Graveyard Mist Green Tea

Tea type
Green Herbal Blend
Organic Full Leaf Green Tea, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Natural Flavoring, Organic Spearmint
Creamy, Spearmint, Vanilla, Vegetal, Marshmallow, Mint, Soft, Sweet, Malt, Wintergreen, Green, Smooth, Dry Grass, Grass, Milk, Tannin, Bitter, Vegetables, Earthy, Herbaceous
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 15 g 14 oz / 401 ml

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From 52teas

This is one of the big fan favorites!

Here’s the original description:

“Have you ever stopped to enjoy the cool quiet of an old cemetery on a fall evening? Ever stayed to watch the evening mist roll in? Maybe stayed overnight on a dare and found yourself waking in the wet grass to the vision of sunlight slipping through the vanishing mist?

Me either, but that’s kind of what this tea reminds me of.

Part Chinese sencha, part Yun Wu (Cloud Mist),Read more

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

133 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

How am I the first one to log this creation?! Cool, my first ever 52Teas purchase and I get to break it in on Steepster!! :P
Now the tea. First of let me begin by saying that I just got home from treating my bestie to a facial/mani package. $50 for both of us! it was her b-day a few months ago and we’re just getting around to using the coupon now. What a relaxing way to close the summer :)
So I am in a rather chill mood. Esp since this is a long weekend. sighs
Anyhow, after opening the package I smelled vanilla, not so much marshmallow. Given that I’m not a ‘nilla girl… this worried me a little. But I like mint! so was buoyed by the hope that it’d be balanced out. Which… thankfully, it is!
First half of the sip is mallow/malty with a hint of vanilla and a tiny hint of mint (hehe that rhymes). Very nice. The middle is where I get a deep green tea flavour, and the end is where the mint comes out along with a touch of astringency. That part may be due to my oversteeping by about 30 seconds, and using water that was a hair too hot. I find that blends containing Sencha brew better (for me) when I steep at a slightly higher temp so I went with that, being my default.
My cup is a touch heavy so next time I’ll go lighter for sure. and I am curious how this one fares iced as well.
This doesn’t really taste like Sencha to me, but then I am not familiar with Cloud Mist. From what I’ve read it is fruit and nut like which I can sorta see but can’t really separate out from the other flavours.
Either way, I am quite enjoying this cuppa. So glad I played my first 52Teas purchase card with Graveyard Mist!
Rating: 87 for now, but that may change as I play with the parameters!

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CupofTree 13 years ago

Oohs this is the first 52teas blend I really want to try. Sounds good!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

It’s pretty good! not my go to tea though, more of an occasional indulgence. Esp since I now have three mint green teas in my cupboard LOL

Indigobloom 13 years ago

I sense a swap in our future, CupofTree :P

Azzrian 13 years ago

Wow this makes me want to order it! Indigobloom I am amazed you held out all this time on a 52Teas order! Glad you liked this one! :)

TeaBrat 13 years ago

this sounds interesting!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Azzrian: I wanted to exhaust the local possibilities first! and I got enough through swaps that I didn’t really feel the need to order at that point. but… when I saw this one for some reason I felt compelled to buy. Like my fingers were autotyping my credit info in haha
Amy Oh: no question bout that! not sure yet how much I like it, but I know I do!

Mélissa 13 years ago

Very dark, must try this!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Haha Indigo that happens to me a lot! We don’t have any local places around these parts so online ordering for me it is. I think it would be better if we did have some local places though. I would probably spend less!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Melissa, it’s very tasty I recommend it!
Azzrian, LOL good to know I’m not alone in that haha. You would think so right?! but… I’m not so sure these days. My cupboard is ever expanding and I’ve only made a few orders online

Sil 13 years ago

we should swap…want to try this but not enough to want to purchase it haha

CupofTree 13 years ago

Oh yay future swap definitely!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

swaps abound. Yay! :P

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1186 tasting notes

My friend came over for dinner, and we made the most epic dinner ever! Fresh trout from fishing on Sunday cooked in a pan, steamed asparagus with butter, and coconut rice :D delicious meal! Had a glass of wine with it, but each had a tasty cup of this tea afterwards. The fresh sweetness and mint helped to refresh after the rich meal, and helped quench my thirst quite well :) I am enjoying this tea, it is light yet sweet and an interesting flavor! See previous notes!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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Sil 12 years ago

Mmmm sounds like an awesome dinner!

