Root Beer Float

Tea type
Herbal Honeybush Blend
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Creamy, Floral, Root Beer, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 2 g 8 oz / 243 ml

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31 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The aroma is RIGHT ON! The taste is surprisingly good! I can certainly see the Root Beer Resemblance! Somewhat soda like but creamy like ice cream and ROOT BEER…sure! Darn good! Thanks for...” Read full tasting note
  • “I gave this cup a longer steeping, but interestingly enough I’m noticing that if I steep the tea longer the flavour of the honeybush base becomes more prominent and sort of overtakes the “rootbeer...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got this with my order a couple of weeks ago, but this is my first time trying this particular tea from that order. I have tried the root beer float from NecessiTeas and that one was pretty...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got my amazing envelope of goodies from TeaEqualsBliss and this was included. I’d never even heard of it before! Honestly, I’m not a big fan of root beer flavored things, but the bf likes them so...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Why not share a guilt-free root beer float with someone special in your life? Sweet red honeybush, natural root beer and vanilla flavors with some jasmine and lavender blooms to make it pretty.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

31 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

The aroma is RIGHT ON! The taste is surprisingly good! I can certainly see the Root Beer Resemblance! Somewhat soda like but creamy like ice cream and ROOT BEER…sure! Darn good! Thanks for sharing LiberTEAs!!!!

Show 7 previous comments...
Cofftea 15 years ago

Yummy! I know you never add anything to your tea, but how about a scoop of ice cream?

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

LOL…that might be classified as A Specialty Drink…hum…perhaps… lol

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

We offer tea shakes and tea sundaes at Zoomdweebie’s

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 15 years ago

I’m tellin’ ya Frank I’m comin’ out there someday.

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

We’d be happy to have you. It’s a shame everyone is so far away. I would love to host a Steepster Meet-up.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 15 years ago

Tell me about it…I think it would be great. I would try to come for sure.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Oh… my… gosh… a tea SUNDAE?! How does that work? Definitely gotta do that w/ Mayan Chocolate Chai! You just made my day Frank:)

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

Lots of sugar, tiny bit of hot tea mixed in a little bit at a time until you have a thick syrup. Drizzle over ice cream, add whipped cream, cherry and nuts.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Hmm I think I like the float idea better, but sounds interesting.

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1908 tasting notes

I gave this cup a longer steeping, but interestingly enough I’m noticing that if I steep the tea longer the flavour of the honeybush base becomes more prominent and sort of overtakes the “rootbeer float” flavourings.

Boiling 8 min or more
Janefan 14 years ago

I’ve also noticed that it seems shorter steepings = more flavor for 52teas blends!

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4843 tasting notes

I got this with my order a couple of weeks ago, but this is my first time trying this particular tea from that order. I have tried the root beer float from NecessiTeas and that one was pretty good…

This is really very good.

I’m curious though, Frank… are those lilac blossoms or lavender blossoms?

Boiling 8 min or more
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Jillian 15 years ago

I’m pretty sure it said that they were lilac blossoms on the website.

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

Okay. I’m an idiot. I will have to find some time to fix that on the site and label. They ARE lavender blooms. Chalk that one up to being a guy. Purple flowers is purple flowers. LOL. They are just there for a bit of color.

Thanks for calling me on it. I’ll get it changed soon. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in it updating our site. What do you think?

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

The site looks awesome Frank. They looked like lavender to me, which is why I asked. :)

Jillian 15 years ago

Yeah BIG difference scent and flavour -wise! XD

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

I noticed only very subtle floral hints from the lavender and jasmine though, mostly I was getting rootbeer and cream notes. It’s a very tasty blend!

