Movie Night

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Green Tea, Popped Corn
Apple, Butter, Caramel, Popcorn, Sweet, Tart, Salty, Candied Apple, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Cake, Creamy, Honey, Kettle Corn, Sugar, Maple, Maple Syrup, Apple Candy, Apple Skins, Fruity, Grain, Sugarcane, Toffee, Coconut, Dried Fruit, Nutty, Toasty, Molasses, Toasted, Green Apple, Sweet, Warm Grass, Vanilla, Candy, Almond, Pecan
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 15 sec 6 g 47 oz / 1389 ml

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A new tradition

This popcorn tea is better than the real thing. First of all, it has no calories. Second of all, it’s sweetened with maple and apple. Third of all, it has green tea, which studies (well, ok, experience) say is the ideal brew for keeping you quietly alert throughout a late-night flick. Great for thrillers, dramas, westerns or comedies. Drink it at home or smuggle it into the theatre.

Ingredients: Apple, green tea, popped corn, artificial flavouring.


1-2 Perfect Spoonfuls of tea
475 ml (16 oz) of 85℃/185℉ water for hot tea or 295 ml (10 oz) for iced
Steep for 3-4 minutes
Sip hot or top with ice for iced tea

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

286 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Yes! This is a winner. I want more of it when I run out. 20g would do…

Oh, also I totally broke my tea buying hiatus. :O I was having a rough day, and I thought if I went into a Davids to buy a matcha spoon (so I could try my matcha samples easier) then I’d be happier! But then I grabbed Ceylon Spring and Kokomo Green.

Ummm… I technically didn’t order anything though, right? Riiiiight? /0\

I’m going to finish drinking this and go to bed. I didn’t see more than a few little green leaves in the mix so I doubt this would keep me up. I’m re-reading the Dark Tower series. It’s both awful and wonderful at the same time. Books are confusing.


I’m currently reading those books, too! So fantastic, gah.


I loved The Dark Tower series. I keep meaning to re-read it, and never seem to get the chance. So many books, so little time! This is a tea I’d love to try one day — I love popcorn, and it sounds more inticing with every review I read!


i wanna buy their matcha spoon too. but can i do it WITHOUT buying that damn t-shirt. and the julep tea? that’s the big question. arg.


Woo! It’s great to see other people who enjoyed the series! So much of it has stuck with me through the years, but I find that some of the writing annoys me. I think Drawing of the Three and the Wastelands were the best of the series, and the “after-accident” ones were a little weak. I loved the end though. I’m a sucker for reading along with people so I’m reading the commentary from the TOR site ( I did the same thing with the Wheel of Time books. This one is great especially because the blogger is reading it all for the first time.

And good luck Shmiracles. I think your best chance is to go in now before they add the new stuff!


I’ve really fallen in love with this tea since I first had it all those years ago when I stepped into a bright and shiny new DT store at Hillside Mall. I liked it then, but it was jus ok, because I was not tasting it for what it was, but only for what it wasn’t. I have since had it brewed as TTG at the store, and i had it iced last summer once, and I finally decided to grab another small bag to try at home, and I just love it. For what it is and not what it isn’t. I am going to restock this one for sure.


I love the Dark Tower series! Drawing of the Three was my favorite. I want to re-read it eventually, but I know I won’t get any work done if I pick them up again. Have you read The Wind Through the Keyhole yet?

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1792 tasting notes

I took this tea in my Timolino to the morning meetings. Such a comforting, light and playful blend. Kettle corn on the go!


I love this one and might finish off my bag of this tonight…I think I have one or two servings left.


My bag’s almost done too, and it seems like I haven’t had it for too long. This one has been such a pleasant surprise. :)


I just made the last of my bag, though unfortunately, it was not a great mix of ingredients, so it was not the best steep, but still tasty. I will get more when I have more sip downs. Or I send out a few packages and reduce the size of my cupboard.

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16950 tasting notes

Drank while watching Princess Jellyfish (I’m very, very tempted to rewatch the whole series again tonight; I’d say it’s tied with Blood+ right now as my favourite anime). It was the perfect light, kind of nutty, buttery counterpart with just enough sweetness from the apple!

Very gentle.

Autistic Goblin

I haven’t watched those yet. I’m glued to my Fairy Tail manga and I am currently watching Magi, Log Horizon and rewatching Sword Art Online as the new season is coming :D LONG LIVE ANIME!

