16374 Tasting Notes


Made for work today. This was one that I debated having last night when I was stuck between like nine different teas, but I made it today instead because I thought it would be a good flavour contrast to any of my mates (I knew I wanted a mate with me for such a long shift). This is a favourite of mine, and I’m still ecstatic that I have a close to completely full tin to sip away at whenever the mood suits me. Off topic note, but everytime I make this I feel like I should be drinking it along with a cup of Tropicalia. I have no idea why, but whenever I have this tea I associate it with Tropicalia (and vice versa) and whenever I crave this tea I crave Tropicalia too (vice versa again). They really have nothing in common…

Someday I’m just gonna go crazy and mix the two blends together to create some kind of frankenblend. Ugh, how odd would that be? Pina Colada Blueberry Jam? No thank you.

For preparation, I steeped a heaping 1/2 tbsp. in my timolino using boiling water for five minutes. I’m drinking the last few sips of what was left over from work right now, and I’m thinking that (while it’s still good) it probably would have benefitted from another minute (maybe two) of steeping.

Today I found the black base tea to be really strong, but the blueberry to be a bit lighter. I like the days I drink it and it’s got the opposite flavour profile. Still though, very good and reliable tea. It’s one of the only ways I ever consume anything blueberry because I hate the texture of actual blueberries and the taste of artificial blueberries (so this works since it’s the taste of real blueberries without the texture).

Also, about ten minutes before the end of my shift I texted Tre to try and convince him to make me eggs. He said no because he was going out with friends right away, but I got home from work and there was a plate of yummy eggs waiting for me (still hot) made just the way I like them: over easy and without salt or pepper (sometimes I think I have the best roommate, but sometimes he drives me mad too) I’m bringing this up because I’m eating them right now with the last of my timolino full of Blueberry Jam and they’re going together exquisitely. Such a great breakfast combo.

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drank Mate Mint by Tea Desire
16374 tasting notes

Today was filled with good things and bad things. To start, it was Remembrance day (always a very somber day) and that happened to be a big plus for me since I had a 6 hour shift payed at time and a half because of the Holiday. Yay money! Also, today while I was opening the Kiosk the other opener was actually on time – which hasn’t happened all week! It was nice not having to rush to open both Kiosks so our company doesn’t get fined (malls fine you when you open late or close early). I also managed to contact my last two employees and confirm they’ll be at set up for the store this Wednesday. Yay!

On a negative side, today was my last shift in this mall because, on Wednesday, I’ll be starting at the mall where the Kiosk I’ll be managing is gonna get set up. I’ve really grown attached to this mall – and there are quite a few people that I’ve made part of my “daily routine” either by talking to them in their stores or getting food from them at the food court on break. Plus, no more 10% discount at Tea Desire! Boo.

Also negative, the manager at Centre didn’t do ANY of her weekly paperwork, so I got a call from head office (who were very grumpy and pissed) – and they then decided that since I’ll be managing a store soon I should have to do all her paperwork for her and send it to them via fax. Holy balls did that make for a stressful day: I was not anticipating doing any of Jen’s paperwork (she hadn’t done ANY of it – and it’s like 5 hours of paperwork that I had like 30 min. to do), and I had customers to help at the same time too so I had to balance paperwork and customers simultaneously. Also, I was supposed to train an employee (one of mine) today but she was sick – so she’s going to train with Jen tomorrow… Which is fine I guess, but that means I can’t be SURE she’s getting the training I would have wanted from her.

A consistently nice thing today was drinking my tea today. I made this and Blueberry Jam in the morning before work, and both were very good. For this one, I prepared it the usual way (1 tsp. approx 1 min. boiling water) – and only made one cup (because I had hoped to get one last discounted Tea Desire drink mid shift, but that didn’t happen since there weren’t enough staff present to cover breaks).

At first I didn’t think the Mate was doing anything for my energy – that would have been ok I guess, I mean I like the drink for its taste primarily. But about an hour and a half into my shift I found I had stopped yawning and wasn’t so groggy and sluggish. And then, about two hours into my shift I felt nice and alert. So good job mate!

I think this is truly best as a cold tea. It’s good hot – but just so much more refreshing cold (which is how I had it today).