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

That sounds amazing! Yum!

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Yummy meal!!

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

It was so good! I’m amazed it turned out as well as it did :) i am not the best chef haha, my boyfriend is much better but he’s been working out in the field for 2 weeks, so this dinner was a win!

Fjellrev 12 years ago

You make me want asparagus now!

Kittenna 12 years ago

ASPARAGUS!!! Sorry….. that was mandatory for me. :D

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Hahaha mmm asparagus, sorry I made everyone want it lol

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357 tasting notes

My very first order of 52 teas arrived today – Hooray!!!

I gasped in excitement when I saw my poor mailman trying to stuff the package through our little mail slot. When I opened the door to assist him, and I confirmed my suspicions as to what it was, I had to fight the urge to hug him – partially because it’s inappropriate to hug unwilling strangers, but mostly because he scurried away so quickly, that nothing short of a rugby tackle would have slowed his pace.

Sometimes I think I should wear a shirt that says “just because it’s your job, doesn’t mean I won’t try to hug you if you do it well”. But I suspect if I do that, my mailman would whip my mail at me and sprint off as if I was a rabid dog. The last business person I hugged was my real estate agent. He’s the best. Thankfully he’s far too sweet and polite to say anything, but I’m almost certain he thinks I’m at least a little nuts.

Damn you Charlotte Diamond for making me a crazy hug addict – lol!

As for this tea, Graveyard Mist is the tea that started my fascination with 52teas and eventually led to this first order. I loved how unique the online descriptions of their teas are, and when I saw that there was some of this one available I jumped at the chance to give it a try (along with a few others).

To be perfectly honest, when I caught the first whiff of this brewed tea while taking my initial sip, I expected to hear the whirrrr whirrr of the dentist’s office. Upon the first sip, the association of the minty sweetness went even further and made me lightly tap my teeth together in anticipation of that sandy grittiness of the toothpaste my hygienist uses. Thankfully there was none.

Thankfully, I was braced for disappointment when I took my first sip. I had suspected that there was no way this tea could ever live up to my high expectations. I have been so excited about trying it, that I built it up in my head to be like some kind of magical elixir.

Sadly, no magic… well, unless you count being mentally transported to my dentist’s office.

I won’t say that I was completely disappointed, because I wanted something different, and this certainly meets that criterion. I’ve also read on other tealogs that many 52teas blends get better with age, so tearing it open as soon as I got it is not likely a good way to give it a fair trial. It’s minty and sweet, and I get the feeling that I will enjoy this tea increasingly as I draw closer to the bottom of the package and make my peace that no tea can possibly ever live up to my crazed imagination. So if you see my rating for this one slowly inching up, it’s because I’m getting back in touch with reality.

Until next time, hugs to every one of my Steepster friends!
♪ 4 hugs a day ♫ that’s the minimum ♪ 4 hugs a day ♫ not the maximum ♪

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Rebecca Lynn 12 years ago

Oy, I HATE that gritty toothpaste! I’m clenching my teeth just thinking about it.

MissMylin 12 years ago

LOL! I’m a hugger too :) I hug sales reps at trade shows and the staff that I train across the country. I lived in Vancouver for 15 years, so maybe it’s the West Coast in us?

TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

Which reminds me, I got only 3 hugs today :-(

canadianadia 12 years ago

@Rebecca Lynn – I hate it too, and for some crazy reason I can never stop myself from gently tapping my teeth together to feel the grit- I’m not sure why? I’m a little odd I suppose :)

@Miss Mylin – High five for hugging business people! Makes me wonder if we ever met, who would hug who first? lol

@TheTeaFairy – sending a cyber hug your way! :-)

Drunk From Tea 12 years ago

I love going to the dentist (: This reminds me, I should give my dentist a big hug next time I go for a visit <3

canadianadia 12 years ago

I would totally hug my dentist too but by time my dentist gets to me the hygenist has usually covered me with that weighted dental blanket thingee. He probably just senses a hug coming and figures it’s the most legal alternative to putting me in a straight jacket – lol

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1220 tasting notes

I’m trying not to get sick so I am just going to keep drinking tea…I’m going to get to 700 in no time at this rate. Of course I’ve been entirely drinking things that I haven’t had before.

I think if you could taste fog, it would taste like this tea. There is something about the way the flavors linger on the tongue.

It’s such an intriguing mix of spearmint and creamy marshmallow. And it blends in so well with the green tea.

So neat, and there feels like there’s something else in there, but I don’t know what. Such an awesome tea!

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Stay well friend!

Sil 13 years ago

Mmmmmm another I wish I’d had a chance to grab though I originally had no interest haha

Jillian 13 years ago

You know, I always figured that this tea should have been released closer to Halloween. :D

momo 13 years ago

Trying to, my boyfriend got sick thanks to some lady on his flight on Monday and swore to me he was fine yesterday…yeah not so much. Now I have to be able to tell what’s just my allergies and what’s what he has.

TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

Oh no! I hope you don’t get sick.

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4843 tasting notes

I am LOVING this tea! It tastes like a big, fluffy, mint flavored marshmallow that’s capped a cup of green tea and slowly melting in it … infusing the flavor of the cup slowly with its sweet, creamy, minty goodness.

I definitely get the whole “Graveyard Mist” thing from this blend… the marshmallow and the malt sort of give this a very haunting kind of feel. The mint is kind of wispy and ghostly as seen through the veil of the marshmallow. It all works together so amazingly well.

This is really good. Frank is so brilliant, it’s spooky!

canadianadia 12 years ago

Sounds like a fun tea

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1118 tasting notes

Backlogging. Another tea from my laundry folding, Doctor Who watching, night last night. (Side note: I am almost through Season One (2005) and I have to say I’m really starting to like the show. I’m limiting myself to two shows a day, but it’s getting hard to not give in and have a marathon tv day.)

The tea. It was like drinking a minty marshmallow, but it wasn’t over the top sweet. I did find myself wishing that I could taste the base tea, but it was still highly enjoyable. I’m finding this a great summer to fall transition tea though I couldn’t tell you why. I want to say it’s because this is a great curl up on the couch with a blanket and a book tea, but for me that’s all tea. At any rate, as the weather cools I can see this one ending up in my mug more often.

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Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Doctor Who is sucking you in! Yay!

Veronica 12 years ago

It is! For the first three or four episodes I was very meh about it, but now I’m really enjoying it. I think I might have a Doctor Who marathon on my kid’s first day of school. :)

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I was the same way. It was just… awful? :P No, cheesy is the right word. But it got better AND grew on me. Now, I’m addicted. And it gets better with each season!

Veronica 12 years ago

Cheesy is the right word. It’s kind of funny how it slowly grows on you until you’re hooked. At least that’s what appears to be happening to me. :)

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

I grew up watching it and liking it! My Dad and older brother used to watch it all the time! The corniness is definitely part of the appeal! :-)

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51 tasting notes

I wanted to get this tea the first time I saw it. I was attracted to the photo, loved the name, and the ingredients sounded good. I kick myself for not getting this in August, and I really think it would be an awesome blend for October. Thanks to KeenTeaThyme, I was able to try it. Thank you for being incredibly nice to share this with me!

