Cream of Earl Grey

Tea type
Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks to Lynne-tea for a sample of this one, which I think I’ve had previously, though not brewed myself. This is a lovely example of an earl grey cream. Light on the bergamot, heavy on the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dropped the temperature a bit. The smell of the bergamot is stronger, finally holding its own against the other flavours. Now it REALLY smells delicious. Like candy. Sugary and fruity and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I didn’t get to bring any tea with me to work today! I was supposed to get up at six so that I could watch an episode of Supernatural, shower, and make my tea without being rushed – but instead I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Is this a sipdown? Hm. Got a sample size of this, and forced it on my friend last night who loves Earl Grey, and who told me earlier last week he had enough tea to last him a few months – because I...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Desire

Ingredients: black tea, bourbon-vanilla bits, rose petals, jasmine flowers, Bergamot Cream flavour.

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9 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Lynne-tea for a sample of this one, which I think I’ve had previously, though not brewed myself.

This is a lovely example of an earl grey cream. Light on the bergamot, heavy on the creaminess and vanilla; I would swear that someone put cream in my tea. No bitterness at all with a 3-minute infusion. This is pretty darn delicious – delicious enough that I may very well pick this one up as my go-to EGC once I drink down what I have (which consists mostly of small samples from various places, including Upton).

Very tasty. Thanks again for the sample, Lynne-tea! Much appreciated :D

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

“Light on the bergamot, heavy on the creaminess and vanilla”
Is the classic EG fragrance & flavor overshadowed by the creaminess and vanilla? Or, can the EG & cream flavors be equally appreciated & enjoyed?


Hmmmmm…sounds like one ill have to try sometime


looseTman – I’ll have to pay more attention to that next time. To me, it tasted like a very creamy version of an EG, but was the bergamot overshadowed? Perhaps. It certainly wasn’t as apparent as in other EGCs, but I can’t honestly recall. I quite liked it but I do prefer a lighter touch with bergamot to begin with. It is entirely possible that there would be far too little bergamot for some people.


Sil – if I had more, I’d pass it on :) Since I think Tea Desire purchases are min 50g, if I do pick some up I will certainly be able to share it!


NP know how insane i am about earl greys….not. If you do get any in future though, happy to have a cup. A cup. just one. normal sized lol


I highly recommend this one too, especially if you like heavier cream notes in your EGC.

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480 tasting notes

Dropped the temperature a bit. The smell of the bergamot is stronger, finally holding its own against the other flavours. Now it REALLY smells delicious. Like candy. Sugary and fruity and vanillay.

The tea base is still there, but the lower temperature has made it less bitter and sharp, so it now blends much better with the other flavours. Still, the base could be better. The temperature change only does so much.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Daniel McCash

first time I had this tea was at Great Wall. The smell of the cup really captures your senses, I found, making it a really easy tea to immediately enjoy. An easy recommendation to make to people that are used to steeping the same brand every morning (we can call them “normies”) haha


This (Tea Desire’s) version is much different from the Great Wall’s. Great Wall’s is I guess what one could consider a “True Cream Earl Grey” (in my opinion, and I enjoy it a lot more), while this one is really a strongly floral tea with vanilla and bergamot more as afterthoughts.

Daniel McCash

so you’re a regular at Great Wall too? Maybe we’ve already met in person! If I may ask, what is your favorite cup from them? (so far)

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17008 tasting notes

I didn’t get to bring any tea with me to work today! I was supposed to get up at six so that I could watch an episode of Supernatural, shower, and make my tea without being rushed – but instead I woke up at 8:20 with my alarming going off. I literally slept through my alarm! So, I scrambled to get dressed and do my make up, grab all my work shit and get out the door so I wasn’t late (and I wasn’t) – but that meant I showed up at work all gross and smelly with no tea! Boo…

It DID ensure, however, that I went to Tea Desire on break and picked up a Tea To Go. No way was I going a 9 hour shift without any tea. I decided to get a latte, and to my surprise I met a fourth staff member (I’m there A LOT and up until today I’d only met three staff members). She was very nice, but I’ll admit it was kind of disappointing not being immediately recognized and greeted by name. I’ve sort of grown used to that…

I doubt I’d purchase any of this tea for at home – I already have some good Cream Earl Greys and Tea Desire has a lot more interesting blends that I’d rather keep stocked. However, there are some really nice things about this blend specifically that really make me enjoy it. It has rose petals in it, and I find that the notes they contribute really stand out (they were lovely as a latte today – the rose was so creamy and smooth without being light and indiscernible) compared to a few different Cream Earl Greys I’ve tried, and there are bourbon vanilla bits in the tea too, although as a latte today I got much more vanilla than bourbon.

Anyway, long story short I was a happy camper sipping away at this. I got lots of lovely London Fog(y) foam, and the rest was the perfect temp. and steep time. Yum! It definitely made not bringing tea with me much less of a blow.

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1501 tasting notes

Is this a sipdown? Hm. Got a sample size of this, and forced it on my friend last night who loves Earl Grey, and who told me earlier last week he had enough tea to last him a few months – because I gave him a small pouch of DAVID’s Tea. Seriously? Sigh.

Anyway, it’s out of my cupboard now, even though I’m a bit sad I tasted zero of it.

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2 tasting notes

As a fan of Earl Gray teas, I had higher expectations for this loose leaf tea than it was able to deliver. Perhaps the combination of the jasmine flowers and Bergamot Cream flavour were the downfall for me, as I found it to leave an astringent bitter taste after swallowing. I thought at first that I had perhaps brewed it too strongly, but after subsequent trials at later dates I still found it to leave a slightly undesirable after-taste. However, the opinions of others that I asked were generally favourable. Most drank it black with a bit of sugar whereas I added both sugar and milk each time.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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1908 tasting notes

Not bad, but I found the base to be a little bit wimpy and bland. The vanilla cream flavours were more apparent when I added milk to my cup and there was a pleasant mildly floral scent and aftertaste. Not bad, but certainly not the best cream earl grey I’ve tasted.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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9 tasting notes

The BEST cream of earl grey I have ever tasted. Really amazing!

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