Thanks so much for the samples, Plum Deluxe! There wasn’t quite a teaspoon in my sample. It’s a CTC black tea with lemongrass, coconut, cocoa nibs and spices. The name is quite accurate here, as rather than a dark, spicy chai, it is very BRIGHT and “uplifting”. If bright had a flavor, it would be this. I think it’s the fruitiness of the lemongrass, possibly the ginger making it so bright. It’s very smooth, probably the coconut. The black tea itself doesn’t steep up too dark, considering it’s a CTC and usually those become quite brisk quite quickly, even with the six minute second steep. I didn’t taste chocolate but that might be a little weird here, with the lemongrass. I did notice at least one cocoa nib. I’ve had some chai with lemongrass before and didn’t like it at all, so I’m pleasantly surprised with the melding of flavors this one has. I’d grab this one when I’m craving a light, fruity chai. The second steep was just as good.
Steep #1 // less than 1 teaspoon for a full mug // 11 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 6 minute steep
2020 Sipdowns: 12
I just went on Teavivre’s website and it looks like they aren’t even shipping tea out because of the coronavirus. Wow. It’s scary. I hope everyone stays as safe as possible, both in China and throughout the world.