Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Biscuit, Sweet, Vanilla, Cake, Chalk, Cookie, Medicinal, Cut Grass, Grass, Almond, Butter, Cream, Lemon Zest, Nutty, Cheesecake, Citrus, Creamy, Lemon, Orange Zest, Milk, Toasty, Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Artificial, Bread, Coconut, Orange, Cracker, Savory, Wheat, Caramel, Pineapple
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 11 oz / 323 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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222 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I got them curriculum writin’ blues Those low-down curriculum writin’ blues I done been editorially corrected And I feel lower than my shoes. I gotta rewrite five activites Gotta rewrite them...” Read full tasting note
  • “60 mile round trip to Target for two boxes of Sleigh Ride and a box of pumpkin Pop Tarts, so I could sit and enjoy them with NCIS. Totally worth it.” Read full tasting note
  • “So last year I was so happy with myself for sipping this down and I went ahead and bought another box the other day, I guess I must like it more than I am willing to admit. It helps if you use a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve let this cool for nearly half an hour now, and it smells like buttery dough and tastes like shortbread. OMG. This is seriously so good. This is what I expected from the S&V Almond tea,...” Read full tasting note

From Celestial Seasonings

This cheerful holiday blend will warm your heart with the inviting aroma of sugar cookies straight from the oven. A blend of creamy milk thistle and roasted barley with a touch of orange peel and vanilla bean, it’s the perfect way to indulge in the pleasures of the season.

Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Roasted Barley, Orange Peel, Natural Sugar Cookie Flavor with other Natural Flavors and Vanilla Bean

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222 Tasting Notes

2961 tasting notes

I got them curriculum writin’ blues
Those low-down curriculum writin’ blues
I done been editorially corrected
And I feel lower than my shoes.
I gotta rewrite five activites
Gotta rewrite them before next week
Got them freelance writin’ blues
Too tired to think or type or speak

OK, enough of that and a mild expression of awe to any of you poor kind people who made it this far in the tasting note without scrolling right on to somebody else :)

Life happens and so do copy changes, But I made a cup of cookie sweetness to keep me from spiraling into chocolate-gnarfing self-pity. This is good. Leave the bag in the cup and it gets better.

Anyone who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever listens to correction acquires good sense. Proverbs 15:32. I’m becoming more sensible by the minute ;)


Oh wow, not only are you writing too, but you’re drinking the same kind of tea I am. Love Love Love that sugar cookie sleigh ride.


figures. Our store only has Tiger Wee, but no sleigh ride


Tiger wee? That sounds…um…kind of icky. An exotic ingredient, sure but…ew! :)


I played slide blues air guitar while singing along. Big amazing solo at the end. Oh yeah. Amazing how the blues make you feel better.

Tiger Wee? OMGosh seriously? I have to find this on the shelf.


bengal spice. drink at your own risk


Aw man, that’s one of my favorites and now that nickname for it will be stuck in my head forever. Nice going Fleurdelily, now I’m scarred for life. :o(


LOL, I’m scarred by drinking it! 0_0 how on earth can you drink that stuff?


It probably has some relation to me being born in the year of the tiger.


I think I had a bad Bengal Spice experience in the past, but I’ve tamped it down so firmly in my subconscious I can’t tell you what I didn’t like about it.


They really named it…Tiger Wee? That’s like proudly labelling a blend, “Poo-erh”!

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1719 tasting notes

60 mile round trip to Target for two boxes of Sleigh Ride and a box of pumpkin Pop Tarts, so I could sit and enjoy them with NCIS. Totally worth it.


…this made me smile…


I agree, donkeytiara. I smiled.


Made me smile too, because it was soooo good.


…it makes complete sense to me to drive all that way for a craving! I think most of us tea enthusiasts are really driven by our senses….. probably adore music (more than the average person) and have a cat too…..


I still have some of this from last year. It is a nice blend :)


Funny, a second box mysteriously appeared at my house yesterday…


Awesome. My wife just knew to grab 2 now rather than listen to me whine come spring. I hope I never lose the ability to enjoy this simple bag of delight and Candy Cane Lane. I haven’t found it at all necessary to look for a loose version.


Now, if I can just find my annual allotment of Bigelow Ginger Snappish…


I’d do the same thing! I’d be snatching up some shortbread, too.

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2816 tasting notes

So last year I was so happy with myself for sipping this down and I went ahead and bought another box the other day, I guess I must like it more than I am willing to admit. It helps if you use a small cup, and let it sit for a while. I also recommend soymilk (or creamer of your choice) and then it isn’t too bad. Stevia kind of ruined it I will try some coconut sugar soon. I think I just really enjoy the aroma of this more so than the taste. Good for evening time, after yoga class and helped with the ubiquitous dessert cravings.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

We bought a bulk pack of cinnamon sticks recently and I’m dipping them into everything—-wonder how they would be with this. Snickerdoodley?


mmm. If you try it, let me know!


