Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
Not available
Apple, Bread, Burnt Sugar, Candied Apple, Caramel, Cream, Pumpkin, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Butter, Butterscotch, Medicinal, Milk, Rooibos, Tangy, Whiskey, Brown Sugar, Custard, Maple Syrup, Rum, Wood, Molasses, Resin, Spicy, Toffee, Yogurt, Honey, Nutty, Peanut, Alcohol, Graham Cracker
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec 3 g 14 oz / 407 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I like this for something different when the mood strikes. It’s certainly strong, borderline cloying, so it’s not a daily tea and you need to be in the mood for it. I prefer 3-4 minute steep over 5...” Read full tasting note
  • “2021 sipdown no. 19 This one is like those wee candies wrapped in clear plastic we would get at Halloween (https://candyfunhouse.ca/products/regal-creamy-caramels-2kg). Far too sweet for either of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum. This tea is still so good! I rearranged my kitchen cupboards which necessitated rearranging my teas, and I found this one. I still really like it. Why haven’t I drank it more? No clue. I would...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been wanting to try this tea for awhile, but it always seemed to be sold out. I placed an August Uncommon order for a Christmas present, and this was back in stock. Of course I had to grab a...” Read full tasting note

From August Uncommon Tea

Darkly sweet rooibos with pumpkin and caramel

Psychocandy is all pumpkin, no spice. We married the creamy sweet depth of real pumpkin flakes with earthy rooibos. Even before you taste it, the heady aroma will intoxicate you. Each sip has a long lingering caramel finish that remains long after the cup is empty. Adding milk turns the creamy sweetness up to 11. Makes a knockout tea latte.

INGREDIENTS: south african rooibos, dried pumpkin, turkish apple, caramel, sweet blackberry leaf, madagascar vanilla, flavoring

TASTES LIKE: baked pumpkin, salted butter caramel, golden syrup
FEELS LIKE: a brisk walk under a harvest moon


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40 Tasting Notes

311 tasting notes

I like this for something different when the mood strikes. It’s certainly strong, borderline cloying, so it’s not a daily tea and you need to be in the mood for it. I prefer 3-4 minute steep over 5 for this one.

I drank in my new raven tea cup with some saltines and creamy havarti cheese, which is usually my favorite tea snack other than chocolate. This one doesn’t fully go with the cheese and crackers, and due to the strength and sweetness, it wouldn’t go with chocolate either, so it’s a difficult food pair.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 5 OZ / 147 ML

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1404 tasting notes

2021 sipdown no. 19

This one is like those wee candies wrapped in clear plastic we would get at Halloween (https://candyfunhouse.ca/products/regal-creamy-caramels-2kg). Far too sweet for either of us. We ended up dumping our cups. Nonetheless, always happy to have an opportunity to try new things. Thanks Cameron!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

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2291 tasting notes

Yum. This tea is still so good!

I rearranged my kitchen cupboards which necessitated rearranging my teas, and I found this one.

I still really like it. Why haven’t I drank it more? No clue. I would order from them again if… oh hey, they are now offering “15-cup” bags for about $10. It looks like they’re not doing those seasonal releases in tins only! Oh, I might be able to pick up some of my favourite herbals. I’ll have to see where I’m at with drinking up all my no caffeine teas before I work teas into my budget again…

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1968 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this tea for awhile, but it always seemed to be sold out. I placed an August Uncommon order for a Christmas present, and this was back in stock. Of course I had to grab a sample bag for myself to try. This has a rich, dark, molasses flavor, and no trace of rooibos for me. It’s has a very distinct squash flavor, but isn’t starchy. I definitely would’ve loved to sip on this mid-October.

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1783 tasting notes

I dislike rooibos, but I really like pumpkin so I decided to give this a try. It has a sweetness to it, not quite stevia and not sugar. Monkfruit? I’m not detecting pumpkin. More of a dark fruity mix. I’m not getting any of that dry mouth rooibos thing and I’m glad for that. This reminds me of a fruity rooibos mix with sprinkles that a couple of companies used to carry. Black Cat may have been the name of one. Either way, I think I like this one better, but I’m not 100% sure what to make of it.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

Happy Halloween! This tea is the perfect autumny dessert tea for the occassion. Even from the aroma it is so sweet… caramel apple, burnt sugar/toffee, vanilla… it smells like melted down candy corn in a cup to me. Very sweet and indulgent. Not the sort of thing I could drink every night, but hits the spot when I have a strong sweet craving.

Flavors: Apple, Bread, Burnt Sugar, Candied Apple, Caramel, Cream, Pumpkin, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

Sounds perfect for the day.

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1655 tasting notes

A pleasant gift from Mastress Alita.

I haven’t had rooibos since early this year in the winter. It’s Halloween eve and I’m lounging around in a drawn-on moustache (I’ll be genderbending as Gomez Addams at work tomorrow. We have the whole Family), so I made a pot of Psychocandy for the house tonight. All 14 grams in a 1000mL teapot. Steeped with boiling and forgotten about.

