Paul & Virginie

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Caramel, Cherry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Vanilla, Cream, Red Fruits
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 18 oz / 541 ml

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50 Tasting Notes View all

  • “since i’m trying to drink up some of my older teas (feb 2013!), i thought a cup of this one was in order. This tea has for sure grown on me as i’ve had it. Now it’s a delicious blend of fruit and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (164) Thank you OMGsrsly for sharing this with me!! It will be missed now that it is gone but I don’t think I loved it enough to pay the shipping to get more. However, if I saw this in a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been under the weather, but well enough to still crave cookies! I wasn’t up to baking, so I purchased some of those little schoolboy biscuits. Mmmm! I thought this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another generous sample from Sil gives me an excuse to hang out and get tea drunk. The dry leaf smells like candy. Almost like strawberry cotton candy, but juicier. I swear! It’s a little on the...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

“Paul & Virginie” flavored black tea

A classic Dammann Freres creation.

Blend of black teas, flavoured with caramel, cherry, strawberry, raspberry redcurrant and vanilla.

Brewing time: 4 to 5 minutes

About Dammann Frères View company

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50 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

since i’m trying to drink up some of my older teas (feb 2013!), i thought a cup of this one was in order. This tea has for sure grown on me as i’ve had it. Now it’s a delicious blend of fruit and caramel and i really do like drinking it. The only downside is that life is stupidly busy today heh


Feb 2013 is pretty awesome for older teas!
I’ve got some Tetley bags from … a while ago, but other than those I’m nearly in the same date range as you. Sadly, February is coming up closer than I expected!


Yeah…I don’t count the puerhs since those can sit and be delicious but I have 3? Teas sitting around from feb….nice thing is I have a gap in the middle of the year lol where I have either ordered no teas or drank them already


How long is that puerh cake going to last year? Are those things massive?


that one is 100g…so they’re smaller than you’d think. you CAN get giant ones, but these are it’ll probably last me over a year since 1 little bit does so many infusions.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (164)

Thank you OMGsrsly for sharing this with me!! It will be missed now that it is gone but I don’t think I loved it enough to pay the shipping to get more. However, if I saw this in a store or someone were to offer me a cup of this vanilla, caramel, berry goodness, I would definitely not turn it down.


Shipping from Vendome Cadeau is only 8 euros, and they carry it. So wish I could try this! It sounds delicious.


MissB, I got it from Sil. I definitely want more, though. It’s delicious!


I’ll order some next month then, it’s inexpensive (5-6 euros for 100g?) and share the love.


Ooh! Yay!

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1112 tasting notes

I’ve been under the weather, but well enough to still crave cookies! I wasn’t up to baking, so I purchased some of those little schoolboy biscuits.

Mmmm! I thought this tea would be perfect for them, because it’s so delicious with chocolate. Berries and caramel and good tea, perfectly blended. I feel like I had the most wonderful, transporting treat. I could be sitting in a little tea house in Europe in a dress and pearls, and not sick on my sofa in my pajamas!

I think it would be a good idea to stick a few of these packages of biscuits in my cupboard for surprise guests. They would feel welcome and treated well at a minute’s notice!

Oh! Before I forget – my latest flickr set

has a bunch of things I’ve been talking about lately like my trip to get shortbread and PG tips, my tea themed cloth napkins, the tea cup cloth that my swap partner on Ravelry made for me, the print of Thomas Sampson that Doulton so kindly sent me (and Doulton – there is a picture of my cat Marty in there!!) etc etc etc if you would like to take a look :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Love the Thomas Sampson print quasi-shrine. And Marty. Awwww, just wanna rub him on the whiskers!


The former interior designer in me ADORES the green accent half of your walls, with your stairs. And I have seriously gotta get me one of those bathroom setups. >.>

What a colorful, cute house!

(And I have to agree…you just wanna cuddle Marty, right? Even though he’d probably be all…GET OFF MY LAWN.)


Marty is a love muffin. I would bet my tins of Thomas that if you guys came over, he would plop in one of your laps – half way. He likes his front paws on people and back paws on the chair :)


What a colorful library! Even kids would love that library!


Ricky – I’ve always said that it looks like it was put together by a couple of bohemian carnival performers! I guess that’s not too far from the truth! ;)


I love your crazy little old man Marty. Long may he wave (or do whatever he pleases)!


(I love your home decor and your crafts too … I just have a special soft spot for 21-year-old cats!)

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1792 tasting notes

Another generous sample from Sil gives me an excuse to hang out and get tea drunk.

The dry leaf smells like candy. Almost like strawberry cotton candy, but juicier. I swear!

It’s a little on the astringent side, but I’m sure milk would tone that down, although I want to try this out without any additives. The strawberry is coming through as the strongest note here. That candy note is probably from the caramel, but it doesn’t scream caramel.

Thanks for the experience, Sil! My first DF tea. Aww.


Tea drunk :P

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 134. It’s always a sad day when a Dammann tea gets sipped down.

I overleafed this but it still turned out amazing, as I have often found with Dammann. They are hard to mess up! This one is lovely with it’s red fruits and caramel. An eventual reorder, perhaps!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks Sil, for completely overloading my cupboard with flavoured tea goodness.

Just. OMG. There are a LOT of teas here laying on my desk.

I grabbed this one first as it reminded me of eating caramels as a kid. I’m sick, I need the comfort.

