Coconut French Toast with Cardamom Maple Syrup

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Teas, Cardamom Pods, Coconut Flakes, Natural Flavours
Astringent, Cardamom, Citrus, Coconut, Maple, Molasses, Cinnamon, Pancake Syrup, Toast, Maple Syrup, Pastries, Brown Sugar, Caramel, Spices, Sweet, Tannin, Almond, Cocoa, Cream, Creamy, Nutty, Tea, Walnut, Honey, Milk, Nuts, Toasty, Vanilla, Malt, Bread
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 16 g 14 oz / 425 ml

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  • “I might have had too high expectations for this seeing that coconut and cardamom are two of my favourite things. I didn’t get enough of either for my liking. Just a hint of cardamom and some mild...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ll probably be disappearing from reading tasting notes now that everyone’s exciting advent calendar notes are finished. I have to majorly buckle down on reading the books for the Tournament of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Holiday Tea-son! This was the first tea in 52Tea’s 12 Days of Tea last year. I didn’t get the 12 Days of Tea last year, but bought several of the limited overstock teas from the shop after the fact...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one just seemed like a great idea when I saw that it was available. I love coconut, cardamom, and the taste of French toast. I’m middle-of-the-road about maple. So this time I dumped the...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

This tea was inspired by a very memorable breakfast. Coconut crusted French toast that was topped with melted butter and a cardamom syrup. I went a step further and added maple flavoring because it sounded like a good idea. It tastes even better than it sounds!

organic ingredients: black teas, toasted coconut flakes, cardamom pods & natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

40 Tasting Notes

308 tasting notes

The 12 Teas of Christmas is back, and we’re off to a great start! I’m so happy the first tea is a flavored black tea blend. I’m even happier that the maple isn’t a predominant flavor to my taste buds because I’m just not big on maple-flavored beverages. That said, I really enjoyed this tea. Cardamom isn’t normally a flavor I’m drawn to in teas, but it really compliments the coconut in this particular blend. Again, the gals at 52Teas have really nailed the base of this tea; it’s smooth and mild but it has a nice bit of depth/weight. It’s really quite a tasty tea – sugar and spice and everything nice.

I’m so jazzed that caffeine doesn’t keep me awake! After a very hectic and stressful day, this cuppa was the comforting beverage I needed to help me decompress. The 12 Teas of Christmas could not have started on a better day or in a better way.

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314 tasting notes

It’s the first day of our 12 Teas of Christmas countdown – and this is our first TEA of our 12 Teas of Christmas box.

Rich black tea base, smooth maple and coconut sweetness together with the contrast of the cardamom. So yummy! A really perfect tea to start off the countdown!


I love this blend! Unfortunately my box hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m sure I can catch up when it does.


I’m so sorry yours hasn’t arrived. I was just checking in on what Canadian orders have been received and which have not – of all the Canadian shipments we had, it appears that only 2 have not arrived yet – but it’s still unacceptable – next year, I’m going to have to start blending about a month earlier so that I can be sure to get all those orders out even sooner. I’m very sorry!!!


It’s ok, it also could be customs being anal about checking packages and adding several weeks to the shipping time.


Oh man, I wish I’d ordered it this year ):

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768 tasting notes

This was the 1st Day of Christmas Teas from 52Teas and it is an absolute winner!

First of all, I love cardamom and I adore maple. The leaf is pretty. Black tea with whole cardamom pods and broad strips of coconut that stand out against the darkness of the tea. I am pretty frustrated that I am still sick and can’t smell this one. I bet it is divine. Naturally I can’t taste a lot. I can tell that the tea is mildly sweet, and mildly spicy. Even without a sense of smell this one has a lovely, mellow flavor, with no astringency or bitterness to take away my pleasure.

The 12 Days of Christmas actually BEGIN on December 25. I have my DAVID’s 24 Days of Tea to take me thru Christmas Eve, so really, I should start my 12 Teas of Christmas on Christmas Day. But honestly, I don’t think I can wait that long…

It is hard, but I am going to put this one aside to enjoy more after I get my kenalog shot. That should allow me to smell for a month or so, and then I’ll be drinking tea and inhaling beautiful scents. I can’t wait!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

We actually start our countdown on the 14th – so that it’s like a countdown to Christmas, but I know that isn’t how the actual 12 days of Christmas works. So, I guess today is as good a day as any, right? :)

Maddy Barone

The 14th is a great day to start. I love that instead of just enough for one or two cups of tea you give us enough to make a couple of pots. Or more!


