drank Assam Breeze Black Tea by Teavana
1220 tasting notes

omg I can’t stop playing SimCity social on Facebook. It makes me wish there was a version to play on my laptop, shakes fist. I have never given my boyfriend back his SimCity Societies CD and it does not work on a Mac. Rude.

So tea time it is instead. I should probably start packing for the weekend but I would rather drink samples I haven’t gotten around to yet, like this one from brandy3392. I can’t remember if I asked for this or not but I don’t think either way I would have expected so much lemongrass in the dry leaf.

That always worries me that it’s going to be overbearing, but so far, so good. This is hardly an assam, it’s very light and not in your face like an assam should be. Though of course, this is from Teavana, so it’s more fruit than assam in the end. The lemongrass isn’t too strong, but really nothing is. I taste it and the pineapple, so I guess we can call this one sub-tropical, ha ha.

I can understand why they discontinued this one. I’ll definitely use the remainder of the sample for cold steeping.

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