I was going through my personal tea rating spreadsheet and I noticed that I didn’t have this one rated. . which means I haven’t logged it here yet. This has been my go-to tea for the past month or so. I only have a few sachets left and I can’t get anymore until mid july because everything is out of stock until the bamboo harvest is over. (OK, so there’s a bit of a money issue on my side, but I want tea dammit! surely this counts as a necessity - and with the new blends showing up from some of my favorite places, I feel an irresponsible splurge coming on ;) )
I’ve already made it known that I love mint, so I am biased to rating most mint blends pretty high. As far as being a blend goes, the peppermint drowns out most of the bamboo flavor. This could be a good thing for anyone who wants bamboo for the health benefits, but who doesn’t like the flavor. I like plain bamboo and I like mint, so its all good to me no matter what. I started getting bamboo tea when I heard how good it is for skin and hair. Grow hair grow! (so close to waist atm :) )