The dry leaf smell is to die for. hence the graveyard. How can a green tea smell this yummy?

The taste is so very fresh, marshmallowy, and a tad minty. I think I taste and smell vanilla but don’t see it listed in the ingredients, maybe that’s the natural flavors. This is the first time ever that I have enjoyed a sencha green tea! I want to try this blend so many ways. I bet it would be amazing iced. I wonder how this would be with sugar. I want to make a latte with it! I’ve never even made a latte before.

Definitely a tea that inspires you in many ways.

KeenTeaThyme 13 years ago

Happy to share – anytime! :) So glad you enjoyed it too – now we need to petition Frank to bring it back next month…if not permanently!

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103 tasting notes

Just wanted to throw in another tasting note, since I had this yesterday and today. It’s a real staple for us. My girlfriend is always asking me to make her some “graveyard.” She’s so spoiled to the point that when I made her some dessert tea that wasn’t as good as Graveyard Mist she dumped it out rather than finish it!

Mercuryhime 12 years ago

You’re created a monster. haha :) Does she know this tea is limited edition?

Rachel Sincere 12 years ago

I’ve tried to explain the concept of 52Teas to her but she doesn’t seem to get it. LOL I bought 4 bags the last time he revived it. I might have to check the website and see if there’s any more. I’m hoping that with enough people clamoring for it he will put it in his permanent collection.

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639 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while, and thanks to Indigobloom now I can!! Woot! This one smells uber-minty! I’m more of a peppermint fan than a spearmint fan though. So, I hope this one isn’t too toothpaste-y.

Hmm, I don’t know what to make of this one. I’m getting green tea and spearmint, but no vanilla or sweetness to speak of. I’m not sure this tea is even supposed to be sweet, but I think it could be improved by the addition of a little sweetness. I added a tiny bit of Truvia and BAM! Now that’s the aspect I was missing!

Marshmallow root? It was definitely in the blend, but I’m not tasting that either. It could definitely use some more vanilla too. I took a chance and added a drop of pure vanilla extract to my cup. I don’t think it made any difference, LOL! Well, it was worth a try!

The spearmint leaves a funky aftertaste on my tongue, which I’m not loving, so I’m lowering the rating a tad. But with a little doctoring, this tea is pretty good. It’s definitely very unique and unlike anything I’ve tried in the past. Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing this exclusive tea! :)

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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Indigobloom 12 years ago

aww well good that you didn’t buy it! lol

CHAroma 12 years ago

Hahaha! I do appreciate having the chance to try it. :) You’re a doll!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

my pleasure!
I wanna get to the rest of your samples sooo badly. #frustrated! (bad water at home)

Babble 12 years ago

I had mixed feelings about this tea, too. I only had a small sample to uh.. sample, though. I’m pretty sure it’ll be in the 12 days of tea, so I’m looking forward to trying it again.

CHAroma 12 years ago

Aww, so sorry to hear about the bad water at home, Indigobloom. Maybe it’s time to invest in a Brita water filter? Or just buy a couple gallons of spring water?

Indigobloom 12 years ago

I usually just grab it from the fridge filter, but we need to buy a new filter. Would be about the same price as a Brita I think. Just waiting for the store to have more of the one we need!

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15620 tasting notes

SIPDOWN!(274) I’m still trying to make sure i get at least one sipdown a day to help get my cupboard to a manageable state so that i can do more swaps and try more of ALL THE TEA! I quiet enjoyed this one from me swap with kallieboo, though it’s not something i need to have in my cupboard or love like some others do :) still though, the base is smooth and complements the minty marshmallow goodness well.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

One sip-down a day…. That’s the minimum. One sip-down a day…. NOT the maximum. Woo!

Ugh – maybe I’ve had too much tea this morning? Just catching up on two days worth of tea reviews! :P

Sil 12 years ago

yep..the minimum…the more the better.

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