I absolutely love how this company adds pieces of real fruit to their teas, rather than just “flavors.” It looks pretty and generally means I get more of that flavor (not to mention that a lot of times, I’ll pick the rehydrated fruit out of the tea when I’m done drinking and just munch on it. This one had gorgeous long strips of coconut, and tiny half rounds of banana nestled in the honeybush.
When I first started steeping, I could really smell the coconut, and that’s about it. Now I smell the banana too. (I got one banana piece in this steep – I think there’s enough left in the sample package for one more steep, and that one will have at least two pieces of banana in it).
I’m definitely getting both coconut and banana in the first sip. A little heavier on the coconut than the banana. This is very pleasant. I’m not really getting the “cake” bit in this, but it might be overwhelmed by the coconut and banana.
I’m trying to use up more of the tea I have in my cabinet before it decides to come crashing down, but I might have to get myself a larger packet of this one.
As usual, I’ll make a note that I should probably try this with milk and sugar, too, but my habits still usually have me drinking it without.
Flavors: Coconut