Cotton Candy Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 326 ml

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  • “I am having an increadibly tough month. I am one of the co-organizers of Ruta de las Iglesias. It is a 10km race that goes through the colonial down town of Quito. While I love doing it, it is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really do quite like this one cold brewed with a little sweetner. After tonight’s giant mugs i have just enough for one more cup of this before it’s out of the cupboard. May not get to any...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh this is good. I cold steeped it overnight and I couldn’t wait for later in the day to try it out. I love the new black tea base, I taste it first and foremost and I really like it. I’ll have to...” Read full tasting note
  • “12 Days of Tea #1! Also, 1000th tasting note! Wooooooooo!!!!!! Last time I tried this tea as a sample, it was not great. I couldn’t really taste the cotton candy. This time however? WOAH!...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

This week’s tea of the week is a real gem. I am enjoying a big icy stein of it as I write this. I’m sure it’s good hot too, but as an iced tea, it’s amazing. A friend of the family is over visiting and he insists it’s “like a carnival in your mouth.”

I’m having a hard time trying to come up with words to describe the aroma and flavor, except that it tastes like cotton candy–which is basically spun sugar that has been a bit caramelized in theRead more

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

93 Tasting Notes

51 tasting notes

Yay, I can finally post my tasting note on this tea! I had it about a week and a half ago. Roughest. Day. Ever.
Got up early for a doctors appointment. Found out my MRI showed a small brain tumor. Apparently it’s not cancer and won’t kill me, but they aren’t really sure what to do with me and I have to see a bunch of specialists. Then that afternoon I had a stats final, and I’m pretty bad at stats and despite studying I anticipated only getting like 65%. After the news I got that morning, my mind was elsewhere and I went in and bombed it.
Walked home really bummed afterwards, and found my 12 Days box in the mailbox. I thought “Finally, something good!” I decided to tear into that sucker and drink the first tea.
Cotton Candy Black! YES! That was one I’d been dying to try! Steeped up a cup of that. The aroma was wonderfully sweet and cotton candyish. The black base was strong and present (I steeped for 5 minutes, next time I’d do 4). Over the black base was the sweet cotton candy flavouring. This one is very much like I imagined it would be, and it’s fantastic!
A little sweetener is great in this because it brings the cotton candy flavoring to life.
I think this would be really good iced as well.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Kittenna 12 years ago

I’m glad you enjoyed this, and that the tumour isn’t cancer, but that’s still a terrible thing to find out! I hope they figure out what to do and that everything turns out well (well, except that stats class…. but given the circumstances I think they should allow you to re-take the final exam).

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297 tasting notes

The dry notes are strictly Cotton Candy, with a hint of a strange smell I can’t place. Once steeped & hot it smells like a black tea with a hint of cotton candy. I added a bit of honey, because it is black & I felt it would be too bitter without. Once iced it tasted like cotton candy with a slight black tea taste. As it eventually reached room temperature again it became a little too bitter to enjoy.
Overall I really enjoyed this tea iced, but don’t think I would like it hot. To me certain teas should just be enjoyed either iced or hot. Some work both ways.

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp
Water: 12oz boiling
Tool: kati loose tea system 12oz
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: sweet, berry, black tea
Steeped Tea Smell: black tea
Flavor:black tea, slightly berry sweet
Body: Full
Aftertaste: black tea
Liquor: dark brown

not sure what I was expecting, much better with sugar but still just a sweet berry black…

Post-Steep Additives: rock sugar

Rating: 2/4 leaves


Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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105 tasting notes

This smells exactly like cotton candy in the bag.. omg… The cotton candy flavor isn’t overpowering on the initial taste, but it comes out even more as an after taste. Though it is very sweet on its own, a little bit of sweetener really enhances that cotton candy taste. Second steep seems to lose most of the cotton candy flavor. Overall, I want more of this!!

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31 tasting notes

backlogging from yesterday…

Yay the time is finally here! I have to say I didn’t want to like this one. I don’t usually fall in love with black teas and I’ve never really enjoyed cotton candy. However, I couldn’t help but enjoy it. The sweetness cut off the astringency from the black base while the base helped to balance the sweetness. The result was delicious! Can’t wait to try the rest of them

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1780 tasting notes

I think I killed this tea. I am a tea murderer. I remember it tasting pretty good and resembling cotton candy quite a bit. Sitting around for a year in a container that used to house rosemary (could have sworn I got all the rosemary scent out, but apparently not) did not do it any justice. It didn’t really taste like much for most of the cup, but as it cooled I got a lot more of that cotton candy taste from it. I’m taking away two lessons from this; 1 treat my tea better and 2 I really do prefer the black 52teas cold.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Tuscanteal 11 years ago

Aww you’re not a tea murderer!!! Just need to improve your tea colonies conditions ;)

Dustin 11 years ago

I suppose so! Still, I do feel a little guilty for letting a good tea down like that.

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193 tasting notes

I ordered this becuase I really like the cotton candy white tea, but I prefer black bases so I thought this would be even better. While this is delcious, I think I prefer the white base, it suits the flavour better. Again, the cotton candy flavour is very subtle and needs quite a bit of sweetener to coax it out. i would like the flavour to be a little stronger, but still an awesome tea.

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772 tasting notes

This is the rest of my trade from Novi, who sent me basically a full package of this, which I wasn’t expecting. Hopefully I’ll like it better than the peach debacle of earlier this morning. It certainly smells nice. I haven’t had cotton candy in ages, but it vaguely brings about reminiscent memories of baseball games and parking lot fairs when I was younger and also the circus when I was much younger.

Interestingly enough, I don’t actually like this. It was a bit of okay when it was hot, I could get the aftertaste of a bit of cotton candy, although the ‘front’ of the sip tasted just like tea. When I let it cool down, a strange bitterness came out and smothered the sweetness, even though I had put extra sweetener in this besides, and made the whole pot just very unpleasant to drink.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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14 tasting notes

This was the first of “the Twelve Days of Christmas” tea gift from a friend that I have anxiously and excitedly been waiting for since she told me about it’s arrival! Which is ironic because while I was counting down the days for sharing this gift, I am now FREAKING OUT that there are only twelve days before Christmas…go figure. :)

I have to admit, I am not a cotton candy lover (boy, this day is just filled with irony…because typically I am a connesuir of all things sweet…) but, even though the name suggests “cotton candy” I would not have guessed that flavor if I had not been told what it was. The tea was okay, a nice black with a slight sweetness, but I wasn’t making any heartfelt declarations of love or even experiencing timid flutters of infactuation with it.

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19 tasting notes

Maybe it was my batch but it smells like regular black tea. It tastes of black tea with a little something I can’t pinpoint. Marshmallow. Didn’t get cotton candy at all.

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