Boiling 1 min, 45 sec

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drank Chai Apricot by Tea Desire
16374 tasting notes

Typically good cup (well, timolino in this case) of this tea. For the timolino I used something like 2 tsp. steeped for about two, maybe closer to three, minutes. This is the second tea I’ve had today with peppercorns in it – and they definitely suit this one better.

I get lots of the cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and peppercorn like usual. As someone who does not love ginger, I’m happy it’s primarily lost under all the other spices. Also, the fennel is especially standing out today, and I’m not ashamed to say I picked some of the fennel out of the leaf after it was done steeping and ate it straight. Man, I forgot how much I liked straight fennel (kind of makes me want to try David’s Bollywood Chai just so I can pick out the candied fennel in it).

Apricot is still pretty strong even though I’m not sure if I got a lot of it into the dry leaf (maybe one or two average size chunks). I always get something “ketchup” like with this tea, in the best way, but still can’t figure out what it is!

Glad to end my day with a nice chai like this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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While having a wide variety of teas stocked is sometimes really good because you have something for whatever mood you’re in, it can also be a curse when you happen to be in the mood for, say, eight or nine different teas: like I am now. Urgh. I did my best to compensate though: I steeped a cup of this up for myself to have right now (citrus and mint were recurring flavours in the teas I had picked out – so this one fit quite well considering it’s both), made a timolino full of Tea Desire’s Chai Apricot to have later tonight, and then started cold brewing a pitcher full of Tea Desire’s Buddha Bamboo to strain in the morning for breakfast (and also to have an extra cup good to go to try mixing with club soda). So, lots on the go, kinda…

I’m thinking maybe it would have been a good idea to make the Chai Apricot for immediate consumption and this blend in the timolino, just because of the caffeine. Oh well. Live and learn, right?

Taste wise, nothing really new to add. This is a predictably pleasant cup like usual (a staple herbal in my cupboard). I guess somewhat of note is that in the 2 tsp. of dry leaf I measure out there were two whole gooseberries (I love gooseberries so much!), so the notes from the gooseberries are a tad bit stronger than usual.

For anyone trying this tea first time, remember to shake the bag or tin first – the spearmint in the blend typically sinks all the way to the bottom and to taste this properly you really want to get some spearmint into your dryleaf.

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

Is this one discontinued? the description sounds great, but I’m afraid I’ll never get to try some, which is fine because I suppose I can’t miss what I’ve never tried, but still.

Roswell Strange

This one is not discontinued, so fret not!


So it’s still available in store?

Roswell Strange

It should be – both local DT stores in my city, and the one in my old city had this in store, plus it’s online too. You should be able to find some. But, if not we could always do a swap or something. I have enough I could share some.

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Decided to try this again to see if I still feel like it’s something I’d want 50g of before the winter collection leaves. For preparation, I used a close to level (a little heaping) 1/2 tbsp. that I steeped straight into my timolino. Water was boiling, and it steeped about 5 1/2 minutes.

As soon as I poured the water in, I was hit with this huge wave of peppermint that, like last time, was so intense I teared up a little bit. The smell was also very creamy and still smelled like white chocolate. Very much like last time.

Taste wise, this was very good. Nice strong peppermint and creamy white chocolate taste that is fluid with the sip. I must have had more peppercorn in the dry leaf I used this time, though – because while I wasn’t totally sure if I was getting the peppercorn in my last cup I could DEFINITELY tell that there was peppercorn in this cup. It cut through pretty strongly both in the start and finish of the sip (but was not so present in the middle of the sip) – and honestly, I didn’t really like it. I found it distracting and though it detracted from the creamy white chocolate that I really like in this blend.

However, I still very much enjoyed the cup overall and the taste is still very different from other mint teas I own in a mostly good way. This is NOT a full tin purchase – I have now determined that for sure. I’d still like to get more than the, probably, 10g or so that I have left. As an occasional treat (and the smell the dry leaf) this would be a good fit in my cupboard.


I think 50g more of this would be enough for me. :)

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During my break at work today, I decided the two thermoses or tea I had brought with me weren’t enough, so I stopped at Tea Desire for a To Go latte. I’ve always thought this’d be a good latte, but I don’t really have any of the proper equipment to make a good (and not ratchet as all hell) latte at home, so I’ve yet to try it that way.