The tea, as far as I can tell, delivers on its promise. I’m going to add some sugar to it to help me taste it better, but so far, so good!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec



If this cold lets up I’ll hit 300 teas tried within a week. This is ridiculous! Thank you! :) (The Special Dark from Mandala might not make it to my brother’s. I’ve been eyeing that tea for ages!)


Lol it’s fine. I just started tossing in random things. I figured if nothing else the two of you could have a tea party and share :p


Haha. Awesome. He’s coming over next week some time to pick up some honey we bulk ordered, so I’ll make him sit there and try a bunch of teas. I might lure him over to the flavoured side, who knows…

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93 tasting notes

I am having this cold and it’s yummy.
If I had to tell you about this with few words (and I am gonna) : IRISH CREAM.
There I said it. Now I’ll go home and continue the NEVER ending project.

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1353 tasting notes

When Cteresa and I were planning our small swap, she suggested that I try some of this one. I had never heard about it before so I went and looked it up.

Then I made this face: O.O

And then I’m afraid I resorted to pitiful begging to pretty please with a cherry on top have a sample. Or something like that. Okay, maybe not quite that much, but I definitely wanted to try it.

I mean, caramel, vanilla and red berries? That’s like, three of my favourite things to flavour tea with! It reminds me rather of the St Petersburg blend from Kusmi, only without the bergamot. And you know what, I can totally live without bergamot. Easy. And I’m actually quite fond of St P. So what I’m expecting here is something similar but better. St P got 86 points from me on Steepster. Let’s see if we can’t beat that.

Oh my word, the aroma of this one! It smells like cherries and creamy-sweet vanilla and sugar-y sweet caramel. It’s quite heavy on the caramel too. This is liquid sweets in a cup. The berries here are cherry, strawberry and raspberry, but I can only really find the cherry in the aroma. That herry flavoured number from Fru P that I’ve got is really coming in handy here, because the cherry aroma in that one is exactly the same as in this one. Perhaps there’s a wee bit of strawberry underneath, but I can’t really be certain.

Okay, so the aroma is definitely leaving St P behind in a cloud of smoke. So far so good.

The first sip gives me juicy fruit a-plenty. It reminds me at first of a 4 Red Fruits blend, but extra sweet. Although this is only three red fruits. But who’s counting.

The vanilla and caramel are both quite subtle at this point, but the vanilla comes out more as I sip and lends a creamy note. I’m now reminded more of some kind of red berry ice cream dessert. All we need now is the caramel, but I expect it’ll show up if the cup is allowed to cool off a wee bit more. This seems to often be the nature of caramel flavoured teas. They need to be allowed to develop a little more before the flavour really comes out to play. (And no, as I’ve mentioned before, your various tricks of adding sweeteners of various sort do not work for me. It makes nothing “pop” for me. Adding stuff just breaks the tea for me.)

It’s true for this as well. A little patience before sipping further and the caramel is there in the aftertaste.

Oh yeah, this is better than St P all right! I must shop at DF som time.


I am go glad you enjoyed it! I totally agree about the comparison with St Petersburg (and Harney´s Paris blend which is so famous here on steepster), though I do like this one better.

Dammann is very interesting and has some great teas, though IMO it sometimes it is noticeable that it is the same base for most of their black teas and it does not always work for all flavours!


That’s the same problem with Kusmi, I think. They seem to always use the same Chinese black. I mean, I like Kusmi, but now that I have tried a number of different ones, it’s less exiting to try a new one of the flavoured teas. (On the other hand, the fact that I’ve tried all the flavours I’m interested in from them is probably also a part of it.)


I had not (yet) noticed it on Kusmi but I think you are right, particularly about the flavours. It can bring a sameness.

I was talking about that the other day with Ysaurella, I really appreciate it when companies use different bases – Mariage Frères (for all their real and less serious faults) does use different bases, Théodor as well, Yumchaa with its tiny catalogue also and it really is important for me.

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361 tasting notes

In case anyone out there doesn’t know already, Sil and Terri are the best. I just got the BBB box in the mail and it is filled to the brim with not only an amazing amount of awesome teas, Terri put in her Christmas CD so I can actually hear the Harp Lady in action! Sil, in typical Sil mode, put in an insane amount of tea. Her generosity is seriously enormous. Loving my tea ladies today!

To the tea!!! So I’m not a fruity tea gal, but lately my tastes have been changing. Not sure why. Maybe it was spending so much time in the dark roasty corners of laoshan and fujian teas that the pendulum has now swung the opposite way. I’m actually really enjoying this! Not gonna lie, I put a tiny dash of whipped cream on it and it’s super good. Like a berries & cream dessert. Thanks Sil!


Go go trying French teas heh

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4843 tasting notes

I’m nearing the end of my Dammann Freres teas from Doulton – I truly appreciate that you put these together for me. They all have been nothing short of divine! Thank you!

I really like this tea. It is a perfect balance of flavors – the tea and the fruit and the sweet all come together so well. The black tea tastes slightly earthy and has a nice astrigency and just a hint of bitterness – but it’s a good bitterness! The fruit is sweet and juicy, but it is a bit lighter than most fruit flavored black teas that I’ve encountered… it’s more like a touch of the fruit. The caramel and vanilla are seamless and there is a nice, burnt sugar note to the caramel that is not too sweet because of that bitter note I mentioned.

It’s really so very good!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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