Tea type
Food Fruit Blend
Not available
Earth, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Tart, Apple, Fruity
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 301 ml

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  • “The more I try this tea the more I can taste the sweet apple over the beetroot and the more I find myself liking it….even loving it. This one has definitely grown on me.” Read full tasting note
  • “There aren’t actually all that many fruit teas I’ve liked all that much recently, so this one came as a rather pleasant surprise. I was actually thinking I wouldn’t like it…real beetroot isn’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “I admit I had my doubts when ordering this tea, but it definitely is a great find. Not so fond of beetroot (I like it, but in small doses ;-) ), but fascinated by the comments…and this is another...” Read full tasting note
  • “TTB #21 I’m really sad about the hibiscus in this blend, because I’m enjoying the balance between the earthiness of the beetroot and the bright, zesty citrus. Unfortunately, that tart hibiscus...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Beet It is our award winning Beetroot tea.. Beetroot in tea?! Seriously, it works! Don’t believe us? Well the judges said this: ’A true, earthy beetroot nose followed up by an inspired combination of ingredients that gives you a wonderful twist.. and what could be more welcoming or comforting?

Ingredients: Beetroot, Apple Pieces, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Hibiscus, Rosehip, Flavour

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11 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

The more I try this tea the more I can taste the sweet apple over the beetroot and the more I find myself liking it….even loving it. This one has definitely grown on me.

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2238 tasting notes

There aren’t actually all that many fruit teas I’ve liked all that much recently, so this one came as a rather pleasant surprise. I was actually thinking I wouldn’t like it…real beetroot isn’t something I enjoy eating, so I wasn’t all that sold on the idea of it in tea. It’s actually surprisingly nice, though.

There’s quite a lot of hibiscus here, I think, although they’re fairly unavoidable in this kind of blend. It hasn’t made this one too sour, though…possibly the earthiness of the beetroot has helped to balance out some of the tartness. The other fruit flavours are also remarkably prominent. I can taste orange and lemon, and they add a pleasantly citrussy overtone to what would otherwise be a fairly conventional fruit tea. The apple is the only thing that’s a little lost, although it might be helping out the beetroot in its fight against the hibiscus a little. Either way, this is a genuinely interesting and fairly unqiue autumn/winter tea. I’m glad I’ve got a full bag in my stash, because I can see myself drinking this well into the new year. Well done, Bluebird!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’ve been obsessed with beets lately. The amount of beet smoothies I’ve been drinking has gotten out of hand.

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346 tasting notes

I admit I had my doubts when ordering this tea, but it definitely is a great find. Not so fond of beetroot (I like it, but in small doses ;-) ), but fascinated by the comments…and this is another Great Taste Award in UK.

The judges say : ‘A true, earthy beetroot nose followed up by an inspired combination of ingredients that gives you a wonderful twist on borscht – and what could be more welcoming or comforting – except for a shot of vodka added to it. Fantastic outdoor winter drink – but why bother going outdoors? Original and well worth rewarding.’

Indeed, it starts off with a beetroot rich nose, but in mouth the blend is far more balanced, and I think it also makes a wonderful and refreshing summer time drink!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML
Martin Bednář

This is indeed interesting tea. I was quite vigilant trying it for first time.

White Antlers

This sounds very refreshing. I love beets and they need more love.

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990 tasting notes

TTB #21

I’m really sad about the hibiscus in this blend, because I’m enjoying the balance between the earthiness of the beetroot and the bright, zesty citrus. Unfortunately, that tart hibiscus aftertaste kind of ruins the experience for me.

Flavors: Earth, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Tart

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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2589 tasting notes

The scent of this tea is definitely beets. It’s a bit unpleasant warm. I added a small amount of sugar to make it better. As it cools, I get used to the flavor and enjoy it decently well drinking it slowly throughout the day. It’s not one I’d want to have all the time, but it’s certainly unique! Much more of a beet flavor than the DavidsTEA version has. I’d call this one rather savory and warming and definitively beet.

Martin Bednář

I was surprised how tasty can beetroot in tea.


