So it’s ridiculous weather here. Now they actually have been closing major roads, massive multi car pile up on the main highway…I am hiding inside with tea. This one seems perfect for this crazy spring snow day. Creamy, sweet, warm, comfort. Delicious. I’m hoping that they cancel classes tomorrow :D I could get so much work done and drink so much tea! See previous notes :)
You must live relatively close to where I am… the highway just opened back up this afternoon after being closed all night. So ugly out there!
Lol actually not too close, I’m in Edmonton, but this storm reaches all the way to you, I checked out the weather map, I hope it lets up soon, roads are just terrible, had to pretty much dig my vehicle out of the parking lot this afternoon!
Oh, that is quite a distance. Man, crazy storm! I haven’t had to go anywhere today, working from home, but last night was a bit scary. I hope your classes are cancelled tomorrow!
Luckily I took the train to classes today, but I had to go to my grad photos later this afternoon so we drove..messy out there! Fingers crossed I don’t have classes tomorrow lol
Man… These are the times I’m glad I live in New York, though every election cycle I seriously contemplate moving to Canada!
You must live relatively close to where I am… the highway just opened back up this afternoon after being closed all night. So ugly out there!
Lol actually not too close, I’m in Edmonton, but this storm reaches all the way to you, I checked out the weather map, I hope it lets up soon, roads are just terrible, had to pretty much dig my vehicle out of the parking lot this afternoon!
Oh, that is quite a distance. Man, crazy storm! I haven’t had to go anywhere today, working from home, but last night was a bit scary. I hope your classes are cancelled tomorrow!
Luckily I took the train to classes today, but I had to go to my grad photos later this afternoon so we drove..messy out there! Fingers crossed I don’t have classes tomorrow lol
Man… These are the times I’m glad I live in New York, though every election cycle I seriously contemplate moving to Canada!
Haha trust me, you do not want this crazy weather ever haha :P