My first experience of this was from DavidsTea as a limited item. At the time I marked it as enjoyable but likely would not repurchase, especially since it was so expensive. I lied. :)

As time went on, I kept thinking about it. Enough so I went to hunt down where else I might find it. Thus the Steeping Room.

Its been long enough that I can’t directly compare the two in my head. However, my feelings are very similar. I am enjoying this though not in a daily drinker kind of way.

I keep expecting vegetal or floral notes but I am detecting neither, at least not with my usual steeping parameters. I’m having a hard time coming up with the words to describe the flavor, but it is rich, warm, and maybe malty (I don’t have a great grasp on what malty is yet), though not like any of my black teas.

Five pearls for my little 8oz pot seems to be working well. Resteeps like crazy.

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Due to Steepster instability, I have moved to my own system for logging/rating/tracking and I have chosen to move to a 10pt rating system. (As of 7/2023)

All new teas will be rated using this new system. Existing teas will not be modified unless I try them again.

Rating Details:
100 – Amazing
90 – Excellent
80 – Enjoyable
70 – If I’m in the right mood
60 – Nothing Special
50 – Interesting elements, but doesn’t work as a whole
40 – Disappointing
30 – Not for me
20 – Harsh/Bad
10 – Absolutely horrible

All reviews are purely subjective based upon my personal preferences alone.


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