This is the rest of my trade from Novi, who sent me basically a full package of this, which I wasn’t expecting. Hopefully I’ll like it better than the peach debacle of earlier this morning. It certainly smells nice. I haven’t had cotton candy in ages, but it vaguely brings about reminiscent memories of baseball games and parking lot fairs when I was younger and also the circus when I was much younger.
Interestingly enough, I don’t actually like this. It was a bit of okay when it was hot, I could get the aftertaste of a bit of cotton candy, although the ‘front’ of the sip tasted just like tea. When I let it cool down, a strange bitterness came out and smothered the sweetness, even though I had put extra sweetener in this besides, and made the whole pot just very unpleasant to drink.
I’m glad you enjoyed this, and that the tumour isn’t cancer, but that’s still a terrible thing to find out! I hope they figure out what to do and that everything turns out well (well, except that stats class…. but given the circumstances I think they should allow you to re-take the final exam).