Strawberry Zabaglione

Tea type
Black Tea
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Alcohol, Cream, Custard, Fruity, Pastries, Strawberry, Sweet, White Wine, Berries
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 g 11 oz / 327 ml

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168 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So I’m finally giving this one a rating. I tried this at work today, and used water that wasn’t quite boiling. That seems to have helped, though it’s still not as exciting as i hoped it would be....” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m not sure exactly how this little bit of Strawberry Zabaglione found its way back into my stash… I was sure that I had sent the last little bit out somewhere. But, I’m glad I found it, because...” Read full tasting note
  • “Reverting to old favorites – comforting. Mmmmmm Added a dash of sweet cream creamer just because I wanted to cool it down a bit – I need tea NOW! Sooo sleepy and this is a dreamy tasting tea....” Read full tasting note
  • “Many thanks to Emilie for this generous sample! First of all, I have no idea what zabaglione is supposed to taste like, but if it tasted like this tea, it would be delicious. The strawberries are...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

This was a suggestion from one of our customers, and I spent an hour digging through my email folders and searching our facebook page, but I couldn’t find the original suggestion anywhere, so I couldn’t put his or her name on the blend.

Anyway, when I first got the suggestion, I realized I was going to have to MAKE some Zabaglione to try, because not only had I not tried it before, but I had never HEARD of it before. Well after trying it (for those of you who never have, I would say it is something like a custardy (flavor, not texture) whipped cream with a hint of wine. After trying it, I was not at all sure that we would be able to make a tea that hinted of the complexity of Zabaglione, but after some trial and error, we now have…

Our Tea of the Week for the week of May 31, 2010

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

168 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

So I’m finally giving this one a rating. I tried this at work today, and used water that wasn’t quite boiling. That seems to have helped, though it’s still not as exciting as i hoped it would be. It still smells DIVINE!I just wish the strawberry was more intense. I can get more of the creamy taste out of this brew but it’s still pretty bland.

I’m almost tempted to get Azzrian to send me some of hers to see if this is a bad batch or something. I really wanted to like this tea more than i do :( Here’s hoping the blueberry zabaglione on it’s way is better.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec

not a bad batch, I had it long ago and felt the same way.

Will Work For Tea

^^ Me as well!


I had trouble with this as well, and I was going to try a 2.5 minute steep time. Have you tried that?


Not yet tigress. The tea cooling brought out a bit more of the flavours


Have you tried cold-brewing this yet? Hot brewing did nothing for me but cold brewing was amazing!!


not yet haha. I’m sadly not really set up for cold brewing yet. Small friedge, other half always had a bunch of crap in it etc.. haha i’ll keep that in mind though.


Message me about it and I will do that! :)


Azzrian – so funny story.. i stared at your comment for like 3 mins trying to figure out what you were talking about.. message you about what… huh? yeah… i’m sleepy this afternoon.


I had some of this from Azz and wasn’t particularly taken by it. To each their own!

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4843 tasting notes

I’m not sure exactly how this little bit of Strawberry Zabaglione found its way back into my stash… I was sure that I had sent the last little bit out somewhere. But, I’m glad I found it, because I wanted something like this so that I could test out my taste buds to see how they’re functioning.

I’m feeling so much better than I was, my ears are still what I want to call “cloudy” – where it feels like I’ve got ear plugs in my ears or something because everything sounds muffled. My throat feels better, my eyes are still very itchy and it takes every ounce of willpower that I have (and I haven’t a lot of it) to keep from rubbing them. I still have the occasional cough, but, really, the most difficult thing for me is my taste buds, because I have tons of tea to be tasting and reviewing here, and I need my taste buds to be functioning!

Well, I can definitely taste the strawberry and the creaminess of the custard. It’s yummy, although, it does still taste a bit muffled. sigh I guess no reviewing for today. But, it does give me hope for tomorrow. I think by tomorrow, I should be back in the saddle. At least I hope so!


Feel better!

Autistic Goblin

Feel better soon!


I’m glad you’re feeling better at least!