Roswell Strange

My roommate likes Sword Art Online, but I’ve been putting off watching it specifically because he likes it, heh…

Autistic Goblin

if you like .hack//sign or Log Horizon than you will like Sword Art Online. It’s very good and popular. Well you could always watch Attack on Titan it’s popular… I don’t really like it that much though. Dusk Madien Amnesia is good, 11 eyes was okay, Another was AWESOME and creepy as hell. Watch out for the umbrella! (watch Another and you will understand)

Roswell Strange

I have a friend who really wants me to watch Attack on Titan, but the art style bothers me a lot… Right now I seem to be on a bit of a Bishounen/Shoujo kick, though often I lean towards more fantasy type stuff.

Autistic Goblin

Black Butler (kuroshitsuji) has a very nice art style and the manga just flat out rocks! Kamisama Kiss is good the manga is Kamisama Hajimemeashita. Also I recommend Ouran High School Host Club, Vampire Knight, Fruits Basket, My Bride is a Mermaid is funny, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (FMA doesn’t count) Fairy Tail of course, and umm.. dang it I’m drawing a slight blank right now but give me time and I can list more…

Roswell Strange

I’ve seen Ouran (albeit a while back) and Fruits Basket (also one of my favourites). I watched the first episode of My Bride is a Mermaid but it didn’t really do much to sell itself. Too many angry shouting Yukuza, and I got the sense that’d be a regular thing. My brother is watching FMA Brotherhood right now, and I’m waiting to hear his verdict. Fairy Tale is on my list of stuff to watch, but not totally sure I’m in the right headspace for it atm. I also really like Soul Eater, Digimon (up until Frontier), One Piece (I watch occasionally with my roommate, so what I’ve seen is sporadic), and Free! Iwatobi Swimming Club. I also very recently finished B Gata H Kei and thought that was decent enough, though I was disappointed in the ending.


I love Ouran and Fruits Basket, and just finished a long weekend Hell Girl marathon. I’m debating what to watch next – either Sekaiichi Hatsukoi again (cute boys!) Or something new. B gata h kei did end a little soon – apparently the manga goes on a good bit yet, buf the anime just didn’t get renewed??

Autistic Goblin

well of course Digimon rocks, Black Butler is on Netflix season 1 rocks but the manga is better and still going, season 2 is weird and doesn’t count. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is awesome and I’m sure you’ll like it. I can’t stand One Piece but than I can never get past episode 1, or in the manga chapter 1 because the animation style bothers me.. it looks so childish… and I’ve only seen the first two episodes of Naruto before deciding it was stupid. Soul Eater is pretty interesting but I’ve only got to Death Junior I think his name was.. the weird kid with the obsession with being perfect. Angel Beats is a good show. Magi is really good!! It is kind of addicting to watch Magi so I warn you now. I’ve seen an episode of Free! Iwatobi Swimming Club and it’s in my Crunchyroll que but between Magi and Log Horizon it hasn’t got much attention… poor thing I’ll watch it tomorrow so it stops feeling left out.

Autistic Goblin

@ AnnaEA unfortunately a lot of animes get cancelled but the manga continues. Oh D Gray Man is really good but the anime and manga are both kindof in limbo at the moment but still worth it. I haven’t seen Hell Girl yet. Trinity Blood was good, Black Blood Brothers was also good if I remember correctly. GUNDAM WING rocked but then anything Gundam is usually good, Escaflowne the manga was deliberately done differently than the show and the show actually came first both were awesome though.

Roswell Strange

@AnnaEA, B Gata H Kei was supposed to have a second season but because of complaints/content and what not it didn’t happen initially. Supposedly it’ll be released sometime this summer. Supposedly. @Helena, Death The Kidd! He’s awesome. Definitely one of my favourites. The problem I have with Soul Eater is that I only like half the characters; I can’t stand Liz, Patty, and Black Star. I have a friend who likes Angel Beats and I watched the first episode with her, but I just didn’t enjoy it a whole lot.

Roswell Strange

They need to release the volumes of Princess Jellyfish faster. There are only 13. The sooner they make more of it, the sooner the anime can have a second season.

Autistic Goblin

well it got better after the first episode when you figure out everything it can be quite sad. Not nearly as sad as Clannad After Story even if it did have a happy ending.

Autistic Goblin

Inuyasha is always a must :D


I thought I was the only person who LOVES Blood +. #latetotheparty

Roswell Strange

Blood+ is my favourite anime (tied with Princess Jellyfish)!

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357 tasting notes

I finished another sample of this today. I decided to finish this one today because my hubby and I have a movie night planned tonight. We picked a movie up from the library and we’re hoping to have a relaxing night for a change, rather than the hectic days we’ve been having lately.

