Cashew Turtle

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Nuts, Chocolate, Nutty, Caramel, Creamy, Drying, Cocoa
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 16 oz / 487 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This week is a five-day series of sleep, starve/drink protein shakes while doing lab work until the wee hours of the morning, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. So no time for tea decisions, I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hey, you guys? Guys? Guys! Guess what? I’m opening my very last pouch of my FAVOURITE 52teas flavour for a very special reason… I got a seasonal position at LUSH! eeee~! Caramel & cashews and...” Read full tasting note
  • “So ladies and gents, I was able to wrangle a small sample of this one from the lovely Kittenna who is hanging on to the last of her bag for dear life :) I have to say that I’m really glad I did. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Snuck a quick cup of this in before heading out to the dentist yesterday morning. It also happened to be the last cup I had of this from last year’s Xmas sampler. This was one of the teas that I...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Tea of the Week for March 20, 2023!

This blend was originally blended during Frank’s era (2011) & then reblended as part of our rewards from our Kickstarter Startup Campaign (2016). Since then, it’s been requested quite a bit, but I’ve held back on reblending it until now.

I “revamped” the recipe, using different teas in the base & omitting the cashews – because all of our teas are allergen-friendly (& omitting the sunflower seeds because they go stale too quickly!) & replacing the “salty” note from those ingredients with Himalayan sea salt flakes (just enough to impart a slight hint of salt without making it too salty).So YUMMY! This blend is vegan, gluten-free, allergen-friendly & all natural!

ingredients: black tea, vegan chocolate chips & Himalayan sea salt flakes

organic ingredients: black teas, cacao nibs, cacao shells & calendula petals

more about this tea: This is my second time reblending this tea, but since I used a dramatically different blend of teas for the base, I decided to call it v.2. For those of you who have been a customer of 52Teas since Frank’s era, you’re likely to remember that this tea originated during his time as the Chief Zoomdweebie of 52Teas. When I reblended it the first time, I changed things up slightly because I used roasted, salted sunflower seeds in the blend in place of the cashew nuts. (We do not use tree nuts in our blends for those who may have nut sensitivities – but I thought sunflower seeds would be fine – since they don’t grow on trees.

And they were – except that they became stale pretty quickly (after a couple of years) & as we have customers out there who like to hang on to their teas for a while (read: hoard! LoL) the staleness became a problem. As a result, I opted not to include sunflower seeds in this blend & because I also still do not use tree nuts in my blends – this does affect the flavor somewhat.

One thing that was missing from the first taste testing is the hint of saltiness that the sunflower seeds added to the cup – so to offer this blend a hint of saltiness, I added some Himalayan sea salt flakes to the blending process. You won’t find a lot of salt flakes in this, because some of them broke down into tiny bits, while others dissolved & became part of the flavoring. The goal wasn’t to make this salty but to impart a hint of salt to the nutty, caramel-y, chocolate-y goodness that is Cashew Turtle! YUM!

To brew: shake the pouch well before you measure to ensure that all the ingredients are incorporated. Use 3g of tea to 12oz of nearly boiling water (205°F). Steep for 3 minutes. Strain & allow to cool for at least 10 minutes. The cool time will allow those flavors to POP!

serving suggestion: I like this one best served hot – but it’s also fantastic iced! I don’t say that about many of the chocolate teas as I tend to prefer my chocolate-y teas hot, but the flavors really come to life as the tea cools. You taste the caramel, the cashews (complete with that hint of salt) and the chocolate even better when it cools. You’ll still get those amazing flavors with a hot cuppa – but the flavors intensify as the cup cools! I like this with a teensy bit of sugar because it is a dessert-y tea & these flavors tend to taste better with just a little bit of sugar.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

66 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

This week is a five-day series of sleep, starve/drink protein shakes while doing lab work until the wee hours of the morning, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. So no time for tea decisions, I’m sticking with the most easily visible. So, more of this guy. Still love it, and yes Sil, there will still be some left for you. It just might be in the original packet…. because the rest is all gone…


I feel you right now. I have a 10 pager on Twelfth Night and King Lear due on Monday and I keep thinking weird Shakespeare thoughts. Oh finals.

