Here to fore be known as “Grumpy Wizard”.

step 1.) avoid cleaning your room for 2 months
step 2.) tell yourself all day that you’re going to clean your room as soon as you get home form work
step 3.) brew a big cup of gandalf and organize your fic until 2am instead
(a large part of that time was taken up searching for one specific story that i just read maybe a week ago but i’m convinced now that i must have made it entirely up because it is NOWHERE to be found! wtf!)

pretty nice tea for the evening cuz it’s mellow.
but this wizard’s magic was totally no help with the chores.
thanks thanks thanks jump62359 for the opportunity to try the original Gandalf.

my cat tried to drink out of the cup, but don’t worry i punched her. (*no i didn’t. chillout peeple i wouldn’t really punch a cat)


UGH I hate when that happens! The wandering/missing/did it ever really exist??? fic.


Was it a dream? I don’t even know what that fic was but the fact that you spent so much time searching for it has convinced me that it must be on the top of the rec list and why haven’t I read it yet? /flails/


I have spent weeks before looking for that one story with that one line I like so much but can’t remember perfectly. Weeks. So I understand.


funny enough i found a tumblr the other day that was ONLY ppl describing random fic plots and the moderators would help them find the fic!
i thought it was hilarious.

anonymous said:
it’s a clint/phil story where they work together and then they sit on the couch at Shield and then Hawkeye shoots arrows pew pew and then they get drunk/trapped/lost/camping/etc and kiss goodnight… can you help me find it thanks!?

here it is, dragon!clint / merman!phil meet at a pub linklinklink enjoy!

(i’m joking. it was actually a helpful blog. and accurate! they are achieving the impossible! dreams can come true.)


oh, but it was only clint & phil plots. and the fic i lost had neither dude in it.


That’s an amazing public service.
Also, I think I need to start tagging my fic with !‘s (Demon!Dean, Child!Sherlock etc). I will never be done tagging. I should probably stop so I can just read more fic but my brain won’t allow it.


They have a journal on Livejournal that was just for fic finding. Usually one sentence was enough for someone to recognize it – kind of hilarious.

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UGH I hate when that happens! The wandering/missing/did it ever really exist??? fic.


Was it a dream? I don’t even know what that fic was but the fact that you spent so much time searching for it has convinced me that it must be on the top of the rec list and why haven’t I read it yet? /flails/


I have spent weeks before looking for that one story with that one line I like so much but can’t remember perfectly. Weeks. So I understand.


funny enough i found a tumblr the other day that was ONLY ppl describing random fic plots and the moderators would help them find the fic!
i thought it was hilarious.

anonymous said:
it’s a clint/phil story where they work together and then they sit on the couch at Shield and then Hawkeye shoots arrows pew pew and then they get drunk/trapped/lost/camping/etc and kiss goodnight… can you help me find it thanks!?

here it is, dragon!clint / merman!phil meet at a pub linklinklink enjoy!

(i’m joking. it was actually a helpful blog. and accurate! they are achieving the impossible! dreams can come true.)


oh, but it was only clint & phil plots. and the fic i lost had neither dude in it.


That’s an amazing public service.
Also, I think I need to start tagging my fic with !‘s (Demon!Dean, Child!Sherlock etc). I will never be done tagging. I should probably stop so I can just read more fic but my brain won’t allow it.


They have a journal on Livejournal that was just for fic finding. Usually one sentence was enough for someone to recognize it – kind of hilarious.

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