So the dry leaf smells rich like butterscotch with medicinal rooibos but the medicinal aspect does not come through in taste at all. Woohoo! That aroma! Rich but a little hollow buttery caramel-butterscotch, vanilla milk and something darker — that rooibos aroma. I let the tea cool a bit and the caramel-blackberry leaf sweetness really comes out on the sip followed by the dark red rooibos and a bit of apple tang that hangs out after the swallow. Pumpkin is always a difficult flavor to pin down in food and drink but I think it’s there. What else… something reminiscent of the scorched sugar topping of crème brûlée. Long butterSCOTCH flavoring aftertaste. Later, there’s some dryness in the throat.

I couldn’t see myself drinking this often because it’s so sweet but the flavor is just awesome. As far as flavored tisanes go, this is bumpin’.

Happy Halloween tomorrow!

Flavors: Apple, Burnt Sugar, Butter, Butterscotch, Caramel, Medicinal, Milk, Pumpkin, Rooibos, Sweet, Tangy, Vanilla, Whiskey

Boiling 8 min or more 14 tsp 34 OZ / 1000 ML
Mastress Alita

I should really try it myself, sounds really nice!


Why not have a cup tonight?

Mastress Alita

I’m drinking (my last!) cup of Rooibos Chocolate Chai, so I’ve already brewed my nightly herbal, but I definitely can make it a thing tomorrow!

Martin Bednář

Sounds lovely! And happy to see you around again. I was bit afraid because of wildfire.


Martin, we were lucky here. Our house was spared the power outages and mandatory evacuations so we hosted family and friends that weren’t so fortunate. It was/still is a very stressful week for hundreds of thousands of people.

Mastress Alita

Todd was once again in the blackout zone. :-( He didn’t have power at his house from last Sunday through Tuesday, if I remember right.

Martin Bednář

Happy to hear derk :) I would do similar if I were in your situation, helping others. I hope it will be better soon for everyone!

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1792 tasting notes

I bought a sample in my last order but polished it off a couple weeks ago. All I recall is that this was vaguely sweet but lacked an obvious caramel note. The pumpkin was very mild? The good news is that the base wasn’t crazily woodsy. Quite well-behaved in that respect. Adding milk just made it taste like a sweetened pumpkin. Still no warm, browned caramel.

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4343 tasting notes

Sample Sipdown! (34)

Whoa, there must have been a lot of blackberry leaf in the bottom of this sample packet, because this is way sweet. In fact, it’s too sweet.

The buttery and creamy caramel is still enjoyable, but the overly sweet quality of it is making me rethink my plans to order a full-size pouch of this one…

Hmm, what to do…

Flavors: Butterscotch, Caramel, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

One day I’m going to break down and order from August Uncommon… this tea sounds like one I should pick up!

Cameron B.

Their teas are very hit-or-miss for me, but there are a few that I really enjoy. This one was much better in my previous cup, when there wasn’t so much blackberry leaf. XD

Mastress Alita

@Kittenna: If you need to sample Dots and Loops, A Field in Innsbrook, or Psychocandy, just message me. Back when I ordered they didn’t offer the smaller packages, just the tiny samplers (which were often sold out) or 100g tins so I ended up with a bunch of tins that are way bigger than I would ever need. I’m happy to give out samples from them.

Evol Ving Ness

Mastress Alita, note that Kittena is in Canada, AFAIK.

And Kittena, Customs dinged me over a hundred dollars on my AU order. AU reimbursed me, but GAH!

Mastress Alita

Ah, Kittena’s profile didn’t list location, so I didn’t know. Ya, I can’t ship outside of the US, unfortunately.

Lexie Aleah

A Field in Innsbrook sounds interesting! I guess they must not sell that one anymore as it’s not on the website. I was going to say that they have free shipping all the time now I believe but since your in Canada I guess that wouldn’t apply.


Okay… you need to slow down with the sipdowns…. I am at ONE for the year. haha

Cameron B.

@tea-sipper – The sample size ones hardly count! I’m only keeping track of them because sipping down samples is my main goal right now. :)

Mastress Alita

@tea-sipper: Every sipdown is sacred! One sipdown is still a sipdown!


Mastress Alita – That’s the way I see it.. sacred sipdowns. haha. Sipdowns are tough, especially if you either love or hate a tea.


@Mastress Alita – Yes, sadly in Canada, but I appreciate the offer! I do have a friend in NY though, which might be helpful at some point.
@Evol – That’s brutal. Knock on wood, customs hasn’t hit me yet, but I’m sure it will happen eventually! Glad you were reimbursed, but that’s so crappy for the company. I hope it doesn’t happen often for them!

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188 tasting notes

I need to abstain from caffeine for awhile due to surgery, so all the herbals in my cupboard are on heavy rotation. I’ve said in the past that I really don’t care for rooibos, but August Uncommon has such great teas I thought I’d give this a shot. Brew smells like vanilla pudding, and the vanilla flavor was the most prominent for me. A tiny bit of burnt sugar smokiness from the rooibos. A very nice tea, but not in love, despite it being warm, sweet and comforting. Dang, I really miss my black teas!

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Vanilla

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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