Let me just say, I was NOT wrong. Christ – it was SO freaking good. The banana become extra, extra creamy and smooth, and the quite strong chocolate taste was pretty softened and instead of blending with the banana more served to compliment it as a “side” (does that make sense?). Plus, yummy banana milk foam/froth is so tasty. As soon as I’d finished I wanted another…

I know VariaTEA has sort of been on a latte kick, and I recently sent her a sample of this so: Variatea, if you see this note I would recommend that you try a cup of this as a latte (and the other hot). You should have enough for at least two cups in the sample I sent you, and I bet you’d really enjoy it this way.

(My rating for this is already 100, but if I could go higher I definitely would)


haha I will definitely test this out as a latte asap! Thanks Roswell Strange!!

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drank Cranberry Pear by DAVIDsTEA
16374 tasting notes

Today sucked! This was the only day I have off for maybe the next 10-12 days (yay being a manager with a crazy busy schedule…), and instead of sleeping in and enjoying the French Toast breakfast that my roommate Tre, who is studying to be a professional chef), had promised to make I was instead awoken by a phone call asking me to come in to work today to fill a shift for someone who had called in sick. I mean, I guess it was my choice to accept or not – but I felt like it would have looked sort of bad if I (soon to be manager at my own store) wasn’t able to be flexible/come in when people were sick. Part of this new promotion is putting in a lot of time outside of work hours and sacrificing what little social life I have. I wouldn’t have minded – except I really wanted to sleep in until like noon and then have an awesome French Toast breakfast…

But oh well, at least I have my tea!

This was very nearly a sipdown for me. I think I have enough for, say, two more cups? That’s good because this is one I definitely wanted to ‘upgrade’ to a tin instead of just a little sample bag – but bad because there’s still lots of tea in the tin I was hoping to use for it.

For preparation, I used a heaping 1/2 tbsp. which I steeped in boiling water for 5 minutes (10 oz. mug), and then poured into my water bottle. At the time of drinking this, it was cold. Very smooth and creamy with a strong but balanced taste of both pear and cranberry. I love this blend and can’t wait to have a tin of it so I can drink it more frequently without worrying about using up the last of the sample.

I really like this hot too (even though I haven’t had it hot in a while) – it makes a great switch up from my other fruity teas which are typically either herbal, citrus, or lighter white teas.

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I didn’t get to bring any tea with me to work today! I was supposed to get up at six so that I could watch an episode of Supernatural, shower, and make my tea without being rushed – but instead I woke up at 8:20 with my alarming going off. I literally slept through my alarm! So, I scrambled to get dressed and do my make up, grab all my work shit and get out the door so I wasn’t late (and I wasn’t) – but that meant I showed up at work all gross and smelly with no tea! Boo…

It DID ensure, however, that I went to Tea Desire on break and picked up a Tea To Go. No way was I going a 9 hour shift without any tea. I decided to get a latte, and to my surprise I met a fourth staff member (I’m there A LOT and up until today I’d only met three staff members). She was very nice, but I’ll admit it was kind of disappointing not being immediately recognized and greeted by name. I’ve sort of grown used to that…

I doubt I’d purchase any of this tea for at home – I already have some good Cream Earl Greys and Tea Desire has a lot more interesting blends that I’d rather keep stocked. However, there are some really nice things about this blend specifically that really make me enjoy it. It has rose petals in it, and I find that the notes they contribute really stand out (they were lovely as a latte today – the rose was so creamy and smooth without being light and indiscernible) compared to a few different Cream Earl Greys I’ve tried, and there are bourbon vanilla bits in the tea too, although as a latte today I got much more vanilla than bourbon.

Anyway, long story short I was a happy camper sipping away at this. I got lots of lovely London Fog(y) foam, and the rest was the perfect temp. and steep time. Yum! It definitely made not bringing tea with me much less of a blow.

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So, I guess part of drinking down the teas I’m unsure about restocking means maybe using some of the tea bags I’ve never tried before. This came to me in a box of assorted tea bags from my Grandma when I told her I was moving out (a housewarming present, if you will). Since then I’ve tried and hated most of them (sorry Grandma). I’ve kinda put off trying this one though – primarily because I have no idea what it is.

On the outside of the package, there are no ingredients listed or steeping guidelines – and to me the title of this tea didn’t really clarify much about it (maybe I’m naive/stupid for not knowing, but honestly until I searched this tea on Steepster a few minutes ago I wasn’t even sure which was the company name and which was the name of the tea). I’ve opened up the bags before, but honestly I smell absolutely NOTHING when I sniff at the tea bag (I think that’s probably because this is SUPER old – years at least, and I have no clue how many).