As for the tea, it’s one of those blends that I gravitate towards in the Spring and Summer. It’s light, sweet and lovely, and it occasionally reminds me of caramel corn. I enjoy it, but it’s not a tea that I need to keep stocked in my cupboard year round. This is nice as an occasional treat so I plan to pick up another sample of this in the future, possibly next Spring/Summer if I can wait that long. I’m trying not to buy much tea these days and use what I have instead, as we’re gearing up for our upcoming move into our reno’d home. Less than a month to go, 22 days to be exact…I’m getting excited!

Josie Jade

Hope you enjoyed your movie night :)


We did, thank you. The movie (Hunger Games) was actually quite good. The book had more details, but my hubby didn’t read it, and he still enjoyed it.

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761 tasting notes

Had to work downtown today. Picked this up on my way home (which I still am not at since DH took me to dinner at Bard and Banker). But anyway, I got really hot at work today and although I did cool off a bit once I got outside, I knew I wanted something light, but it wasn’t hot enough for iced tea, so I opted for a hot tea that was light and refreshing. I had not had this in a while, and since the caramel matcha yesterday, I’ve been in a sweet and caramel mood ever since. I even had some Big Apple this morning. Yeah. So between Movie Night and Gold Rush (both teas I haven’t had in a while) the Movie Night won out.

Man…I’d forgotten how good this is. And she even fudged the steeping because I had asked her to use the steeper rather than bag to reduce the risk of me leaving the bag in too long an she autopiloted the amount of tea to water for iced tea instead. We just reduced the steeping time and added a little more water for a second steep to add, and somehow it worked out. I tasted the first batch to decide how I wanted to fill my mug. Water would have diluted it too much, but the extra steeped liquid was just the ticket.

Anyhow, with this steeping, I was able to pick up on the green base, but also sweet apple. The popcorn was more in the back, but it was there. I think that I could smell it more than taste it, though. I do love seeing the popcorn in this tea also. And it smells soooo good. This was my first DAVIDs tea, btw, when the Hillside store had just opened up. It was recommended to me by the girl there, who I now know as Sue from the Johnson Street store, and my friend Amy who was living in Toronto at the time. Both said if I liked genmaicha (and I do) that I would like this. I think my initial issues with the tea were now getting enough green tea and not tasting the popcorn. That said, I do remember still liking the tea for how it tasted, rather than how I expected it to taste.

Given my bad luck with making green teas at home though, I might just let them make it for me, but I may just have to get more of this tea and try at home again. We’ll see.


Yay! I love movie night!.. Sometime you should try adding a pinch of salt and brown sugar. So so so good as an iced tea this way.
I may have to add this back into my iced tea rounds seeing as it was so warm and beautiful in Nanaimo today.


It was nice here too. I might try the pinch of salt and see how that works. I do always sweeten my teas, well, almost always.

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361 tasting notes

I was at a Japanese grocery store last week and in their tea section they sell large bags of the toasted rice used in genmaicha. First off, it’s so tasty just to snack on. Second, sizzling rice soup is one of my favorites soups ever but making the rice is a pain, this stuff is perfect! Finally, I’m having so much fun adding this to all varieties of tea. I added the rice to my movie night tonight and it was amazing. First steep was much more popcorn like than apple, which normally dominates, and the popcorn flavor tasted like it was from a movie popper, just a tad burnt, in a good way! The second steep tasted like a toasted apple tea, also very enjoyable. Tomorrow I’m going to add it to my morning tea just for giggles and see what happens! So far it’s made everything better!


Sizzling rice soup? Large bags of toasted rice? Please provide link(s)! I’m super curious.


So I couldn’t find the rice I bought at the store online but this is pretty much the same Looks like its out of stock for now, but gives you an idea of what I’m talkin about. As far as the soup, it’s just a chicken or veggie stock base, with thinly sliced veggies of your choice (I do cabbage, brocolli, carrots, bamboo shoots, and mushrooms) then an optional protein, and the sizzling rice. In restaurants they fry up the rice right before you put it into the soup so that when it hits the hot broth it “sizzles”. I add the rice as I’m eating it so that it stays crunchy. Yum!!! You can also google ‘sizzling rice soup’ and get some recipes, but I’m not much of a recipe person. I let my tummy guide the way…


That sounds awesome! Also because I was drinking Nina’s Japon when I read this earlier today and because Rice Krispies are my fave cereal (apparently i lost all my fun and sense of adventure when I hit 30, hehe)


Oh, that is so cool! Thanks so much. :)

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1186 tasting notes

Backlog, but a very exciting backlog!