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516 tasting notes

Hey, you guys? Guys? Guys! Guess what?

I’m opening my very last pouch of my FAVOURITE 52teas flavour for a very special reason… I got a seasonal position at LUSH!


Caramel & cashews and delicious creamy chocolate bliss – I couldn’t be happier today!






Congratulations!! Are you in Shopping Centre or Micmac? Either way, that is the best smelling and freshest sounding job! : )


Congratulations! that’s great news :)

Autistic Goblin


Daisy Chubb

Thanks friends :D

Daisy Chubb

I’m in the shopping centre! I applied to both, but I’m grateful for this one since I live in Clayton Park b^_^ woohoo!


Yay! Congrats!


Woo, congratulations! Love Lush.


Yay for you!!! I love LUSH. Their Fresh Farmacy soap is the only thing my daughter can use to wash her face (highly sensitive skin). Hope the Christmas craziness isn’t too much! :)

Daisy Chubb

Thanks again everyone! :D
Yeah Christmas will be crazy haha – but so far it’s helping to memorize the products by relating them to tea. For example, I remember the scents of the Dragon’s Egg bath bomb because it’s like a citrus earl grey with lemon and bergamot oil. And Charity Pot has rose with helps with the skin, just like Glow from davidsTea! yeeah I don’t know if it’s helping or confusing me but hey – I’m trying!


Sounds like a good plan to me. =)


YAY! (My cat Woody says yay too — he’s walking all over the keyboard typing YAY to you ;)


SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! You get to sniff ALL the smellies! :D


Yay for the new gig! Congrats!!

Daisy Chubb

Thank you! Yes I must smell them allll mwahah!

Aw Woody sure does know how to make a gal feel special ;)


How wonderful! Congratulations :)


I love LUSH! Awesome products. I’ll bet you get an awesome discount while you work there:)


that is so awesome!! congrats! and you get free bath products now to :P


Yay! Time to celebrate! Now you need a Ma Bar bubble bath with this tea to be in caramel heaven! :)

Daisy Chubb

man, when I die, I better go to caramel heaven. I’ve been working all my life to get there! Until then, this tea and a caramel bath will do :D


CARAMEL BATH!!! Is that at lush? It sounds AMAAAAAZING!

Daisy Chubb

It’s this one Ellyn, it’s good enough to eat!,en_US,pd.html


OH MY GOSh that looks like a DELIGHT! I may have to go to the lush in the mall this weekend!


Congratulations! I know you really wanted to work there. :)


It is soooo good! Follow it with some Soft Couer…mmmmm!


Congrats! :)


I just visited their website because of this post (also I just remembered to do so too)…I’m going to go broke shopping there! Congrats again!!

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15575 tasting notes

So ladies and gents, I was able to wrangle a small sample of this one from the lovely Kittenna who is hanging on to the last of her bag for dear life :) I have to say that I’m really glad I did. Not that I can get any of this again from Frank unless he magically brings it back, but i’m happy to have at least been able to try it!

I’m often not a fan of nutty teas. I’d rather eat them than drink them i guess :) This isn’t exactly a sweet tea, and yet it is. There’s a good caramel chocolate flavour going on here (dark, not milk imo) and then you taste the nuts. Delicious cashew nuts. Yep. I am enjoying this one and can certainly see why Kittenna was hesitant to part with it!

Thanks for the great share Kittenna! I’m sure i’m going to enjoy sucking as much out of the resteeps as i can :)


Yes, and it does re-steep well, unlike some of 52teas’ blacks. I am sad to be saying goodbye to it with the next travel mug’s worth I drink :(

Daisy Chubb

guuuuh my most favourite 52teas tea EVAR! I’m also hoarding th elast of my bag… I had some friends over for a tea party and one of them pick up the bag. I said “NOTTHATONE!” and the moral of the story is that Kittenna, you are a saint for sharing with Sil. That’s true tea friends right there! <3


^^ That. Haha.


(Keep in mind that I gave her exactly enough tea for a single 8 oz. cup, and then hid the bag so nobody else could have any, hahahahaha.)