I haven’t been brave enough to avail myself of beety and carroty teas yet, but it definitely sounds noble and healthy. Shortlisting!


I looooooove carrot teas. They’re some of my absolute favorites. Not sure I’m entirely convinced by beet teas quite yet!

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2065 tasting notes

A beetroot in tea? Are you serious?
I am not a fan of beetroot. I can not even imagine it in tea. It is just weird, you know?

Boiling water, 300 ml glass tea mug, 2 tea spoons of mix in strainer.
Beetroot is very good dyestuff. I know it, because we have it on the garden and my mother(and grandma) loves it. Not men in my family though :D

So, it turned into pink – deep red colour. It smells quite earthy, after beetroot naturally and little of orange zest. It looks quite lovely.

In taste it is good. Yep beetroot is quite strong, but I was afraid it will be too strong. Certainly noticable that earthy flavour of it.
But then there is sweet notes. I assume it is that apple pieces in and orange peel. That makes it milder, sweeter and bit refreshing.

Flavors: Apple, Earth, Fruity, Orange Zest

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

I’ve had tea with beets as an additive, but never front and center. Interesting! Beets are one of those vegetables I’ve always intended to like, but can’t seem to find a recipe that makes my taste buds happy.

Martin Bednář

gmathis: you exactly said what I think about beetroot. But no, I just did not had it in tea before. But it is working quite well.


I had beet lemonade a few nights ago. Definitely very earthy but I liked it!

Roswell Strange

Beet is definitely seeing an uptick in usage, within tea but in beverage in general. It’s unique because as much as it has an earthy taste it also has a very pleasant sweetness (after all, rock sugar is usually made with beet sugar) – and it contributes a very vibrant colour – which makes it an appealing ingredient to blend with.


Pickled and in borscht are about the only ways I like beets. Beet lemonade sounds intriguing though.

Martin Bednář

I forgot about borscht, in there I like it too. Beet lemonade looks good too!

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313 tasting notes

Another entry from the exciting Bluebird tea roulette collection, and MAN, it’s definitely a beet tea.

I felt like I needed something both calming and fortifying this morning, since I’m preparing for a job interview. The earthiness of beetroot seemed a good choice. The concept of a beet tea is new to me, and I was admittedly skeptical. The dry mix smells just like beets, and as it brews, I get the aroma of, well, cooked beets. And it brews up a vibrant shade of deep beetroot pink. This isn’t selling it well, but man, it’s actually really good! The flavour is strongly beet as well, but bolstered by subtle notes of sweet apple and a tart finish from the citrus and hibiscus. But mostly, it’s beet. And that’s actually making me feel really good about the morning. Thank you, beet!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I want to try the tea roulette so much! I’m way too scared though, haha. Plus I already have 11 of their teas so I don’t want to get it again :/

Sami Kelsh

Yeah, probably not worth doing the roulette if you’ve already got a bunch of their stuff – you could get the pick n mix sampler and just pick 5 things at random yourself that you haven’t had!

I’ve already found a few I’ll likely be restocking when I run out. They’re fantastic!


I’ve already had the pick-n-mix sampler twice! I probably will just pick some at random next time I order. Which will be soon…


What else did you get?

Sami Kelsh

So far I’ve tried: Coffee Pu’Erh, Dark Choc Chilli Chai, Rhubarb & Custard, Enchanted Narnia, Peppermint Cream, Totally Nutty, Watermelon Splash, and this one. I did actually specifically order the Watermelon Splash alongside the roulettes, because it’s shiny and new and I had a mighty need.

I have yet to try: Skinny Minny, Mojitea, Nearly Nirvana, and Strawberry Lemonade. Who knows what I’ll settle on trying tomorrow! So far I have yet to not like any of them. That’s impressive!


I have to say in very impressed with Bluebird so far! I have the Coffee Pu’ Erh and Dark Choc Chilli Chai too, and all the others you have are on my Bluebird ‘to try’ list! I have the MojiTEA and Strawberry Lemonade too, both of which are delicious.

Sami Kelsh

Yay! I seriously recommend all the things.


