Caramel Shortbread

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Almonds, Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Elderberries, Hazelnut, Natural Flavours, Raisins, Raspberry, Sour Cherry
Butter, Caramel, Cocoa, Apple, Berry, Bitter, Cranberry, Nuts, Artificial, Candy, Cherry, Creamy, Popcorn, Stevia, Sweet, Tart, Sugar, Cookie, Almond, Honey, Fruity, Sour, Bread, Pleasantly Sour, Nutty, Berries, Brown Sugar
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 50 g 15 oz / 430 ml

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How it tastes
Sweet, nutty and buttery, with notes of baked shortbread and creamy caramel

Find satisfaction in this caffeine-free dessert tea. It’s got all the melt-in-your-mouth richness of shortbread baked into a blend of willow bark, brown sugar, almond and cherry. Sweet, buttery and deliciously satisfying, you’re gonna want to sip this holiday blend with your favourite teatime treats. Resistance is futile.

What makes it great
• Willow bark (aka “nature’s aspirin”) contains an active ingredient called salicin – a natural chemical similar to aspirin that’s been used for centuries to relieve pain.
• Pair this melt-in-your-mouth herbal tea with your favourite holiday cookies for the perfect afternoon indulgence.


Apple (apple, citric acid), Raisins, Brown sugar, Natural and artificial (almond, hazelnut) flavouring, Elderberries, Willow bark, Almonds (almonds, sugar), Hazelnuts, Sour cherries, Raspberries, Stevia extract.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

57 Tasting Notes

22 tasting notes

Advent Calendar 2017, Day 17: Very caramely, with an undercurrent of fruit. Would add more tea to future steeps, was a little weak, as with most of these herbal infusions.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1 tasting notes

I love this tea, you have to steep for a shorter time to not get the sour notes. But at 2 minutes this tea is delicious!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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316 tasting notes

Even though I was positive I wouldn’t like this tea, I finally gave in and tried it just because… And it smelled icky while steeping. I’m not a fan of caramel, so I knew it wouldn’t be great. It’s drinkable though. I’m getting a lot of flavours here. I taste the fruit in the blend, but I also taste the caramel. It has this buttery taste and its a bit sour as well. I have 2 agave in this and it’s okay but I definitely wouldn’t buy this one.

Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Cookie, Fruity, Sour

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

This is one of my all-time favorite teas, and I’m glad I took the risk despite all the negative reviews. I am a fan of sweet/sour combinations, and often finish the sour beers my friends order and then decide they want no part of, so maybe my taste buds are just mis-wired. Anyway, if you can’t decide between a liquid cookie and a cherry jolly rancher, you’ll probably like this tea. Otherwise, leave more for me.

Flavors: Cherry, Cookie, Nuts

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29 tasting notes

The smell of the loose-leaf tea is nice, like sweet shortbread cookies. The steeped tea smells like that, but with a strong hint of something sour. It tasted like sour cherries or berries with a hint of sweetness at the end. It was a bit strange to love the smell of something so much, but it turn out sour and bitter. The nutty smell and flavor was also not to my liking. I really don’t like the fake sweet note at the end. So disappointed!

Flavors: Berry, Bitter, Butter, Cherry, Nutty, Sour, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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6444 tasting notes


I really didn’t like this when I could actually taste it but since I knew I couldn’t really taste things anyways thanks to the cold I figured it was the best time to finish this off. Turns out it was infinitely better with impaired tastebuds though still not great. It was hydrating though so it did it’s job.

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768 tasting notes

This was one of my samples from my David’s order. It sounded so good. I mean, I loooooove shortbread. One of my favorite things. and caramel is also a fave. And I am always looking for a caffeine free evening tea. So when I got this sample I was pretty excited.

I was disappointed. The first thing I noticed was a bit of tartness. It wasn’t a horrible tartness, like what I get with hibiscus, In fact, I kind of liked that. But then came the artificial sweetness. I rushed to grab the packet to read the ingredients. Grrrr. Yep. Stevia. Imagine my curled lip as I snarl the S word.

I don’t know why so many teas have Stevia. If I want my tea to be a bit sweeter, I have rock sugar and honey, and I know how to use them. Don’t get me wrong, as a diabetic I am happy to use stevia on occasion. but not in my tea.

I am glad I got this one as a sample, because it sounded so good I might have been tempted to order some. Now I know better. This might appeal to a lot of tea drinkers who like a sweet/sour flavor to their tea. And if a friend invited me for tea and served this one, I would be able to drink a cup to be polite, but it will never be my first choice.

16 OZ / 473 ML

That is way too bad! I too love shortbread, and caramel teas. Why oh why do they have to ruin a potentially awesome thing, and with stevia.

Evol Ving Ness

Grrrr. Yep. Stevia. Imagine my curled lip as I snarl the S word.

I don’t know why so many teas have Stevia.

I don’t know why so many of their teas have stevia. fyc.

And yes, I know! This could have been a winner.

Evol Ving Ness

I tried a sample at their store the other day and nope.


I just don’t like folks determining how sweet I want my tea, whether it’s stevia, sugar, or otherwise.

Maddy Barone

It sure sounded good. sigh.

Evol Ving Ness

Yep, and there’s the rub.

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561 tasting notes

I had originally tried to make a latte with this one but it did not turn out well (the milk curdled). It was the first time that happened to me so it was quite the experience and quite funny after I got over the fact that I wasted $4 of tea. So I had to go out to get some more to try plain. What a tease-does NOT taste like caramel shortbread and the cherries should have been left out in my opinion then it might have had a chance. Not a good cup of tea.

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88 tasting notes

This smells SO GOOD, like salted caramel, popcorn and vanilla… but the taste is so sour and acidic. I don’t know why they put elderberries, raspberry and sour cherry in this, but the berries definitely overpower the sweet flavors for me. The weird, sour flavor actually reminds me a little of vomit (sorry to be gross). I gave it to my best friend, who likes fruity/berry/sour teas, and even he refused to drink it. It’s really vile to me.

Flavors: Berries


DELETEless than a minute ago
i too dont get why they’d put the berries! I dont get why they decided to put hibiscus in the Sleigh Ride Tea either…Sleigh Ride smells amazing and i can tell it would taste great without the hibiscus. Idk why these tea companies so often ruin the tea with one or two ingredients doesn’t make sense! Especially when, if the company took a look at the reviews, nearly EVERYONE asks them to take the ingredient out- but they never do!


Yes!! I don’t understand the hibiscus, beet root and sour berries in so many of the blends from David’sTea… I do not need my tea to be dyed pink :/. The hibiscus ruined Sleigh Ride for me too :(

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85 tasting notes

Soooo after reading all the reviews, I decided to be little miss innovative! I went through my entire sample and picked out all the fruits that looked like sour cherries (they looked like craisins) lol. There werent many, but what was left was mostly nuts and apple pieces I think. I then added agave. YUM YUM YUM. It tastes exactly how it smells! There is a small small bite to it from the apple/fruit, but the buttery nutty yumminess is there! YAY! I steeped a small sample bag (the kind that comes with the order when you order online) in a 10-12oz mug with near-boiling water for 6 mins. Perfection !

Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Cookie, Fruity, Nutty


I just want to add, I didnt realize what willow bark is. Apparently its a component in this tea. It is described as being similar to aspirin. Im allergic to aspirin….so I dont think I can drink anymore of this tea according to what I googled. Just wanted to throw that out there to warn others who have an allergy. I hope to God I dont break out in hives lol.

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