Another of the teabags my husband picked up in UK recently…if it’s this particular one alright! It says “golden and well rounded” on the pouch of the teabags, and it doesn’t seem to fit the “classic” EB.
On average, I like EB in the morning, as the assam blends used normally are bold and strong (but still complex and enjoyable), ideal to start the (working) day…but here, only the dry teabag smells anything like “well rounded” and there’s nothing “golden” about it, if you ask me. As a matter of fact, it turns (too) bitter even when the recommended steeping time of 2-3 minutes has been respected. The only posible reason/cure for this I can think of, is it’s use with milk…which doesn’t apply for me, as I never take milk with my tea. A shame, as I remember the classic EB from Twinings (and loose leaf) to be quite okay.

Flavors: Bitter, Tannic, Tea

8 OZ / 250 ML

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Introduced to tea by my sister-in-law in my country of birth = Belgium more than 30 years ago, I still love tea, mainly black, which I enjoy without sugar or milk. Having lived in UK, near good tea shops (e.g. Betty´s all over Yorkshire), I tend to buy most of my tea in bulk from tea shops (as such, most of these are not represented in my on-line cupboard). Nowadays, I live in Spain where tea gives me another sensatory bliss (as wine or beer or coffee can give me too).


Madrid, Spain

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