Ah darn and I thought you were so much better. Did I send this to you? I LOVE this stuff and usually always send it to people :)


No, this one isn’t from you. It was still in the original pouch… so it must have gotten hoarded by me! LOL

Thanks everyone… I’m getting there. My taste buds are almost there … just not quite.


Seems scrumdidlyumptious!

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807 tasting notes

Reverting to old favorites – comforting. Mmmmmm
Added a dash of sweet cream creamer just because I wanted to cool it down a bit – I need tea NOW!
Sooo sleepy and this is a dreamy tasting tea.
Maybe my tea and I need to go back and cuddle under the covers.

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1184 tasting notes

Many thanks to Emilie for this generous sample!

First of all, I have no idea what zabaglione is supposed to taste like, but if it tasted like this tea, it would be delicious.

The strawberries are nice and fresh, and I am getting kinda a burnt creamy taste to this. The black base is there for sure. I am getting a little bit of bitterness in this one though. The bitterness is bearable because of the sweetness of the berries and creamy taste, but I would rather it not be bitter.

I have some more sample to play with, so I will try a shorter steep or cooler water next time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I just ordered this! I am really excited to try it!


LOL! And it just got here! That is pretty fast shipping.


Enjoy its one of my favorites! :)


How does everyone else usually steep this? Is 2.5 minutes good? I will have to try steeping again because 3 made a bitter steep


I think one of the other recommendations is using water that’s below boiling. I have only tried this particular tea once, and can’t recall what I did, or whether it worked well (but my note should be there!)

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558 tasting notes

Decided to brew up a full pot of this to enjoy during the Chicago 2011 blizzard. Got out of work early and don’t have to go in tomorrow so I’m celebrating with a caffeinated tea at 8:48pm. All schools are closed, not sure if all of the businesses are, but with the 15 plus inches of snow with winds of 50-60mph I’m sure not much will be open.

I knew I’d want to wait to open this fresh pouch of Strawberry Zabaglione for a special day, and today called for just that. Curling up with my cats, my hubby and the steepster tastelogs to catch up on what I’ve missed this week. I missed this tea. It is such a great strawberry tea. I will have to try a cup with cream and sugar to see if it meets my Marco Polo expectations. If so, farewell Marco Polo…another 52teas order awaits in my near future.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Meghann M

Om nom nom nom….so divine with a few sugar crystals and splash of cream. I can see this pouch disappearing quickly if I don’t hoard it. So much goodness in my tummy.


I can’t wait to try this. This is one of my Valentea selections.

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863 tasting notes

This just smelled so tantalizing yesterday morning. All strawberries and cream, just perfect for breakfast. I’ve gone back and forth on the best strawberry tea so many times – and this one is always one of the top contenders.

Tart berry and sweet cream are the most evident, but the smooth black base is discernible too. Given it’s age it is still really flavorful, too. Not sure if this is still available from 52Teas – but if you are looking for a good berries and cream tea this is definitely one you should try.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1764 tasting notes

BIG thank you to Azzrian for this sample!
Best served lukewarm!
This is the second time I made this, the first time drunk hot and oversteeped (3-4 min). It was terrible!
But… then I cut the steep time down and it got a little better. Added 1/4 tsp sugar and the burnt taste seemed to mellow out.
And then! as the cup cooled, it got really good!! ohmygoodness, the creamy custard really came out. Only a hint of strawberry but hey I don’t mind. This is fantastic!
SO glad I discovered the proper way to enjoy this delightful creation. I usually prefer my tea hot, so this is a surprise for me! walking upstairs with my tea, I was preparing to give this a ho hum rating. Lucky I checked my email first or I’d have alot of editing to do :)

BTW… for weeks the site has been bugged up, and I’ve been unable to view my notices. I’d click on them and nothing happened! then today, they are all gone. All 1600 of them… so if I’ve missed any comments, please forgive me! Ignorance is not bliss I tell ya :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

1600 notices?! Whoa!


So happy you liked it!