Not about this tea, but super exciting (to me)

So if you have been following me on Steepster for a bit, you will know that I have a severe peanut allergy, and thus avoid all nuts in a paranoid manner. You may also recall my excitement at trying Almond matcha, which doesn’t actually have almonds in it, but the concept was a huge step for me to actually try other nuts that I am not allergic to that I know of. Well, yesterday, I decided to go a huge step further. I went to DAVIDsTEA to get some apple teas to try for a co-worker, and I decided to get an ALMOND TEA. Real almonds, no simulated flavors. I was between Forever Nuts and Long Life oolong, and decided on Long Life oolong. So when I got home, it was with great apprehension that I took an almond out of the bag and first rubbed it on my wrist to see if there was a reaction. After 20 minutes, nothing. Good sign. So I pondered for an additional 15 minutes about whether to eat it, and had a small breakdown in the process lol. But finally, I went for it. I ate the piece of slivered almond! It tasted like peaches haha, but it was an almond, and it was in my stomach. The last time I had eaten an almond (which I’m not even sure I am recalling correctly) was when I was 4 or 5 in soccer and we sold those chocolate ones, but that could even be a flawed memory lol. Regardless, it was at least 15+ years ago! And GUESS WHAT! NO REACTION!! Woot! I got a bit worked up so I was worried I’d notice little things like my cat making me sneezy and attribute it to the almond, but it was fine! This opens up so many possibilities in the way of foods I can eat, and teas! So yes, I thought I’d share that with y’all in a long rambling note. Sorry about that, but it is a super big deal for me and I am very pleased with the results lol.

Tasting note about this tea

In my waiting to see if I was allergic to the almond (see above if you care), I made a cup of this, one I bought for it’s apple qualities. Mmmm, man this smelled like apple crisp and tasted spot on like apple crisp! Very filling too, a rich tasty treat. Happy I tried this!


Congratulations Hope you can start eating more kinds of nuts too.


Me too! Baby steps though, it’s a scary yet satisfying process, there are some I will probably avoid forever anyways (pecans and walnuts) but I’d like to try pistachios and hazelnuts at some point!


I have a friend who is allergic to only tree nuts. So he can eat any nut except if it was grown on a tree. Not sure what the difference is.


yay!! Glad to hear you can truly eat almonds now, and hopefully other nuts as well!
One thing I would watch out for though, is the occasional bitter almond. Apparently it happens to about 1 in 100 of them, and most distributors manage to catch them before packaging, but the odd one does slip through. My Mum is allergic to almonds (but not peanuts) and her doc says it may have been that she ate a bitter one, to spark her allergy.


@Lala – Oh, he can probably have peanuts then, as they are actually grown in the ground, I should research about how they are grown to see if that might impact which ones I try!

@Indigo – Yes, it’s exciting :D I can eat macarons now too, so excited! Eep, yes I will keep an eye out for those, I will go very slowly with the amounts of almonds I eat to begin with too, in case a larger quantity triggers my reaction to go off!


Good idea. Fingers crossed for you MissLena! :)


Macarons are definitely worth it! So exciting that you have figured this out.


Thanks all! Pumped about the world of opportunities available now :D


Hooray! So glad for you!


that’s really Great news MissLena !

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160 tasting notes

I love popcorn. I love tea. I love popcorn flavored Jelly Beans. Yet, somehow, popcorn flavored tea is a no go for me. I should have figured this out after trying 52teas popcorn tea. But, reading reviews made me want to try it. Oh how stubborn am I…

The dry tea smells strangely fruity and has a suspiciously large amount of apple and tiny amount of green tea leaves. It also has a few large “popcorns” in the mix. I have to admit that the lingering smell does somehow remind me of candied popcorn.

Brewed, it is a beautiful pale yellow… that smell just like popcorn. I kid you not. Popcorn all the way. I am still at awe at how apples, scarce tea leaves, and a piece of popcorn produce this popcorn brew. The taste is exactly like caramel popcorn. Sadly, I didn’t like it. I couldn’t even bring myself to go past a few sips. Popcorn should not be in tea form. That is my conclusion. Though, some people seem to really enjoy this concoction. Good for you liquid popcorn enjoyers!!

I honestly wish I enjoyed this, the flavor is really well obtained. I am not going to rate it because it is well made, I will acknowledge this, but I did not like it all…

Needless to say, I have a nearly full 50g pouch if anyone is interested in swapping. : )


I love how you are able to put a positive spin on your tea tasting experiences no matter how much you don’t like it!


I didn’t care for 52 teas popcorn either :( I really wanted to.


@SimpliciTEA- Aww… Thanks! : ) I try to keep tea positive. There are enough things to worry about… Lets just enjoy tea and writing about it!

@Azzrian- Yeah… I think that in my case, I have a mental block that prevents me from enjoying tea that is flavored with things that I relate to salty.


