Sweet Ginger Heat (Organic)

Tea type
Green Tea
Ginger, Green Tea, Licorice Root, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel, Pink Peppercorn, Rose Hips, Stevia Leaf
Ginger, Licorice, Peppercorn, Citrus, Spicy, Sweet, Orange, Pepper
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 390 ml

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39 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hmm… I need to figure out how to get my leaves into my Timolino basket without getting them everywhere (I use a rather wide spoon to measure things out and with the basket being a bit smaller than...” Read full tasting note
  • “This has a lot of my fave flaves in it: licorice, pink peppercorns, ginger, orange peel and of course green tea. I grabbed it on a whim – to pad my recent DT order so I could reach the $50 for free...” Read full tasting note
  • “backlog from yesterday I received this in a swap from Jes I do believe. This sounded more than just a ginger tea, but I find in scent it’s just ginger. Could have been my congestion. The suggested...” Read full tasting note
  • “Licorice punch, right in the face. Le sigh. One sip, the rest down the drain…I hate doing that. I just don’t think I can do any of the ayurvedic teas due to licorice-y things.” Read full tasting note


Turn up the heat
There are tons of reasons to love ginger. It’s been used as a digestive aid for thousands of years: Confucius wrote in 500 BC that he never ate a meal without some on hand. And according to ayurveda, ginger balances excess kapha or sluggishness. Plus there’s nothing more soothing on a sore throat than ginger’s spicy heat. With ginger, green tea, licorice and orange peel, this sweet and spicy blend is a real multitasker – and itRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

39 Tasting Notes

116 tasting notes

Hmm… I need to figure out how to get my leaves into my Timolino basket without getting them everywhere (I use a rather wide spoon to measure things out and with the basket being a bit smaller than I’m used to it’s been interesting.) That said, I think I’ve figured out the trick to brewing in the slightly smaller basket… Flip the Timolino upside-down and let it steep that way; I give it a shake every once and a while too but this seemed to give the leaves plenty of room to expand and still have space for the water to get in.

Onto the tea… had a minor emergency come up while I was brewing this so I over steeped it a touch, no bitterness though just really, really gingery, which worked for me today as I just couldn’t get warm. Lots of heat in my mouth and a really lovely tingle left over… the extra time also brings out a bit more of the orange peel and pepper than I’m used to tasting.

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keychange 11 years ago

Yes yes yes steep it upside down! I’m so glad you do this too!!

keychange 11 years ago

also you can lay it on its side and roll it around a bit.

Kirlika 11 years ago

chuckles I do that I’m likely to roll it off my desk! :) But that does sound like it would work nicely too.

keychange 11 years ago

I spent so long being irritated at how short the basket was, but am glad there’s an answer. You don’t find that steeping it upside down led to any leaves getting trapped in the drinking holes though?

Kirlika 11 years ago

I did the first few times I opened it but I’ve started to give it a quick swish/shake before flipping it back over to loosen everything up and that seems to have helped. That said I’ve only done this a few times now so I’ve not got the best sample size to really say much :)

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576 tasting notes

This has a lot of my fave flaves in it: licorice, pink peppercorns, ginger, orange peel and of course green tea. I grabbed it on a whim – to pad my recent DT order so I could reach the $50 for free shipping.

The dry leaves do not smell at all like I would expect. It’s like a cleaning product or something. Uh-oh. As it’s brewing, I smell the same cleaning product smell – yikes! I’m all for cleaning products, don’t get me wrong. I love when my bathroom and kitchens are clean, and that wonderful fresh smell. But in me tea? No thanky.

I gritted my teeth and tried it anyway. It’s not as bad as it smells – but it’s heavy on the sweet ginger taste (ginger + stevia). Not as spicy as I had hoped. There’s also an earthy, as in dirt aftertaste. Ick!

Maybe it would be better iced, with lemon ice cubes or something to combat the ginger overkill?

I’m adding this to my rotation for tea swaps, or maybe I’ll try to sell it in a lot of other David’s Teas.

Me no likey – to quote a character on HIMYM. PASS!

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297 tasting notes

backlog from yesterday
I received this in a swap from Jes I do believe. This sounded more than just a ginger tea, but I find in scent it’s just ginger. Could have been my congestion.

The suggested steep time is 5 mins? Really for a green? I questioned it, but went with it anyways.

Steeped up it’s gingery, but that’s pretty much it. It’s an alright tea, but probably something I’d use for medicinal purposes.

ETA: used this for medicinal purposes this morning, I’ve got some kind of lingering stomach bug. So was hopeing this would help with the naseau. This is a rather gross tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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761 tasting notes

Licorice punch, right in the face.

Le sigh.

One sip, the rest down the drain…I hate doing that.

I just don’t think I can do any of the ayurvedic teas due to licorice-y things.

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Uniquity 13 years ago

Agreed (re: not doing ayurvedic teas, that is!)

TeaBrat 13 years ago

this also sounds gross due to the stevia, I don’t like that stuff…

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I thought stevia is supposed to be natural?!

Plunkybug 13 years ago

Stevia is supposed to be natural, but, yuck, I don’t like it. I think it gives me headaches.

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289 tasting notes

Dry leaf nose: Refreshing ginger with slight orange notes.

Liquor: Very bright, greenish-gold, clear liquor. Nice ginger aroma.

Flavour: Sweet with ginger and licorice, the green tea tempers the sweetness and adds a note of its own. The orange is present in the cup but not prominent. The peppercorn adds a zest. Rosehips finish the blend with a fruity afternote.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec
Plunkybug 13 years ago

How strong is the licorice? I’m not a huge fan of it, though in blends like Secret Weapon, it isn’t very prominent and I can tolerate it.

DAVIDsTEA 13 years ago

Not very strong. The ginger is definitely the most prominent flavour, with the licorice adding a little sweetness to the tea.

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94 tasting notes

Took this to my meeting tonight. I wasn’t sure from the smell if it was what I wanted tonight but wanted to give something new a try. This was great. It was a few hours ago I had it so I can’t remember specifics but I did really enjoy it and so did the 3 people that smelled it and had to try it even before I had a chance to. Can’t wait to have this again, maybe tomorrow and I will elaborate on this review.

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464 tasting notes

Well it’s definitely ginger! :-) All I could really taste was the ginger and peppercorns. Maybe a little of the licorice and green tea in the aftertaste about midway through the cup. When it cooled to room temperature, it tasted kind of awful. Much better steaming hot!

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652 tasting notes

1.5 tsp for 250mL water.

Not bad. Genuine ginger in here, for sure, but it still hasn’t got the kick of a blend from last winter’s collection — called Electric Lemon, maybe? Something is cooling the ginger in blend, almost like a mute in a trumpet. I’d keep some on hand for a medicinal tea, but I wouldn’t bother with this for pleasure.

Rating: 60.

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72 tasting notes

I think that the ginger and the spiciness is just drowned out by stevia in this blend. It leaves a really brutal aftertaste, one that I haven’t noticed so much in other teas that contain stevia. I only tried it in store, as it was the tea of the day the last time I was in – Maybe if I brew it myself and make it a bit stronger, the stevia won’t be as offensive. But really, if I have to make an effort to like a tea, I really shouldn’t bother. There are too many better ones out there!!! I’ll leave it unrated for now though.. Would hate to give it a biased rating.

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440 tasting notes

So far this is the best of the new teas in this batch to me, but that’s not saying much. Watered down ginger juice is what I got from it. Again, not the type of tea for me, and yet I am determined to keep trying them, hoping something will surprise me!

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