See! Bring down the. Temp and steeping time and franks blacks are much better :)


CHAroma, I’m really not sure how that happened. Probably why it got wiped out! lol
Thanks again Azzrian, you seriously rock :P
Sil, it really does!! though I love the blueberry danish tea any way it’s made. sooooo good!


Hahaha, I have 15229 notices. I stopped checking. I get them all emailed to me, and I keep the emails with comments that I need/want to respond to until I have time to respond.


Holy crap!!! That’s insanity!! And I thought I was a busy blogger with my average 20-50 notices, LOL!

On the subject of this tea, I also found that it needs a lower infusion time. I’ll try lower temp next time too. Thanks for the tip!


Kittenna, when someone comments on a post that isn’t mine, which I’ve liked, I don’t get those via email. Otherwise, I don’t mind them getting erased like that.
CHAroma, oh that took weeks, months actually, to get there! and it refreshed itself at one point to.
A tricky tea, but SO yummy :)

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357 tasting notes

I had a hard time getting the room to a comfortable temperature last night, so I didn’t get the best sleep. I decided a good black tea was just what I needed when the alarm clock went off this morning. It’s a bold black tea with a nicely balanced strawberries and cream flavor. I’m using it less and less because I don’t want to run out of it – The horror! I have my fingers crossed that there will be a reblend before my package is empty. (What do you say Frank? Reblend? Do it! Do it! Do it! But you know…no pressure)

Today was my second day at work, and my coworkers organized a little meeting to officially introduce me to the team. It was nice to learn about everyone’s background and they even brought pie and ice cream to share. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more welcome at a new job :)




That’s really nice! Wow!


i will be trying this one…. <scuffles rummaging for ‘add to shopping list’ button>.


@Sil & Cavocorax – it really was a nice way to start off with new coworkers, and they even learned new things about each other

@JustJames – I hope you enjoy it. One tip (although you may already know this) I find I get a better balance of flavors when I use water that is not boiling, but hot enough that you can blow on it and sip it almost immediately.

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1353 tasting notes

I had a cup of this last night, and I was surprised to see that I’ve used half the leaves already. I didn’t think I’d been drinking it that much…

As an experiment I added some of my vanilla black from Whittard of Chelsea to see if it would bring out the custard-y qualities more.

It certainly did. It was very very custard-y and the strawberries got completely drowned. It was almost cloyingly sweet and acquired a great deal of astringency at the end of the sip.

If you like something very sweet, you might like this combination. Personally I wasn’t convinced by it and I see no reason to take this line of experimentation any further.

Meghann M

I was sad to see this was no longer available at 52teas…I hope they reblend it!


I hope they reblend too! This one was really good.


I got mine on a reblend, if memory serves me right. I’m thinking that if it was reblended once there should be a decent chance that it will be a second time. :)

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6444 tasting notes

I had high hopes for this tea after falling in love with the strawberry flavors of Strawberry Pie Honeybush last night. Unfortunately, this pales in comparison. I find it has a similar thick mouth feel to pancake breakfast – I think it added to the pancake breakfast tea because it resembled the mouth feel of a pancake but I am not sure if it really goes well in this tea. I also find the strawberry flavor is more prominent in the smell than the taste although it is subtly there. Perhaps brewing this slightly under boiling will help the flavors shine through a bit more. As I had it today, I think this is a nice enough cup of tea but I would far rather spend my money getting more of the amazing Strawberry Pie Honeybush.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

uh oh! i just grabbed some for the same reasons while restocking the pie one. hmmm…


Try 2.5 mins at less than boiling – seems to work better for Frank’s black bases in my experience


ifjuly – don’t worry, this tea is not bad at all. I just far prefer the other. Both are good though.
Sil – thank you! I will definitely try that out next time


I struggled with this one for a while too. 190-195 for 2.5 min seems to be the sweet spot.


I second Sil’s recommendation. That brewing method revolutionized Frank’s black base for me.


Another one here chiming in – definitely less than boiling for 2.5 minutes.


(Making mental note – 2.5 minutes for 52teas black bases….)


Thanks everyone! I will definitely be sure to have a 2.5 min steeping time with water just below boiling.

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