Initially I was put off by this tea as well.. but then I read a review that suggested adding a touch of rock salt and raw sugar. I did this and oh my gosh! Delectable. Maybe that would work for you? =)

Daniel Scott

I know how you feel about popcorn! I’m totally the same way! And actually, I liked this one. :P

I liked the 52teas one too, although it was more of a risk for me because I like tea sweet… I found it “interesting,” basically, as a straight, black salty-popcorn taste, and found it actually worked well paired with a hearty starch-and-protein-type meal.

But I also tried adding double the sugar I normally use, and discovered that it transformed it into a sweet-and-salty kettle corn flavour, which I can totally get behind. So. Uh. What was the point of typing all that… I like popcorn teas? But they can’t be too salty for sure, tea which is too salty starts to seem weird.


Nina…….Have you tried lowering steep time & temps? That might transform this tea into a very likeabke brew. :))


Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone!! You have inspired me to give it one more try…. I’ll let you know how it goes! : )


What an interesting tea! If you do not like Popcorn tea, then perhaps you might like Genmaicha, which uses brown rice. It’s taste is unique, and should be better. Just a suggestion.


@Scharp- Thanks for the suggestion! : )
Actually, I have tasted quite a few Genmaicha. I have the same problem with it as I do with this popcorn tea. The cereal popcorn aspect just doesn’t work for me. I really want to like it, so I keep trying it, but so far I haven’t been able to get through a cup of Genmaicha either…


With Genmaicha, for me it can be too nutty/popcorny, so I ……. [please read my above suggestion]. :))


I know what you mean. The corn, or as in the Genmaicha’s case, the rice, detracts a little bit from the taste of the tea. It is definitely an acquired taste.


Hahahaha, I absolutely love your tea reviews!! You’re always so entertaining, and I agree with other Steepsterites that your positivity is simply infectious!


Do you still have this to swap?

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676 tasting notes

Thanks TheTeaFairy for this big sample!

I must be the LAST person on Steepster to taste and review Movie Night!
EVERYONE has written reviews except moi! (and Miss Piggy)

I’m celebrating the occasion of being able to open my window tonight to let in FRESH AIR!
There’s no smoke from the forest fire down low this evening and having this little pleasure is such a treat after being cooped up indoors for the past 3 days.

Movie Night it is (I told myself)! Popcorn and fresh air!

Instead of watching movies, I watch the next Food Network Star and that sort of thing that I save on my DVR.

The scent of the tea steeping was hard to resist. I wanted to stop and drink the tea before it was ready…that’s just how good it smelled. Like walking past a hot caramel corn stand. Irresistible!
I suppose you COULD drink this without sweetening. Why, I have no idea? Adding a little bit of sweet to the slightly salty tea created the best caramely, salty sweet popcorn flavor… full of childhood memories and guilt free. Free I say…free…free…free! What a beautiful word!
One of the greatest gifts that tea has given me is a way to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings without packing on calories.
I knew this wasn’t exactly caramel popcorn flavored. But being a tea…to get this much flavor this close to that movie memory in a blend …well…I think it was tasting pretty cool.

I’ll share a little secret with you…
My first date in my whole life was to the movies in Los Gatos,CA.
I was a Freshman in High School and went with a Senior (big deal) to see Goldfinger with Sean Connery. We held hands. That’s all! (thankful about that too). Love the movies! Goldfinger Theme 1964


Hahaha, that’s so cute! :D


The first date, I mean :P


Omg… I love that your first date was to see Goldfinger. Seriously you just get cooler and cooler.


call me miss piggy then lol I have not had this one.


Hey Miss Piggy! I thought I was the last one!

Daisy Chubb

That is a lovely first date, Goldfinger! Also lovely that you enjoyed this tea and that you get some fresh air and to be FREE!

Invader Zim

There’s two of us named Miss Piggy?! Who would’ve thought!


This little piggy went to market…this little piggy went to town… (there’s more to come)


Girl you’re on fire, I see I’ve missed so many of your reviews, I’m trying to catch up! SO happy you liked this one! (you forgot to mention «MOI» also, I never reviewed this tea, but I’ve been drinking it a LOT!!!

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292 tasting notes

Last night, I was asked by a friend to bring teas to my farm, for a house concert to celebrate my mom’s birthday. He is relatively new to tea and says his favorite tea is chai, which was slightly disappointing to me since I am not such a fan.

Anyway, I brought this because it smells amazing and has a very thick feel, and I thought he might appreciate it. He did, quite a lot, and so did another of the guests at the show. Yay!

5 min, 0 sec

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