, but it must be a roasted oolong rather than a green. I didn’t get any wet dog smell or taste from the puerh, so I was pretty happy with that. Altogether, these flavours work remarkably well. Unexpectedly, the beau LOVED it and wants to take it to work – this is one he would actually like to get a tin of. Will marvels never cease? He used to hate ginger, oolong and puerh. It’s interesting how our tastes have changed.

The second steep we just enjoyed came out a bit thin after five minutes of steeping, but it was also tasty. It was shockingly sweet (I assume from the oolong) and the ginger/orange were there just as a light background note. I would have preferred a bit more strength in the second steep, but the beau may have been light on the leaf so I shan’t blame the tea.

Anyway, this is a very respectable tea. Not sure what it really does for fat absorption, but if it helps at all, I support it! : ) It went quite well as a complement to our takeout pad thai as well. Hey, a girl needs a treat sometimes, right? : )

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Yeah, this was my first DT tea, but I’ve noticed over the past couple years that none of the sales associates ever talk about it anymore. I really wonder how it’s selling now.

Uniquity 12 years ago

I imagine it’ll go the way of Zing Me, eventually. I’ve noticed a trend to increase the stocks of unflavoured teas which is really promising though. Neat to see the way the wall changes there, even if I don’t always like the changes I see.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (202…well sort of as the rest is being sent away to bluebelle).

Bluebelle contacted me about a swap and this was one of the teas that she had an interest in. I checked both my spreadsheet and here and realized I never wrote anything about it and for the life of me could not recall the taste. So before measuring out what I had to send, I scooped off one serving for myself so I would have a record of why I put this up for swap.

Honestly, it is a tasty oolong. No fun flavors that I have come to love but rather just a warming cup of tea. I definitely get why this was up for swap as I overlook this every day in favor of my more exciting teas but I think it will find a good home with bluebelle. So long The Skinny! It was nice while it lasted.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
bluebelle 11 years ago

I admit the pu-erh part of it scared me at first but I don’t think I’ve met an oolong I don’t like. :) Glad you re-familiarized yourself with it before packing it up!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

The pu’erh is really not that noticeable. I do hope you enjoy it!

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