I have never been so irritated by making an order. I ordered from 6 different companies over Black Friday weekend, including an Etsy shop that sells tea. I received all these orders before my order from Art of Tea shipped. In fact, an order I made the SAME day with Teavivre, IN CHINA, was delivered the day after this one finally was shipped.
When I finally said something about it on their Facebook page on the 7th, this was the first time they bothered to let anyone know they were taking far longer than 3-5 business days. I did not appreciate their pathetic customers who said this was okay because “I got my order yesterday!” YOU DON’T COUNT.
To make up for it? Nothing. Not a single bonus sample or anything in my order. All I got was that Facebook apology.
It took two weeks to get my order. And it will be a long, long time, if ever, that I order from this company again.
Why? Instead of just admitting to having a ton of orders, they also went with the hand blending BS when there are photos are their Facebook page that show how that isn’t happening.
So they can keep the snooty customers they have, I’m sure they’ll do fine without me.
Sorry, wasn’t sure about the address because I reused the box already, so if someone has it still, add away.
I probably didn’t get a fair look at this company given I ordered when there was a big sale, but it still could have been handled better. Letting people know they were swamped with orders would have been nice, as it took a week to receive shipping confirmation (though that included a weekend and a holiday, so technically 5 business days).
My order had a completely different teapot than what I ordered. It still fit the description of “bamboo” but I ordered based on the picture. Luckily, I like it a lot better than the one in the picture, but it would have been nice to know that this was what I was getting instead in the first place. Or, sorry we were out of stock on this one, does this work instead? Just anything like that would have been great. The lack of communication was just awkward.
So far the teas are not entirely impressive and they took some of them off the site, I guess because they were sold out in the sale, which makes it rather hard to double check everything.
Overall I don’t think I see myself ordering again.
I just placed my order and I’m already annoyed. Worst checkout system EVER. I got all the way through to the final place order step, and the button never loaded. I had to go into Safari and add everything to my cart all over again and then it wouldn’t let me use my email address again, so checking out took almost 20 minutes. Hopefully the tea is worth the trouble..
I’ve been meaning to write this for awhile but I completely forgot.
I placed an order when they had a massive discount code and bought several of the $1 an ounce teas, plus one that might have been $5 for 2 ounces. My total was incredibly low, and I figured if I didn’t like some things that would be okay.
When I got my order, the most expensive tea package felt incredibly light compared to the others. I put them on my scale and found that it was an ounce short. I sent Tropical Tea an email and expected to not hear back or just be told something like “it’s by volume.”
I was sorely mistaken. I sent the email on a Sunday. I had a reply at 7am Monday apologizing for it getting through quality control. No questions asked. They were sending my entire order again with a few extras.
Now that is how you keep a customer, whereas I’m dealing with the grocery store near me being terrible, and they want more information like I have the names of all the people who have failed over the past two weeks. I’ve stopped going to a burrito place that has a $4 student special once a month since they always make me feel like a cheapskate liar. Tropical Tea has forever earned my business and I’ve referred many people to their site because of it.
When I am not drowning in tea, I will definitely order from Tropical Tea Company again, especially since they are the ones who have the elusive Blue Mango tea I have missed since I had it at a teahouse.
So much to choose from! So many Darjeelings alone! That’s what drew me to order from Upton in the first place. I was able to try eight different ones for under $20 with shipping.
Once you are able to even narrow down what you want and place the order, everything feels very personalized for you, from the emails about the order to opening up the box and seeing the packaging dates on the pouches.
The website does feel a bit hard to navigate, but now that there’s a wish list option, it has felt much easier to access for me. When I need more things to try from a variety of estates, I’ll be ordering again.
Shipping is a flat $4.40 and the box is even very nice.
I had to take advantage of the ability to make up my own blend without having to do the work.
It took less time than I thought it would, and I was surprised to get my tea so soon, even from across the country!
Since things like this are obviously blended to order, it definitely helps to wait a bit of time before drinking it. The price for your own custom 4 ounces of tea really cannot be beat.
Honestly, that’s all I can really say because the rest of the process just feels like your average online order routine. But it’s entirely worth it, don’t get me wrong!
momo hasn't written a review for this place yet.
DavidsTea is my second favorite thing based in Montreal, but first favorite because they disappoint me less…as in I’ve only been disappointed by a sample tea.
The $5 shipping is so awesome, in fact, it’s cheaper than some “flat rate” shipping costs I see from companies in the United States. And I like the fact that ultimately when ordering from the US, you are given a choice between it being delivered by USPS or UPS for the same cost. I don’t trust my post office, so I appreciate that. And it only takes a week to get here!
This latest time I was ordering, I saw Southern Belle come up as $5.50 on the black teas page, but the first listed price was $6.50, or the regular 50g bag. When I emailed, customer service told me they moved the $5.50 special edition bag to be first on the list for everyone in the future. I hadn’t placed my order yet, but they would have fixed it for me to get that bag.
Everything comes packed perfectly, and I love that they give you 3 samples. For now this works wonderfully for me, but one day I will get to one of their actual stores and probably die of happiness.
Now that I’ve placed my third order now, I love that they’ve changed the samples! They come in sealable bags like the 50g teas, and it definitely seems like more tea too. And I love that if you ask for a certain thing to sample, they’ll get it to you. Love love love love.
I love 52teas so much. When I look at my spreadsheet of tea, there is just so many of them and I can’t bring myself to count.
For my birthday, I got myself a 3 month tea of the month subscription, since I think there was 15% off orders of $50 or more on my birthday…being Black Friday. I wish I had the money to continue it because I always want everything 52teas has to offer, and the subscription does save you money but then you have the added risk of getting something you may not like. Though, with Steepster, it’s easy to swap with people for something you would like!
I would get my month’s worth of teas within 2 days of the last tea of the week’s posting. That was always a pretty awesome surprise.
While occasionally the teas can be a miss, you have to give Frank credit for trying such unique flavors, even if they’re not your cup of tea (ha ha). Some things are right up my alley and others I did not like so much, but man, were they awesome ideas.
Buying outside a subscription, which I did for months previously, works out just fine too, especially with shipping included.
I couldn’t resist their flavored sampler, especially since they offer a 15% off coupon if you join their email list. It’s not even a mailing list I want to unsubscribe from after one email!
There is just one thing, and it’s probably just my personal pet peeve. I hate when companies use FedEx SmartPost because it is so absolutely unreliable to the point that I didn’t even get my package until today, 2 days after it was delivered, because their terrible system kept saying Friday until it actually was midnight Saturday. :(
But that’s okay, I haven’t tried any of the teas yet but from the smell before I even fully opened the box I know I’ll be ordering again at some point and I will gladly pay for ground shipping!
I love that the six small tins are in their own separate box, which will definitely have another purpose for me, and that on top is an info page on the teas so I don’t have to go looking online.