268 Tasting Notes


So I’ve got three green tea-mint blends on hand right now and I’ve decided to do a head to head comparison: Berber by Tay Tea, Moroccan Mint by Teavana, and North African Mint by David’s Tea. One of the few green teas I’d like to keep around would be one with mint, so I’m trying to pick which one. Both Berber and Moroccan mint are just spearmint with gunpowder green tea, while the North African Mint has cardamom, peppermint, ginger, Japanese-style Hojicha green tea, licorice root, fennel, clove, and black pepper. So, it’s not really a valid comparison, but this study doesn’t have to pass peer review so it’s happening :-P.

This tea is decent (and I’ve reviewed it before, so check out my other review for more details), but I’d prefer one with just mint and gunpowder. Fennel and licorice are not my friends, but this tea is still not bad to me.

Teavana’s Moroccan Mint wins! I’m as surprised as you probably are.

The link to the Berber review: http://steepster.com/teas/tay-tea/11700-berber?post=252649
The link to the Moroccan Mint review: http://steepster.com/teas/teavana/2028-moroccan-mint?post=252648

Cameron B.

This note reminds me that I really want to try Thin Mint Green from Tea Spot! It’s also a houjicha and mint blend (peppermint) but with no spices. :D

carol who

I got a tin of the Thin Mint from the Tea Spot. It was amazing how fast it went!

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OMG this tea smells like CHOCOLATE! The taste too is roasty, toasty, smoooooth chocolate. Um. I can haz moar? There is no bitterness and no astringency. Just a little piece of tea bliss :-). The cool thing about this tea is there a wave of chocolate flavor that rolls over my tongue after the sip and it’s more intense than the flavor during the sip, at least for me. I still love Ailaoshan black a little bit more, but this tea is excellent! I used a full tablespoon rather than a half, which turned out to be a good decision.

Also, I had a weird dream that there was a communal Steepster refrigerator. MzPriss opened it up and opened up one of the fruit/veggie drawers and it was full of mushrooms and dirt. She looked at me and said “Oh look, Brenden teleported us some mushrooms!” I have no idea what MzPriss actually looks like, but this person in the dream was her somehow. What is wrong with me?

Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Roasted

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Snort laff!! If Brenden could I’m sure he would teleport us some mushrooms. And a communal Steepster fridge would be awesome!


Hahaha! You know your addicted to tea when??? this dream was hilarious and I wished it was for real! A communal cupboard would also be awesome!

And yes, told you this tea was pure gooey fudgy chocolate goodness :-)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

This is the best thing I’ve read, like…ever. :D


This is not the first tea-related dream I have had. The problem is fully developed, I think. I suppose this dream came from my not-so-subliminal desire to eat all the good things TheTeaFairy and MzPriss are always talking about and for Brenden to have the ability to teleport things, which I think I can safely say would improve all of our lives. Thanks for the dream mushrooms, Brenden :-). And yes, a communal Steepster cupboard would be completely clutch!


Haha that’s hilarious! XD


Oh cool! A shared Steepster cupboard! Wouldn’t that be fun?!?! Although, with as much swapping as happens around here, we may not be too far from that :)

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This tea is so pretttttyyyyy! Is this the one that MzPriss called “wee snaily yums”? If not, I think this could also merit that term :-). To me, the smell is very bready and it greatly increased my anticipation of the first sip. My nose did not lead my astray; the taste is also very bready, with a big dose of honey dolloped on top. So good! The finish is really clear and fresh tasting- a characteristic I’m noticing with Whispering Pines teas and that I really appreciate. It looks like this one will be a repurchase as well. Brenden, we are all just putty in your hands.

Flavors: Bread, Honey

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Love bready teas! And snaily, too; it’s just such a friendly little shape.


This is indeed the wee snaily yums – see why?


I call adding a little bit of maple “Terri-style” :)


I do see why! This tea is absolutely adorable in a snaily kind of way. Like these snails here: http://www.lifebuzz.com/snails/#!89xnh So cute!!


OMG! Who knew snails could be so cute?