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545 tasting notes

Snuck a quick cup of this in before heading out to the dentist yesterday morning. It also happened to be the last cup I had of this from last year’s Xmas sampler. This was one of the teas that I enjoyed from it more.

(Now I’m sitting here trying to remember what the 6 teas that I’ve already finished from that sampler were. lol)

This cup of Cashew Turtle was strong but delicious. I very much enjoyed it. Bumping the rating up a couple of points since I like it more than when I first tried it. =)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb

Yum! This is my favourite 52teas … I have an unopened package that I’m hoarding. I’ll have to open it on a special occasion haha

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135 tasting notes

I don’t quite know what to say about this. So far I’ve tried it straight up, and with sugar. I have to say I prefer it straight. First steep was actually nice. I can’t say if it was something I’d purchase again, or put on a permanent list, but I was glad to taste it! I’ve heard so much about 52 teas! It’s nutty, but I don’t taste any cocoa.

Boiling 1 min, 45 sec
Erin Hurley

Oh and I totes ate the cashews out of it after I was done steeping for the last time. Yummolish!


You know, a friend gave me some Japanese Soybean tea, and it’s a kind of tea where you do eat the soybeans afterward! I’ll post a review if I can remember the company name. I may have a packet or two left….somewhere…..if I can find it.

Ashley Bain

I ate the cashews too. That was probably the best thing about this tea :( You’ll enjoy the other 52 teas I sent much more! I reeeally wish Frank would make banana nut bread and cinnamon roll honeybush permanents. I’m going to have to order pound bags here soon if not!


I had Almond tea from Stash years ago, and while the tea was Almondy, the Almonds didn’t taste good to me at all…but that was then. My opinion might be different now.

Erin Hurley

I can’t wait for the samples! Wahoozie!

Erin Hurley

I’ve never heard of Japanese Soybean tea before. That sounds divine! When I had Youthberry Wild Orange I ate the apples out of it. Soooooo good.


I thought it was really good and it was like a light lunch, because the tea and soybeans were filling.


I wish he made more than he does…I always miss out on the good ones!!

Erin Hurley

Scott, If you find it out, let me know please!


I’ll message you a couple links now & talk to my friend more about it…she may be able to add more info.

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709 tasting notes

Could have sworn I did a tasting note for this one when the 12Tas of Christmas came out, but maybe I just tried it. This is yet another sample from the 12Teas that I am trying to finally finish up. I recall the aroma not being very recognizable at the time, but it is much more powerful now, with chocolate and caramel dominating. For me, that’s good news. I am always on the lookout for a good caramel tea, though most let me down.

Steeped this for 2 to 3 minutes in a T-Sac to avoid the harsh taste of the bitter black base that Frank used to use and this yields an aromatic and orangey-brown brew. I find that using a T-Sac can help cut the bitterness as there is less room for particles to escape so I expect this will be a bit smoother than if I brewed it in a strainer.

Finishing up my chocolate chip granola bar (a moment of temptation – usually I go for the fruit and nut ones, but everyone needs a little chocolate, right?) this tea does smell delicious. Hopefully it will compare to the “real” chocolate I just had. OH man, it does. Wow. Typically I don’t like Frank’s blends, but this one is really hitting the spot. The chocolate is building on the aftertaste from my bar and I get the sense of caramel behind all that. It is, in fact, shockingly like a caramel turtle. Two thumbs up on this blend – I’m glad I have enough left for a small cup to enjoy another time. As the cup cools the bitter black tea is creeping up on me, but that’s to be expected. I’ll just have to slurp it quickly! : )


Ha! Someone else who likes this as much as I do! :D


I had my second cup yesterday and though I didn’t have quite enough leaf it was pretty awesome too. I usually don’t like Frank’s blends but that one was delicious!

Daisy Chubb

mm this one is my fave!

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Sil! I am always quite impressed when you can taste something other than Frank’s black base and you certainly can with this tea. There is a hint of dark chocolate and caramel but what I really taste is the cashews…nutty, delicious cashews. I am glad I got to try this one, though I don’t think I would get more in the future as there are other teas I would reach for first.

