Mint Medley

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Hibiscus, Lemon Peel, Peppermint, Rose Hips, Spearmint
Lemon, Menthol, Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint, Herbaceous, Metallic, Floral, Herbs, Bitter, Rose
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by AJRimmer
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 g 12 oz / 344 ml

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From Bigelow

Our refreshing Mint Medley is a lovely blend of both fresh garden spearmint and peppermint, all grown and harvested right here in America. Either hot or iced, this brew leaves you with a cool, crisp and clean finish.

Ingredients: Peppermint leaves, spearmint leaves, rose hips, lemon peel, hibiscus

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82 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Backlog – I had a cup of this yesterday at my graduation! Yay I am finally done! It feels good but also weird..I don’t think reality has fully hit me yet either, so I imagine when it does, I will be freaked out that I’m not going back to school. But yes, it was a decent day, the weather cooperated and was sunny all day. Happy I could have at least one cup of this, I also took a tea bag of the green tea they had, but didn’t get a chance to make it. Oh well, I find mint bagged teas to be a safe bet at public events, and this one was not bad. Fresh and calming on a busy day. I steeped it for probably around 5 minutes or less, and carried it around campus until it was done haha.

Oh! I also had a random loose leaf rooibos at dinner in some authentic ‘blueberry tea’ as a dessert. They brewed it in the same gravity steeper I have, as my parents got mine at that restaurant for Christmas. So that was pretty neat, although I have no idea how long it steeped for and I think they massively overleafed. It still tasted good anyways, and I don’t feel like making a tasting note for an unknown rooibos, so I’ll put it in this note.

ETA – I also should add a thanks to everyone on Steepster and to tea in general. Tea was an integral part to my success this year, it kept me sane and healthier, and less stressed :) and reading all your tasting notes helped me discover more teas this year and as a result, I rarely drink alcohol anymore and just enjoy tea that much more. This really helped my studies as I wasn’t going out and instead would just relax at home when I could with a cup of tea. Thanks everyone for your contribution to me getting my degree, and I appreciate all your notes and support!!



Terri HarpLady

Congrats Lena!


Congratulations on graduating!


Thanks everyone!! :)




Congrats! Wishing you a successful, happy and fulfilling career!




Congratulations! :)


congrats Lena ! Félicitations et bravo :)




Thank you and merci!! :D

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1112 tasting notes

The beginning of the semester always leaves me feeling like I was hit by a truck. The new students are so needy! When I got home, I actually said to my dog, “Let’s see how I can help you!” like I said to the students all day! Argh! It was definitely a lazy tea bag night. My throat hurts from so much talking and my stomach is in a knot, so I thought a mint tea with some honey would be super soothing. Ahhhh, it is.

Boiling 8 min or more

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1719 tasting notes

I have no idea how old this is but I suspect several years. It was given to me. Steeped in a small cup to see if it survived. At first I thought it was too far gone but as it cooled the peppermint came through nicely. Really not getting the spearmint but I prefer it that way. The rosehips and hibiscus give the cup color and only the slightest touch of tart. It would be interesting to know how this tastes fresh. I probably would not buy a box but will definitely finish this one.


I have had this tea last year in fact. It is a minty tea but not overly minted and I would not have a full box of it; mine was part of their assorted tea packs.
I am not reviewing of teas these days. Not much doing with tea. There will be no book by me on tea. No need since I am simply not good enough. I continue to be bothered by things. I feel bullied but it is imagined since a 13 years old and their mother would not do this. At times tea land feels a little like ‘Hitler land’ and I mean no disrespect to those who suffered.
I received this book: And the Pursuit of Happiness by Maira Kalman and I have gotten emails notice several time with new Steepster folks who can be asked anything and will have answer. Their company is in Pursuit of Tea; Anna and Sebastian. I wish them well. It was this email that prompted me to visit here now.
My illness is the way that I connect things together when others see not a connection or specifically so what if seeming familiar.

I gave up a lot and it has been all for nothing. No one asked that I give up lots. The tea book was all my idea as I am unemployed and keeping busy. I have allowed others to get the better of me or to top me since this is the personality that I am surrounded with. I cannot do this. I keep a blog as this does not sustain me either. I a joke; ridicule daily by folks around me. This is wrong.
I played at writing and failed but why have seeming actors with names similar to stories around me and yet not. They are employed and I am not.
I am not saying anything as usual. Happy New Year; for me it is same old in 2014.
I exist on Ramen Noodles and I’ve only realized that I am having chicken not shrimp; took this long to notice the change since I don’t read.
I trust that I have lost everyone.


seule771: Thank you for sharing yourself with us, here.

I myself only work part-time, and as such must live a very simple life.

Tea one of many low-cost ways to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, is it not?


seule771—do stay connected with us here. I have always enjoyed your very thoughtful reviews!

