Redberry Tonic

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Goji Berries, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Natural Flavours, Rose Hips, Sea Buckthorn Berries
Berries, Fruity, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Rosehips, Vanilla, Tangy, Tart, Cranberry, Goji, Sweet, Berry, Strawberry, Apple, Lemon, Red Fruits, Sour, Fruit Punch, Lemon Zest, Red Apple, Citrus
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec 15 oz / 443 ml

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89 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Having some of this before I head to the mall… because it’s discontinued and since there’s a sale on 100g teas, I might pick up some more. Definitely need to pick more up. Thankfully it won’t break...” Read full tasting note
  • “Darn, I haven’t written a note on this one of it by itself yet, and I’ve drank it a few times. This morning, I mixed 1.25 tsps of this with about 1 tsp of guayusa. It’s a Monday, so caffeine is...” Read full tasting note
  • “The past 24 hours have been awful. I drove my mom and I to a nearby town for groceries where we kept having to dodge people we know but don’t want to deal with. Plus I ran into an old coworker of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sick. Sick. Sick. I had a rather boring tea drinking day yesterday; just four large mugs of this blend hot. Like I mentioned in a note yesterday, I’m quite sick – and this is the only one of DT’s...” Read full tasting note


Magic elixir
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and get a taste of our revitalizing, tantalizing, exhilarating, invigorating tonic. Put some zip in your sip with tart and tangy hibiscus, rosehips, lemongrass and immortality-boosting goji berries. But that’s not all! We’ve harnessed the power of the legendary sea buckthorn wonder-berry, prized for centuries in Chinese, Indian and Tibetan medicine. You’ve got to see it to believe it folks, so get your hands on a cup today.

Ingredients: Apple, rosehip, hibiscus, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, goji berries, natural sea buckthorn flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

89 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Having some of this before I head to the mall… because it’s discontinued and since there’s a sale on 100g teas, I might pick up some more.

Definitely need to pick more up.

Thankfully it won’t break my tea budget… although I totally used the “I’m keeping to my tea budget!!” excuse to shop for clothes. Haha. (I’ve gone through all my clothes, and I’ve put together 3 capsule wardrobes (work, weekend, sport), and some of my tops desperately needed replacing.)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Ha. Procrastination sometimes rocks. Now I have a car to go to the mall. And for Costco in the morning. Sweet.

Evol Ving Ness

Capsule wardrobes—reminds me of spaceship gear. :)

Evol Ving Ness

Also, brilliant idea separating everything.


I used to be able to wear whatever to work – PJs, workout gear, jeans, whatever. But I can’t at my new job, so my closet needed to be reorganized. And the really shabby stuff needs to be replaced!

Evol Ving Ness

Thankfully, I can be fairly dress-up casual at work, but I tend towards more casual casual. My shabbier items go in the home ‘cleaning’ and crafting pile. That pile is growing.


I have to wear nylons, Evol! I used to be able to wear leggings and casual skirts, but now I have to wear nylons. The horror! (It’s really too bad Costco only sells sheers – I really only wear opaque tights.)


What, no leggings? That sucks!


UGH I KNOW! I do on “casual Fridays”, but it’s not “professional attire”. Boo. (Seriously, it’s not like I’m wearing leggings and a crop top. Or pretending my semi opaque tights are pants… :D )


Seriously, I don’t get why you can’t wear leggings in place of tights. Do they also make you wear more formal shoes too or can you wear something nice yet comfy?


Hahaha. I wear Clarks mary janes. Old lady shoes FTW. I think it’s the “socks + leggings” thing that isn’t business enough. If I had ankle boots, no one would know. :D I’ve been looking, but I haven’t found anything that works for my sore feet yet.


I prefer opaque tights myself, although I usually buy the warm kind and only wear them in the winter with skirts or dresses.


I was going to specifically ask about Clarks! Well hey, they make some nice ones. Have you tried Rieker? They make some fabulously comfy, stylish shoes.

If I had to wear tights, I’d take the opaque route too.


I haven’t found anything, unfortunately. The Clarks I have are good, but I tried on another style yesterday at Winners, and nope. So ouchie. I also tried a super cute pair of ankle boots, but I needed 1 size bigger… they only had an 8. Oh well.


I can never find ones I really like in my size at Winners. But Marshalls tends to have a much better shoe selection. Have you tried there?


We actually only have one Marshalls here, and it’s in a really weird to get to area of town.

Honestly, I googled. I had no idea the store existed here.

Evol Ving Ness

Nylons! The horror. The expense.

Evol Ving Ness

Ankle boots. I suggest Blundstones. Expensive, but they’ll last for three or four years if not longer.


Ah, I see where it is. That would be so annoying for you, for sure. Too bad they didn’t put it in Richmond already, eh? Like one of the shopping centres along the sky train line so the trip would be more worthwhile.

Ours is at the extreme south end but at least there are many other interesting stores around (IKEA!) so the trip seems worthwhile.


Actually, I thought Metropolis would have one but I see they have a Winners already. That would be sweet too.