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Nuts

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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1220 tasting notes

My electric kettle is still set up next to my bed from the shu nuggets the other day. I almost don’t want to move it to the kitchen because Sebastian loves the thing. When the kettle starts to make that “whoooooosh” kind of noise, he starts chirping. Every time. Sorry, Sebastian, you can’t have chocolate or caffeine.

I started on my gingerbread house (yeah I know) and so this is my cup of tea while it dries, as I get together all my Black Bear Lab orders from the past couple of days (almost $40! yay)

So this is from last year’s 12 teas of Christmas and it’s still pretty cashew and caramel tasting, not so much chocolate. I possibly should have added a bit more tea to it, but I’m quite impressed with the flavor anyway since it hasn’t been kept in the best container.

It’s still pretty good but it also wasn’t really a favorite to begin with. I’ll finish everything I have of it though!


Aww that is so cute! I love your Sebastian stories


His favorite noises are the most random things, I can’t help but share! :D

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1353 tasting notes

I gather this is some sort of American sweet. Now, this strikes me as rather less peculiar than yesterday’s popcorn, although it’s not a sort of sweet we get in Denmark. In Denmark chocolate turtles are filled with a caramel and rum-y cream, so I will have to try and distract myself away from a firm conviction of how a proper chocolate turtle should be. Obviously my proper chocolate turtle is rather different from yours. The picture on the label make me think more of a snickers bar, only with a different sort of nut, so that’s the image I will try to keep in my head. I’ve never in my life laid eyes on the sweet in question so I have to go by close enoughs.

The aroma is very honeyed. My aunt, who doesn’t like honey, would hate this smell. I rather enjoy honey myself, and I always find it a pleasant note to find in tea. It also smells caramel-y and nutty, so from what I can tell, the aroma is pretty much a hit.

The flavour seems to be primarily caramel with a bit of chocolate on the sides. I can’t immediately find any nuts in it, but I suspect they’re sort of hiding below the other flavours. And as I write this, I discover them coming out gradually in the aftertaste. Nuts, check.

Nuts, caramel and honey. It’s not quite a snickers bar, but it’s close enough. I’m rather enjoying this, but again, I’m glad it’s a small cup, because I think I could also easy have too much of this.


Our turtles are similar…chocolate covered caramel/nutty mostly…sometimes with nougat…but I like the chocolate/caramel/nuts better :)


You just gave me a good idea with that comment. I’m not saying what it is. :)


I just reread it and came up with several jokes myself! LOL

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160 tasting notes

2nd Day of 12 teas!

Puppies are exhausting, especially when you have to keep an eye on both the puppy and your adult dog to make sure they are being nice to each other… and work a full work day. Due to this, I have been getting around to opening and brewing my teas a little late. But better late than never! It gives me a great way to unwind at the end of long long days.

When I opened this tea I was hit with caramel smell. Thick and gooey. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the label. Not only did I guess the caramel right, but it sounded and smelled delicious! The leaves had little cashew pieces that made me smile.

Steeped it gave off a wonderful nutty caramel smell. I tried it unsweetened first, and as I expected, the flavor didn’t quite pop out. Added sugar and POOF! burst of flavor. I didn’t get chocolate, but definitely a smooth nutty caramel taste. I enjoyed it thoroughly!

Now, finally, laying in bed as the rain softly hits my window, with an empty tea cup on my night table, a sleeping beautiful doggy at the foot of my bed and a snoring puppy in her kennel, all is bound to work out all right.

Happiness is a warm dog and puppy and a hot cup of tea! : )

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Yaaay! A puppy! They are such hard work but totally worth it. Puppies are happiness.


omg cuteness! post a pic pls :)


I shall! : )


What’s the puppy’s name? And what kind of dog is it? Oh, I want a puppy so badly!!


The puppy is Mona and the older dog is Sencha. : )

I am going through some jealousy issues with Sencha (she is spoiled rotten) but with the trainers help they are starting to get along. Hard work but worth it!


Oh… and I forgot to mention, Sencha is a French Bulldog and Mona is an English Bulldog. : )


So cute! ^_-

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