Might just have to try the cinnamon stick myself !! ;)

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1598 tasting notes

I’ve let this cool for nearly half an hour now, and it smells like buttery dough and tastes like shortbread.

OMG. This is seriously so good. This is what I expected from the S&V Almond tea, for some reason even though that’s probably not a fair comparison but I don’t care. This is a nice tea.

And it’s a sipdown! (165, with my Riverteas added in!)


I wish I experienced this the same way you did. I have more should you want it.


I may take you up on that! :D I’m not sure why it works for me? Two bags at boiling for 6-8 minutes, poured into a large mug = perfection.


I lost the last bag you sent me by dropping it into salsa. :P


Something tells me salsa and shortbread are not a great pair

Roswell Strange

You never know – sometimes sweet and savory go together quite well ;)


I never thought much of CS teas but now I want to try this!

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3294 tasting notes

I, the snob who usually scoffs at most flavored teas, bought a box of this on a whim at whole foods today because:
a) as the weather gets colder, I tend to want an occasional cup of something sweet, & something without caffeine in the evening is nice.
b) it was on sale

I opened it, it smells delicious! Just like a sugar cookie! There is a hint of citrus, & plenty of vanilla. I drank a cup, & it was so-so. I drank a 2nd cup, using 2 bags this time, & a little sweetening, & it was a tasty treat! I will scoff no more. :)
(I’ll still avoid artificial flavors, however)


Lol I almost picked this up.


I bought a box this year too. :)


Hahaha! This is a sign! You secret Celestial Seasonings drinkers have got to come here for the tour de tea! (We can hit all the other tea houses too!) July during the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival!


that would be awesome!

Terri HarpLady

I’d love to come! I’ll have to see if I can fit it into my crazy schedule (& budget) this year


Knew you’d like it ;)

Terri HarpLady

I used to drink a lot of tea from Celestial Seasonings, especially in my 20s when I first got off coffee. :)


I have to get a box of this!

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2970 tasting notes

Double bagged this tonight, to try and coax out a little more flavor. I do get a slightly stronger sense of the cookie with this double bagged, but its still mild and not overwhelming.
Its in no way an offensive tea, but it is underwhelming.


Seem times underwhelming is almost worse…like it couldn’t commit to something… Lol at least that’s how I feel.


I agree. Somehow it does seem worse to be underwhelmed then to have serious feelings about it.

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16438 tasting notes

One of the last teas of the night; bagged and caffeine free for convenience. One more cup of this and it’s a sipdown – the plan is to finish it off tomorrow night.

It’s a little sad how drinking this one has kinda become a chore. Lowering the rating a bit to reflect that…

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1220 tasting notes

This smells SO much like cookie dough, but sadly the taste is not living up to the scent.

It’s not bad though, to me it just tastes like it needs one more thing, a savory note perhaps, to round it all out. It just ends on this super sweet note and I feel like if it could be something else that tastes more cookie-ish, it would really make the tea. The orange peel is a little too strong for me also, but I also just left the tea bag in as I sipped.

I might try using 12 oz of water in a bigger mug next time with two bags and see how that turns out. Regardless of that sweetness and the strong orange, I really do like this.


I had trouble with this one also…the reviews were so positive but I just could not get it to brew to my liking.

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6444 tasting notes

So I am having this tea hot, plus I added some Monkfruit in the raw and I am still getting a soggy cracker tea. I know that is a weird thing to say but to me this tea tastes like an unsalted premium plus cracker that got a bit wet. I have no idea why and I tried it different ways and with different additives but that is all I am getting. I had such high hopes for this one too. In my mind, if I were to like any of the Celestial Seasoning holiday teas, it would definitely have been this one. Turns out I was wrong but you never know unless you try.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

YES! Definitely tastes like crackers to me too…

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1015 tasting notes

Finishing up this box – I don’t think I have another unless it is hiding behind some things in the cupboard so I’ll be decupboarding this one for now. I like this one, but it isn’t my favorite of the CS holiday line – that honor is reserved for the Candy Cane Lane. Anyways, this tea really does smell like fresh baked sugar cookies. The taste isn’t completely spot on, but it is close enough with honey and milk to easily pass as a dessert tea. I’ll definitely buy another box this holiday season!


One thing I liked at the factory was the MINT ROOM! WOW! They have a fun store full of tea pots etc!


That sounds like a really fun experience!


CS tour is on my bucket list!

Scott B

This is a nice herbal option. It’s good to dip an almond crescent or even a graham cracker in. CCL is the best, that’s for sure!

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