As to this tea—good ol’ Bigelow just doesn’t put out anything that’s not a good pantry staple. Their Plantation Mint is the caffeinated counterpart to this one and is nicely balanced, too.


Seule771 – I do apologize I missed your comment here. I have followed your reviews for a long time and have always been intrigued by the brands you find. I have not heard of most of them. Do keep bringing them to us.

SimpliciTEA – hey I haven’t seen a comment for a very long time either. I have also missed your reviews.

Gmathis – I agree, Bigelow has always been one I feel comfortable bringing home.

Autistic Goblin

hehe I forget to log and when I do, you definitely don’t get anything more complicated from me than a simple yum or yuck. I leave the detailed reviews to those who speak tastebuds or tongue. I can’t do either. I can speak dog fluently and a little cat though. You should always post what you feel/think/taste or whatever comes to mind when drinking tea. I do the same thing on goodreads I can tell you when I like a book or not but I can’t do the full reviews some people do. I mostly like reading other people’s posts and try to keep track of my teas and how much I’m drinking :D

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16975 tasting notes

While at the movies I also got a small cup of the bagged tea they sell there. I used to drink this all the time when I worked at the theatre during opening; I’d load it with three or four of the prepackaged things of cream and sip at it to gently wake myself up.

This time, I had it plain – but it was still a good, solid straight mint tea regardless of the fact it’s bagged.

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541 tasting notes

Wow, I haven’t logged this one in a really, really long time. The tea itself still tastes very fresh despite being so old. I have been feeling really terrible since yesterday and this is the first tea I’ve had in probably two days because I was worried about strong flavors. This is perfect for today though as I’m trying to get some more liquid in my system. It is minty, fresh, and very soothing.

Bigelow Tea

So happy to hear you’re enjoying some Mint Medley! Hoping you feel better soon.
Kathy for Bigelow Tea


Thanks for the note! Having a nice cuppa this actually really helped. :)

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6768 tasting notes

Needed a quick cup of something minty and in a bag and this is what I found…yesterday…back logging…see other notes on this one

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639 tasting notes

Hmm, this is pretty mediocre at best. I’m not a fan of spearmint in anything other than gum. So, this basically just tastes like liquid gum to me. The good news? I can’t detect any hibiscus!

It isn’t horrible for a bagged tea, but it’s not something that I really want to drink either. Oh well. I didn’t have high expectations for this one anyway.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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355 tasting notes

I’m still feeling like crap, so excuse me while I rant for a second.

Why, in the name of all that is holy, are there ROSEHIPS AND HIBISCUS IN A MINT BLEND??!?!?! This makes me want to smash things. Instead of a nice refreshing mint tea I get a hint of mint followed by that ridiculously awful rosehips/hibiscus/red flavor. UGHHHHHH.


There’s what??? I didn’t taste it… and I’m glad!


I know…RIGHT!? Freaked me out, too!


Weird…I went back and looked…and rated it higher than I thought. Also said YUMMY? Was I smokin’ something that day!? LOL – I remember the aftertaste being funky…and don’t see a comment with this aftermath-update…strange…


Ew! Seriously? What a waste of mint.


And apparently I didn’t notice it either when I drank it. Interesting….

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348 tasting notes

Is this a sophisticate’s dream tea; a connoisseur’s complicated cup? No. But the title is alliterative, and it’s damn easy to prepare. Both desired traits in a sniffly writer. This is my go-to “Sniffles Blend”. In fact, if I had a vote, I would call it Sniffles Blend. However, Mint Medley sounds much prettier. It has all the lemoniness, mintiness and awesomeness to help me BREATHE again. And it tastes good. I am forever a fan, snobbery be damned.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Bigelow Tea


Thanks for the review…love it!

Valorie for Bigelow Tea

Geoffrey Norman

Glad ya liked. I’m all stocked up for the winter. :-)

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3011 tasting notes

Elder care is not for sissies. We have been unsuccessfully researching care and living options for mom-in-law and I feel like a moth who has beaten its little head senseless on light bulb after light bulb without getting anywhere.

So this evening I folded my scorched wings and overheated brain, picked out a playlist of hymns that made my heart happy, crocheted to the beat, and washed it all down with a double bagger—this nice spearmint/peppermint blend, plus a tulsi chaser. Other reviews mention a cooling effect. I concur. Leaves your taste buds a little tingly.


Sounds like the perfect break that you needed. Take care of yourself while dealing with the care of your mother-in-law! :(


Thanks for the kind words!


I hope the tea helped and that a solution presented itself to you!


Tea, yes; solutions, nothing. Waiting lists, waiting periods, waiting for return calls, no clear and helpful “here’s what you should do and in what order” answers.

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