Sipdown (257)
With this tea finished, I have no more teas from 2017. Yay! So, now I need to work on my 2018 teas – as such, I moved the three blends I have from January 2018 into my focus box and my plan is to have a cup of one of those teas first each day and then I will enjoy my other teas. Hopefully it goes alright.
As for this tea, its a solid milk oolong. Always mellow and sweet. Touch floral but not overly so. It’s nice and I am always surprised by how much I enjoy it, even though I don’t really enjoy it often. I would consider ordering this again if I placed a What-Cha order but I just sleep on it too much.
Good job! Finishing all my 2017 teas has been a goal of mine for a while. I’m not there yet, but definitely getting closer!
Congrats! I didn’t keep a record of when I bought teas (though I have started now), so I suppose I’ll just count everything that I bought before as equally old. :P
I think I started my record keeping in 2017 so anything I didn’t have a date on was put as 2016 or earlier.
WOW! Congratulations! I would be proud of that accomplishment.
Good job! Finishing all my 2017 teas has been a goal of mine for a while. I’m not there yet, but definitely getting closer!
Thank you! I am pretty happy with it!
Congrats! I didn’t keep a record of when I bought teas (though I have started now), so I suppose I’ll just count everything that I bought before as equally old. :P
I think I started my record keeping in 2017 so anything I didn’t have a date on was put as 2016 or earlier.
YAY!! you’re getting there :)
Those are youngesters, haha.
But I feel you with getting it done. Happy sipping 2018 teas!