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470 tasting notes

I got my amazing envelope of goodies from TeaEqualsBliss and this was included. I’d never even heard of it before! Honestly, I’m not a big fan of root beer flavored things, but the bf likes them so I showed him this and his eyes almost popped out of his head. I brewed up a cup and he was in love! Apparently it tastes just like root beer, fizziness included. I didn’t try any since I was ensconced in my cassis & blueberry, BUT judging from his reaction this is a real winner. Thanks, TEB, for bringing this awesome tea into our lives!

Boiling 8 min or more

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558 tasting notes

Thanks to Jillian, I get to try this honeybush concoction. The smell from the bag is quite strong and sarsaparilla. I used to work at a cafe that made italian sodas and cream sodas and a popular one was sarsaparilla (root beer). I miss those syrups, quite the wonderful selection. I steeped this blend for 8 minutes in boiling water.

I’m not getting much of the “float” but the root beer is certainly there. I still taste the woodsy honeybush underneath the root beer, but I don’t mind it. I can’t see myself drinking this every day, but it is something I could see myself craving. Quite the treat. Thanks again Jillian for sending me samples!

Cofftea 15 years ago

If you like rooibos or black tea, Fava Tea Co. has root beer versions. (no “float” esque though)

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464 tasting notes

Travelling Tea Box C

Since I had luck with Smaug, I decided to try this blend even though I haven’t been overly fond of 52tea in the past. This one was ok. It did taste vaguely like rootbeer. The base was more smoky than what I was expecting and I could use stronger sassafras or wintergreen or sasparilla or something. It was just a little too mild for my root beer preference. Still better than the 52teas I’ve had in the past though.

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310 tasting notes

This tea is very very interesting. I was a bit afraid of it. I mean, you know, hot root beer? I got up the nerve to try it today and was not at all disappointed. It’s really good.

The tea in the bag smells lightly of rootbeer and sweetness. Once brewed it smells like root beer. The dry tea leaves have big whole dried lilacs and jasmine flowers. It’s very pretty.

The tea tastes a little flowery and spicy at the same time. It’s actually a nice combination. The finish is where you really get the root beer float flavor. So, this tea went from being the scary bag in the tea drawer to a welcome addition. I actually glad that the root beer flavor in this is mild.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

Kristin, Fava Tea Co. Has root beer (not float though) black and rooibos based teas. You might want to get them and compare:)

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892 tasting notes

A big thank you to TeaEqualsBliss!
This tea smells like vanilla rootbeer. I was wondering about the jasmine and lavender being all up in there but I can’t really taste it. Or maybe it just blends in? Either way it makes the tea look pretty :D I am just getting little hints of rootbeer but I’m mostly tasting the vanilla and honeybush. It’s still really good though :] Thanks again TeaEqualsBliss!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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33 tasting notes

So I finally made my first 52teas/SweetHoneybush purchase and decided to go with Root Beer Float! I was super excited to try this herbal, and I was definitely not disappointed. The herbal itself is even beautiful – with the jasmine and lilac blooms. The honeybush smells very much like a sweet root beer syrup, and I was worried that the taste wouldn’t follow through. But it’s great! The herbal blend has a dull root beer flavour and it’s very mellow. The roasted flavour notes of the honeybush also come through, which makes this a great base for a root beer flavoured tea! A great blend that I would recommend to honeybush – and root beer – lovers alike.

Indigobloom 14 years ago

I think you’ve inspired me to try this… If I ever come across one of their locations. I love Rise n Shine so I imagine this to be similar in flavour :)

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105 tasting notes

Day 2- 12 Teas of XMAS

Ok, after being insanely disappointed with day 1 (Smaug)*, this was slightly more exciting.

It is good, and has a pretty decent root beer flavor, but I am a huge fan of Butiki’s root beer float tea… and the Butiki root beer blows this one away, sorry to say.

*So as a geeky person, I can definitely appreciate that the Smaug tea was on the first day, considering the Hobbit just got released. I thought that was fun. However, these are flavors I just could never imagine enjoying in a tea. Hopefully I will work up enough courage to try it at some point, but most likely passing this one along to a friend :/

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