Yeah. Brentwood is mega renovating so maybe there? But as it is it’s just over an hour from home, longer if I go after work. Meh. I’ll check it out one day I’m sure!


Sadly Blundstones aren’t really work suitable! I need something a bit dressier, and those look like work boots. I mean, I’d LOVE to have a pair, but they’d be weekend/Friday wear.

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1186 tasting notes

Darn, I haven’t written a note on this one of it by itself yet, and I’ve drank it a few times. This morning, I mixed 1.25 tsps of this with about 1 tsp of guayusa. It’s a Monday, so caffeine is weekend was not the best, and I feel very tired today. I also tried Grappa for the first time last night, so that might be adding to my not as chipper state this morning lol. Anyways, this tea is quite tasty on its own, tart and juicy, and with the guayusa added it retains those qualities but I guess there’s now the sweet guayusa rainforesty flavor in there. I thought it was weird at first, but it’s actually not bad. Oh, and on a sad note, my tea is barely hot, my timolino’s vacuum seal must be slowly Anyways, this is a nice refreshing beverage this morning. Hopefully I’ll get some energy, although I’ve been having chips and candy for breakfast, so that is maybe helping as well (don’t even ask lol).

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Ugh, feeling exhausted today too. I hope your day picks up for you.


Me too! I made some black tea for this afternoon so hopefully it helps too! I feel like the weekends don’t even help me to catch up on sleep anymore :( hpoe your day improves as well! At least we have tea, right?

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1792 tasting notes

The past 24 hours have been awful. I drove my mom and I to a nearby town for groceries where we kept having to dodge people we know but don’t want to deal with. Plus I ran into an old coworker of mine from Edmonton who now works there as a teacher, so I had to explain my academic failures (which aren’t truly so if you know the whole story, but who wants to ever listen to that) to her and justify why I’m in the middle of nowhere, and the produce at both stores was quite atrocious so we ended up not getting much, which made the trip a waste of time.

Then I wake up this morning to discover my mom with a bashed up face. She apparently fell and hit her face to the nighttable last night, so her cheekbones are all swollen and bruised, plus she got bashed in the eye, on the actual eyeball, and the cornea is completely blood red. And for those of you who remember, she’s had a plethora of high-risk eye surgeries over the past couple years (a couple of which could leave you blind due to the slightest slip-up) and is still recovering from them so I was freaking out trying to figure out how to get her to a hospital in the middle of nowhere. After calling three hospitals/clinics, whose optometrists are all either not in today or already left and done for the day (and doctors at emergency won’t be able to help her since they don’t have the proper equipment and knowledge to deal with such an issue), we figured that the closest we could get to is to a city right by Edmonton, but I can’t do city driving. So, long story short, she was able to find a neighbour to drive there, so I’m sitting here now nervously drinking this cold brew and eating liquorice all sorts (all the jelly buttons and coconut rolls are belong to me). Stupid butterfly effect. None of this would have happened had we not gone out yesterday.

Right. Sorry, I know this isn’t a diary, but it’s very frustrating and stressful to continually watch her get hurt, have health complications, etc, which are preventing us from packing everything, organizing an auction, selling the house, etc, to get out of here once and for all. I feel like we’ll be trapped here forever.

So, this tea. Good as usual. Ended up cold brewing it for two days and it didn’t go too tart or syrupy.


Ugh, sorry about your awful day. :( Glad you have good tea…?


I’m so sorry my dear. If there is anything I can do from here let me know. hugs


So sorry about your mom! Hope she’s ok :(


That’s really rough stuff, and feeling helpless is awful. Glad you’ve got tea and licorice!

Christina / BooksandTea

Oh, that sounds so stressful. I hope your mom gets the medical attention she needs.

Maddy Barone

Holy moly! Hugs.


Hope both of you are ok.

carol who

:( Hope things get better soon!


Thanks for listening and all the support, everyone! <3 I feel terrible about dumping all of this onto here and am tempted to even delete it.


I feel horrible for even dumping all of this onto here and am tempted to just delete it. Nothing to see here. :)

Roswell Strange

Hope your mom is doing ok! Also; this is your tasting note to write what you please with! If someone has a problem with that, fuck ’em.


Oh no! I hope things get better soon!

Maddy Barone

One of the reasons I come back to Steepster over and over is the community aspect. Even though I haven’t actually met anyone in person, everyone is friendly and supportive. Don’t delete!


Oh no, I’m so sorry and hope you will both be ok! Hugs!!


Wow, I am so overwhelmed by the amazing amount of support in this community. Thank you all so much!

And I totally agree with you, Maddy, that I get the same vibes from here and always enjoy reading about people’s days/lives because we have such a unique community full of awesome individuals.


And I love the bluntness, Roswell. ;)


sorry to hear about your Mom. Don’t worry I do this kind of venting sometimes too

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16899 tasting notes

Sick. Sick. Sick.

I had a rather boring tea drinking day yesterday; just four large mugs of this blend hot. Like I mentioned in a note yesterday, I’m quite sick – and this is the only one of DT’s “Cold Fighting Teas” I actually own, so I’m drowning my sickness in it. I don’t even really know if it’s doing anything to help; but I guess it does feel a little soothing on my throat?