I guessed at Steeping, but in the end I went with boiling water steeped for for minutes roughly. It’s a tea bag, so there was no portioning in that regard (just one tea bag for the oz. mug). Steeped, this smells like a pretty regular Earl Grey – so that’s not too bad. I just looked it up here on Steepster as I started writing this tasting note, and there’s actually a bit of an ingredients description (no steeping guide though): basically it’s an Earl Grey with cardamom (not that I can smell the cardamom in the tea). Here I was thinking it was going to be something really weird and spicey, or some kind of chai blend.

I just finished eating a plate of waffles drenched in syrup, so everything tastes a little syrupy to me right now. However, it tastes like a plain old Earl Grey – I’m literally getting nothing that says “cardamom” spice and that seems to be the selling point for this specific tea. That’s kind of really sad, and maybe a little pathetic. It’s not really too smooth tasting, but there’s no overwhelming bitterness or astringency either. I’d say the strongest flavour is the bergamot.

As an Earl Grey, it’s adequate to average. I’ve had much better bagged Earl Greys and stock some better and obviously higher quality loose leaf Earl Greys already. Plus, it’s majorly failing at what I assume is meant to be the selling point (maybe that’s because it’s old though). I’ll finish the cup, but there’s no way I’d restock this. That probably works out well, though – I haven’t the faintest clue where I’d even look if I wanted to restock this one.

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drank Choconut Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
16374 tasting notes

I made this in the morning using the leaves from the cup I had last night with Robyn. Exact same steeping method as last night. The idea was to drink it at work along with the Raspberry Oolong I had also made, but I actually completely forgot that this was in my backpack all day, so I didn’t end up drinking it until after I had gone down to DAVIDsTEA downtown and realized I had it with me.

Actually, I have an awesome story to share from there today (again). Seriously, I think I’ve been down there twice in the last seven days now – and both times I had AMAZING and above and beyond customer service experiences. Last time, they completely replaced my broken timolino when I was just going to buy a replacement part, and this time I got about $20 of free tea…

So, what happened was I had gone in today to pick up three tea tins for teas I’ve decided will be restocked regularly (Minty Cow from Della Terra, Genmaicha from McQuarries, and Buddha Bamboo from Tea Desire), and also 100g of Choconut Oolong because I’m REALLY loving it and I want to have a good reserve of it. Really, that’s all I could afford to pick up until my next paycheck on the 16th (and then after that I’ll be making much more money because of the increase in hours and pay due to my being a manager now). However, when I came to the mall there was a homeless gentleman outside collecting change wearing nothing but jeans and a t-shirt. Today was FREEZING cold, and it’s snowing to. I’m cold and I’m in a GIANT insulated jacket – so I figure he’s probably freezing. I said hi to him and asked him if he was cold, and he said that yes he was cold but he would manage, and then wished me a blessed evening.

So, as I was getting my purchases rung in at the David’s store, I remembered this guy outside who had been very kind to me and who I could see was really cold. Even though I couldn’t really afford too much extra expenditures (I had budgeted money for this tea into my last paycheck, but didn’t really have any other money set aside for things other than bus fare, rent, and groceries) I decided that I’d get this gentleman a tea (plus, it wouldn’t hurt having the good karma on my side what with the fact I’m about to take on a huge amount of responsibility, and I’m training tomorrow).

I asked the salesman what he would recommend for a Tea to Go with the requirements being that the tea had to be able to withstand a very long steep time and have a very low risk for allergens. He looked a little confused at the requirements (like they were very unconventional things to request), so I explained that the tea wasn’t for me but the homeless gentleman outside who was probably freezing cold. He smiled, recommended Currant Affair (which I went with), and then told me that my tea was on the house. I assumed he just meant the Tea to Go (which was awesome because I really couldn’t afford it to begin with), but as he finished ringing everything in he not only gave me the Tea toG on the house, but also my 100g tin of Choconut Oolong! So, all I paid for was the tea tins (an $8 total, approx.) – and I got about $20 worth of free tea! I feel so blessed, and I’m again just BLOWN AWAY with how amazing David’s is.