I would too – the only Bluebird tea I’ve had that I wouldn’t recommend is Terry’s Tea, but I think that’s because I associate it with bad memories.

Sami Kelsh

Aww, that’s too bad :( ‘m so glad I don’t have any bad memory teas. I just can’t listen to Radiohead or visit the Midwest.


Yeah :/ it’s self-inflicted, though – it just reminds me too much of a schnapps drink that made me ill once ha. Radiohead gives me the feels too.

Sami Kelsh

BLERG. I was like that with sour apple flavoured stuff for years after an incident involving equal parts dark rum and green apple soda at an art opening where the host’s wife just kept feeding us drinks. Radiohead just reminds me of a very bad ex who was a superfan. Less fun. Mercifully, I was never very invested in their music to begin with!

I’ll rampage before anyone or anything threatens to ruin tea for me. Tea is sacred.


Eurgh! :S that’s part of the reason I stopped drinking. Yeah that doesn’t seem so fun…

Haha that sounds about right! I’m okay with steering clear of this one particular tea, though.

Sami Kelsh

Yeah, I kind of kept drinking after that, but I was also 17, and therefore stupid. Now, if I have a drink, I’m hungover before I’m tipsy. I stick to tea.

And occasionally half a bottle of toffee apple cider because it tastes like fizzy creamy toffee and sometimes I have the tastes of a child.


Hahaha toffee apple cider is admittedly delicious. I occasionally break my ‘no alcohol’ rule depending on how tasty said alcohol seems.

Sami Kelsh

Basically. If it’s tasty and I suspect there’s not enough of it to give me a headache and somebody is paying for it, I probably won’t say no. It’s a lot easier now that I’m seeing someone who doesn’t drink, mind, because that’s at least one person at most social occasions who won’t judge me if I order a tea at a pub or something.


I can definitely agree there. My partner doesn’t drink either, and actually stopped before I did. I have only seen him drink once – a night I ended up spending looking after him and washing his sick out of my hair – and after that I couldn’t face drinking any more either.

Sami Kelsh

Yeah, that’s unappealing. :p

One of the side effects of not drinking, I find, is that hanging out with a bunch of people who are drinking is suddenly just weird and uncomfortable. I was invited out with a bunch of former coworkers about a month ago and it was just awkward. People kept asking me what I was drinking and then getting all shouty and weird when I said it was ginger ale. Why do we have to defend not drinking?


Definitely :P

I find that too! I hate feeling like I’m on trial when I have to explain that I don’t drink, but I’m starting to find it easier to just say no now, instead of being pressured into going out. Being a student, too, it’s something that people expect of me – even from my family. Whenever I get money, for example, they always say “don’t spend it all on vodka!” Even though they know I don’t drink. It’s difficult to find other students that don’t like to drink, but I’ve found quite a few recently which I’m glad of, and I always have Frankie too, at least.

I find ‘going out’ (like, clubbing etc.) to be weird and uncomfortable now too, it’s just not fun when you’re sober and see the reality of it fully. So it’s nice to find other people that understand! (:

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4337 tasting notes

Thank you MissB for this surprise sample with my other samples! I’m definitely up for trying any Bluebird teas, even if this one looks like hibiscus overload. I used the entire sample which is wayyy more than two teaspoons. Hopefully it doesn’t kill me! I ran downstairs so this one steeped for four minutes at boiling too. Yikes. I think I just realized… what if I steeped hibiscus teas at a lower temp? I could try it anyway. The color of the cup is magenta! Or like a beet? I don’t think I’ve ever had beets before! The flavor is actually NICE for a fruity tea! Wow.. this isn’t even the first fruity tea from Bluebird I’ve actually loved. They are even good at making fruit blends! Somehow this isn’t as hibiscus as I thought it would be… just enough to give it some kick. Really, it does actually taste like beets. Then there is a sweetness from the apple. Then some citrus from the lemon/orange. This is balanced wonderfully. Really over two teaspoons wasn’t overdone after all. WOW again… I really like Bluebird’s fruit teas. I might even like the fruity teas more than the black tea base that they use, because it isn’t enough of a kick for me. If only all fruity blends could be this nice.

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