I wanted to be sure to have enough to share. I like to brew a pot so that I can share with Mat who is actually drinking tea now. He didn’t used to drink it when I was a reviewer of tea – but now that I’m blending it – he apparently loves it. :)

Evol Ving Ness

haha! It’s good to not have traitors in the house. :)


I agree! I think that once we started making it a “family” business, he decided that he better like it. Now it would seem he genuinely does. He actually requests it. His favorites are the gourmet root beer and Fruit Salad (which is one that I actually created for his birthday.)

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1308 tasting notes

Sipdown! This is actually yesterday’s Hannukah countdown sipdown. The leaf is a year old and it shows. I remember the blend actually tasting like french toast with a heavy dose of maple and a hint of cardamom. A year later, though, it tastes like hot cocoa with maple flavor. YUMMY hot maple cocoa, but definitely not the taste that was originally intended. Alas, another object lesson in the importance of not hoarding (unless it’s pu-erh, but I don’t drink that).

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206 tasting notes

After the fiasco with the similarly-titled David’s Tea, I was glad to find that I found this delightful. Super tasty and pleasant. A little bit of moderation goes a long way. Turns out you don’t have to drown the tea in sugar and cinnamon to get the idea of french toast across. Well done, 52Teas.

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2987 tasting notes

You couldn’t possibly dislike this blend (unless you didn’t like coconut). It has all the makings of the perfect dessert tea.

The black base is so smooth and rich. I find it malty, creamy, hints of nuts and butter. It resteeps very well also.

The coconut is super creamy and nutty, no soapy gross flavours at all. I think it might be toasted, because the nutty flavour in this blend must be coming from the coconut or black tea.

Strong sweet maple flavour, not artificial at all, but the perfect strength. As a Canadian, I can certify this maple flavour is delicious and realistic. It also goes very well with all the tasty spices (cinnamon?, very light on the cardamom, I actually would have liked more cardamom, but I think my teaspoon of looseleaf had no cardamom pod in it). The nutty flavour tastes like toasted almonds and toasted walnuts. Maybe I’m imagining the nuts because I associate maple flavoured things with maple walnut icecream, but either way, this blend has it all.

Flavors: Almond, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Honey, Milk, Nuts, Nutty, Pastries, Spices, Sweet, Tannin, Toasty, Vanilla, Walnut

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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448 tasting notes

So much cardamom, yum! I don’t get as much bready, bakey flavors in this as I usually do with 52teas pastry and breakfast based teas. But this is still cardamom coconuty goodness and I like it, especially in the morning

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6119 tasting notes

The other reblend I sampled today!

Both in aroma and flavour, this tea strongly reminded me of DavidsTea’s Cardamom French Toast. Not that that would be surprising, of course. The primary difference is that this tea is not pre-sweetened – although that’s not to say there isn’t a bit of sweetness to it (presumably the maple syrup). It really was quite tasty – the cardamom is a strong flavour, but isn’t overpowering, the base is solid, and I noticed some custardy elements as well (it clearly wasn’t just a black tea with cardamom). I’m not sure I noticed the coconut in particular, although it was definitely visible in the dry leaf.

Anyhow, I think this is a pretty good alternative to the DT version (although sadly, neither is readily available), and although I didn’t mind the pre-sweetening they did, it’s nice to have the option of leaving it out.


mmmm….also who are you? haha


Haha, I know, I’ve been awfully absent… the backlog of notes and teas I’ve drank is pretty insane.

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630 tasting notes

Wow, this is seriously impressive. Maple, coconut, and cardamom are the main scents. I am glad I put a bit of honey in this because it makes it even more breakfasty.

I only discovered this last year how much I love cardamom as a flavor and scent. I need it in more things. I usually loathe coconut in tea, but this flavor is meant to be buttery, so it works.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1908 tasting notes

Ah, coconut french toast with cardamom maple syrup…the breakfast food that I didn’t know I needed until now. With some of the more complex flavoured teas that I’ve tried I’ve noticed that often some of the components are only nominally there, but in this case I truly can taste each of the flavours named in the title. I can taste the breaded flavour of the toast, the sweetness of the maple syrup, nutty coconut and just the right amount of cardamom. The flavour components are well-proportioned as well in the way you would expect to taste them if you were eating the actual food. This is another winner from the new-and-improved 52Teas….now to see if I can’t recreate the actually food item for breakfast…. ;)

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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