Anyway, that was a very long story… So, back to the Choconut Oolong that I actually drank. This resteep is pretty good. The licorice root is faintly there, which is keeping this nice and sweet, and the chocolate and hazelnut flavours are also really lightly present. The interesting thing, however, is that this second steep seems to have brought out a flavour not present in the first steep at all, and that’s the flavour of graham crackers.

Actually, it’s a REALLY STRONG flavour of graham crackers. It’s good, but totally different. I wonder what changed that brought this specific flavour out? I tossed the leaves I used this morning, but I’d really love to try a third steeping and see how much this tea changes again. Thankfully, I have lots now to use up and (thanks to the amazing staff at David’s) even a little extra money in my budget!


That is a great story! The world needs more people like you and the salespeople at David’s tea who are always so pleasant and amazing to deal with!!


Great story! You probably made that guy’s day! How thoughtful of you


Thank you for sharing- that is so nice of you and the gentleman at David’s both! <3

BrewTEAlly Sweet

wow this made my day, I love doing things like these, especially if it make the other persons day. I love seeing people happy and grateful. Thank you for sharing this.


That’s amazing! :)

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Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros or Roswell.

I am a mid-twenties tea addict, blogger, and all around nerd. I grew up in the Prairies, but a few years ago I relocated to Quebec to pursue a career with DAVIDsTEA in the tea industry! I’m still working on getting my French language skills down…

My first introduction to tea, in any form outside of instant and bottled iced tea, was about seven years ago when I happened to stumble upon DAVIDsTEA while looking for a birthday present for a friend! I tried their Birthday Cake rooibos blend, and I’ve been hooked on tea ever since! In those seven years; I was introduced to the online tea community, expanded my interest in flavoured teas to include a deep love and appreciation for straight teas and traditional brewing methods, got a tea themed tattoo, started reviewing teas, amassed a sizable tea and teaware collection, became a TAC certified Tea Sommelier, & even came full circle by beginning a career in the tea industry with DAVIDsTEA!

I consider myself a Jack of all Teas, and strive to have a knowledge and appreciation of all tea types, formats, and styles of drinking. I don’t like to feel boxed in to just being a “flavoured tea” or “straight tea” drinker – my expectations may vary depending on the type of tea or how it’s been processed/prepared but if it’s good tea, it’s good tea no matter how it’s been made!

You name it, I probably drink it- and I’ll absolutely try anything at least once.

My default method of preparation is hot, Western style, and straight – but I’m not opposed to additions if I’m in the right mood. If I ever add something to a tea or use a different method of preparation I will ALWAYS call it out in the tasting note though.

I like to listen to music when drinking tea, especially when I’m brewing a large pot at a time or steeping Gongfu. Often I curate very intentional tea and music pairings, and sometimes I share them here in my tasting reviews. Music is something that I find can deeply affect the experience of having tea.

I’m also one half of the “tea and fandom” podcast GeekSteep where, weekly, we discuss newly explored fandoms over tea as well as try to figure out the perfect tea to pair with each fandom. You can find us on Spotify and Apple & Google podcasts.

Favourite flavour notes/ingredients: Pear, lychee, cranberry, cream, melon, pineapple, malt, roasty, petrichor, sweet potato, heady florals like rose, hazelnut or walnut, sesame, honey (in moderation), and very woody shou.

Least favourite flavour notes/ingredients:
Lemongrass, ginger, strongly spiced profiles (and most Chai in general), mushrooms, seaweed, chamomile, stevia, saltiness or anything that reminds me too much of meat that isn’t supposed to taste like meat…

Currently exploring/obsessed with: Sheng from Yiwu, Yancha (Qilan in particular), anything with a strong sweet potato note. Also, I need to try ALL the root beer teas! Searching for a really good caramel flavoured blend, ideally with a black tea base.

Please contact me at the instagram account listed below if you would like me to review your teas.

Currently I’m employed in the tea department of the DAVIDsTEA head office. While I’m still sharing my own personal thoughts on new & existing DAVIDsTEA blends, I am no longer numerically rating them due to the obvious conflict of interest. Any comments expressed are a reflection of my own thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the company. Any DAVIDsTEA blends you currently see with a numeric score were reviewed prior to my being hired there and have not been adjusted since becoming a DAVIDsTEA employee.


Montreal, QC, CA



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