A sample from Butiki I have taken way too long to try. I’m going to make a priority list of teas to try and pick from that for a while. To be fair, this was stored around the super strong smelling Ruby Pie and it might have acquired some flavor from that one, but if it did, it is delicious with this one anyway. This Darjeeling is different. I can easily say it is one of my favorites. It doesn’t have too much of a muscatel quality, but it has a syrupy quality but also a bite to it. The flavor is very bright and fruity (again, could be the Ruby Pie). It also has a quality to it like the Taiwanese assam. The leaves do look similar, dark and twisty… if it also had some Darjeeling leaves mixed in. The color of the brew is a lovely autumn orange, as I’m expecting Darjeeling to be now. This one could be called Darkjeeling. I like it whether or not it has flavors from Ruby Pie. This is similar to the other Sourenee that Butiki carries, but that one definitely has more astringency and chocolate notes. This is much fruitier. The second steep was delicious as well but it tasted a bit more like the “bark” flavor mentioned in Butiki’s description. But to me that is usually what I call the cedar tree like flavor that oversteeped leaves have. I need to drink all of my Butiki samples… but then they’ll be gone!
Steep #1 // 2 tsps.// 18 min after boiling // 4 min
Steep #2 // 13 min after boiling // 4 min