Thank you DigniTea for some of this one! Such amazing flavor combinations in the description!
Steep #1// just boiled // 2 1/2 min
Definitely smells like cherry while I’m pouring the water, but not exactly actual cherry. That is mostly the flavor as well. The other fruits seem to be lost. Not really caramel either. I have a problem with the base here, for the same reason I have a problem with the 52Teas base. They both taste the same and I don’t like it… which is odd since the 52Teas is not Ceylon. But they taste the same to me. Sadly, this base alone kind of ruins this tea for me (and probably most of Dammann) and the flavors don’t really end up being what the description promises.
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 min
This cup surprisingly still has some flavor left and somehow the black tea itself is more in the background. Not a terrible tea but I don’t think it’s for me. The base isn’t for me. It seems like this sort of description just sets you up for a disappointing flavor. I can’t love everything (and I’m kind of glad I don’t – too much tea I couldn’t live without!)