I’m tired of drinking this one though; I totally Redberry Tonic-ed myself out yesterday, so now I need to find another good sick tea…


Get better soon. I always find Jessie’s Tea soothing when I’m sick. The Meyer lemon herbal and Citrus Dream also sound like they’d be soothing.


I recommend Super Ginger and Cold 911 :) if you like ginger and mint!

Roswell Strange

I’ve switched to Moroccan Mint for now; I think the mint might help my headache, and make breathing a touch easier.


I second the Super Ginger and Cold 911. I keep both of those around for days when I feel gross.

Roswell Strange

I don’t own either of those blends though; and at this point I’m too sick to go and get them…


I third Super Ginger and Cold 911! Or spearmint + peppermint too :)


…Hope you feel better!


Oh! Also Cold Zing from David’s is a good one too. It’s a green tea though

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1764 tasting notes

AughhhhhhhH!!!!! Steepster ate my note. And now I haven’t got time to write another. Grrrrrrrrr.
Here’s the short version:
This is nice, I like it. May buy some more if I can clear out some herbals.
It reminds me of a dragonfruit tea I had from Tealish once. Yum. Very sweet and berry like. Not heavy on the apple which is great, as that is the first ingredient and I am not a huge fan of herbal apple blends.
This was a bit of a hodgepodge steep, as I used half hot and half cold water, since my regular vessel was being used for the oolong, and I was in a rush.
I don’t know what buckthorn tastes like and I’m not seeing any goji notes though. Well, a hint of goji in the middle and aftertaste but I may be imagining that. Who knows.
Oh and one more thing. No artificial ingredients. Wohoo!!


I might have to try this one too!


I think you’d like it! great for kids as well :)

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6118 tasting notes

Ooh… this is kind of interesting. I can taste the seabuckthorn, and this is pleasantly fruity yet tangy and different. Not just another generic herbal, which is really nice! Probably not a tea I’d keep around, but I’m very happy I picked some up.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown! (162)

So I am finishing up the small sample of this tea I have. The dry blend is always deceivingly sweet smelling and though there is some sweetness from the apple I find the tartness of the hibiscus takes over the cup. In some teas I do enjoy hibiscus but when I make this I always hope for the sweetness from the dry smell but it never delivers (which is probably why I enjoyed it with the Honeybush Mango tea). Although I enjoy the cup, this definitely won’t be missed.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1113 tasting notes

Another sample from BrewTEAlly Sweet!

I hot steeped this before work but then slapped it in the fridge with some sugar and ice to drink later chilled. It is very drinkable, but reminds me of fruit punch or Kool aid, HA! :)

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206 tasting notes

I cold steeped this one over night last night and had it for lunch today. I have to say this was a really pretty color and was really neat to watch it steep. The color bleeding into the water. The smell reminded me of a citrusy fruit punch. The flavor the same with a touch of tart. I really enjoyed this one. So far DAVIDsTEA has not let me down:D I’m loving having summer as an excuse to make all these iced teas everyday:D I wish the flavors were stronger, but some how I just can not get the hang of steeping in boiling water and then turning it into iced tea. I never get it right. :/ It always tastes funky. Any tips?


Maybe not so helpful as I’m not good at measuring, but what I often do for these fruity ones is brew strong in boiled water (maybe double or triple strength) and if I want a glass then, will pour over ice after 8-10 minutes or so. I then fill the container with cold water for steeping longer in the fridge to have later.


If you are finding the flavors not strong enough when you cold steep, but are enjoying them when the tea is hot brewed, I would just hot brew and then let cool. I can never get the correct ratio of leaf to water to ice, when I hot steep and then pour over ice. I just hot brew as normal, then let it cool to room temp on the counter, then put it in the fridge. I will often brew multiple steeps and just dump them together, let it cool, put it in the fridge. I know this doesn’t work if you want iced tea NOW, but it is quicker then cold steeping.
If you are finding the teas lacking when cold steeping, I think you need more leaf. I usually use 1.5 times as much leaf when I cold steep as when I hot brew. If I normally use 1 tsp/cup hot brew, I would use 1.5/cup to cold steep.
I think it depends on the tea. Some teas are AMAZING cold steeped, other I prefer to hot steep and let cool.
This is just how I do it, hope you find some thing that works for you.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Caile so you brew it stronger then usual and pour it over ice and then you re steep the leaves as a cold brew? did I get that right?
Dexter3567 Thanks that helps alot. I will have to try that and compare the flavors with some of the ones I have already cold steeped. I like the idea of mixing the different brews:) thank you for all the advice:)


Yes, but for fruit tisanes only. I do what Dexter3657 does also, by mixing together several hot steeps brewed normally, letting cool then putting in the fridge.

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Fruity with a very fresh aroma.

Liquor: Red clear liquor, very bright red.

Flavour: No cloying sweetness here, here just a fresh and fruity sweetness that passes from the palate quickly and leaves the mouth refreshed and wanting more. The sea buckthorn brings its own distinct character which is lively and acidic.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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