138 Tasting Notes


really disappointed because i wanted to like this tea, but all i get is hazelnut. and i don’t like hazelnut in the least. was not expecting that at all, since this is supposed to taste like caramel, vanilla or some approximation of cake.

i also get a plasticky note that’s hard to ignore…not sure if it’s from the sachet or the artificial flavoring, but i couldn’t even finish my cup.

what to do with the rest of this tin??

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This is a lovely, clean-tasting green tea which is blended beautifully with the ‘Thai trifecta’ of coconut, ginger & lemongrass- perfumed but never overpowered, by a feminine vanilla. For those who are green tea purists or prefer straight tea yet might be tempted to try it flavored, i would recommend these sachets wholeheartedly, as they impart a light, clean flavor with trace remnants of the aforementioned ingredients.

The aroma of the tea sachets prior to steeping is an accurate ‘portrayal’ of what you will taste; nothing changes or morphs while in water & the green tea’s presence can be distinguished among the other flavors, peeking its head out in a quaint way. It is not bitter, phenolic, overly vegetal or grassy, not even nutty, and i like my green teas delicate with a light toasted flavor. I’m not sure which kind of green tea is used here, but I imagine it is of a reasonably high quality, due to the fact that I steeped this well over the recommended time past which green teas are purportedly impotable & it’s not even ashy, which I totally appreciate.

Additionally, the coconut & lemongrass in this taste very natural and authentic, and are probably the most pronounced, if ever more slightly so than the ginger & vanilla, though the ginger no doubt mixes beautifully with the lemongrass to give it an added dimension, as is the case with so many Red & Green Thai Curries I’ve tried; and believe me when I say, i love spice!

Overall, I’d say this flavored green tea is sophisticated and exercises restraint, which I’m sure will be appreciated by many tea sommeliers and aficionados. The liquor is a very light, clear peridot (that too with 2 sachets), almost mesmerizing, or perhaps I’ve been staring at it too long ;)

ETA: i keep going back to smell the sachets, and at times the vanilla & coconut seem dominant, and at times the lemongrass cuts through. I suppose everything is subject to our interpretation, or maybe this is just a sign that all ingredients are well-balanced?

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i can’t believe it’s not butter!

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butterific cinnamon-swirl vanilla black tea that forever changed my life. it’s really so simple. sweet popcorn caramel with a tantalizing aroma that comforts in every way. i declare this my definitive winter/holiday/christmas tea, but you better believe i’ll be drinking this 365 days a year! seasons don’t exist in my world where there is amazing flavor or fragrance. stocked up like a neurotic squirrel in an acorn pile.

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come to think of it, pudding.

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caramel butter popcorn, amazing, butter

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love tea in every form- from bagged to loose leaf..commercial to niche. i am intrigued by it all & want to learn as much as i can through my 5 senses (tho with tea i’ll presumably be using 3)..am a very sensorial person. love music, perfume, poetry, graphic design, India, Malaysia, Moorish architecture, oh….and tea!

apparently i’m really out of the loop here since i appear to be among the only ones who have not yet tried Golden Moon, Butiki, 52teas, Mandala, Teavivre or Della Terra. i mean REALLY. i need to start lifting this rock up over my head y’all. from the looks of things, i’ve been reenacting Groundhog’s Day every hour on the hour with my uniformed choices. i seek to be anointed!

also, don’t take my numbers too literally; they can’t possibly speak to the actual quality of the tea, much less to the constancy of my own perceptions! what i may feel to be an 88 one day, could very well be a 91 the next, or even 100, depending on my taste buds, blood sugar levels, neuronal firings or planetary alignment ;)

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