Awwwww!!!! So adorable!!! Who could possibly want to eat them now?
And yes, MzPriss’s way of calling this tea is the cutest thing ever :-)

Terri HarpLady

I feel special :)


@Terri – only because you are

Terri HarpLady

You get a big hug!
LOL, auto correct changed hug to hog, but I saw it & changed it back.
Then I thought about the big mandala puer sale discussion group from a few days ago… :)


Laughs! Well yeah, there were hoggish tendencies on display during that time….


And you get a big hug back. I tried a Terri breakfast this morning which was an epic fail – but I maintain it was Mark Bittman’s fault.

Terri HarpLady

What did you fix?


Cornmeal pancakes – see my note on Fujian Black from this morning :(

Terri HarpLady

I hate when things like that happen.

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The leaves of this tea are long, dark, and twisty and when I see leaves like that I can’t help but think spider legs. And it’s all TheTeaFairy’s fault. Luckily, I’m a spider sympathizer, so it doesn’t bother me :-). Like, maybe spiders are just misunderstood. There’s even a meme about it (warning: contains spider pictures)

Anyway, this tea lives up to the level of excellence I’ve come to expect from Whispering Pines. It starts out a little earthy, which then gives way to a fresh floral quality. My favorite part though, is the end of the sip which just tastes unbelievably refreshing and pure, like I just drank out of a crystal clear stream. Is this what pine tastes like? If so, more of that please! Also, thanks to boychik for recommending that I use a full tbsp of leaf. It turned out great that way!

Flavors: Floral, Wet Earth

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Glad it turned out great! I tried 1/2 tbsp and then second time I used scale which was equal to full tbsp. (liked it more 2nd time)


Hahah! The meme is so hilarious and so true!!!

Oh well…maybe I am to blame a little :-O

Glad the tea is good, I have some on the way, never actually tried that one yet!!


Spiders actually help me with mealy bugs or scales on my house plants. I never kill them, but my girls scream every time they see them


That picture on WP’s scrolling header of up close Dian Hong leaves reminded me so much of spider legs that I had to click away quickly to the tea selection page! Too creepy. I know they are helpful but when in my house, they need to go away.


I came across this today and it seemed relevant to all the spider talk on Steepster lately:
I must say though, I have serious issues with the section regarding fear of spiders in twins and their conclusion that it is inherited. Obviously, twins share the same childhood environment and many of the same experiences. Based on how this was written, they did not consider that when drawing the conclusion that fear of spiders has a genetic component. Ok, science rant over. It’s still interesting though.

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drank Eugene Breakfast by J-TEA
268 tasting notes

I tried this for my first tea of the day and as the name suggests, it’s a good fit for breakfast. It comes to me via Miss B :-). It is a full bodied tea and the first smoky tea I’ve actually liked. The smoke is extremely subtle, so it doesn’t make me feel like I’m drinking a camp fire. I would say more than anything that it just lends a rough, husky quality to the taste, if that makes any sense at all. As the tea cooled, the orange and the sweetness of the tea really came out more. All in all, it was a pleasant cup. Not too complicated and bold enough to wake me up, but it’s not something that I would need to keep around.

Flavors: Honey, Orange, Smoke

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Marrakesh Mint by Mighty Leaf Tea
268 tasting notes

I got this tea yesterday from the coffee stand in the building next to where I work. Normally, that coffee place is pretty good and I like the way they make vanilla bean tea lattes mmmm…. But as it’s summer and my stomach was not in top form, I decided to go with this mint tea and ask for it iced. The barista informed me that I could not have it iced because it was a hot tea. I informed her that if she brewed it hot with less water than usual and then poured it over ice, it would become an iced tea. She told me I would have to wait for it to brew. I was unsurprised by this news and assured her I was fine with that. She very doubtfully followed my instructions, but did not brew it nearly long enough, I think. All I got from this tea was spearmint. I really couldn’t detect the green base at all, which is a shame because this is my favorite way to have green tea. So, I won’t rate this because of the dubious preparation.


I get around this by asking for the hot tea and a cup of ice on the side. That way I can ice it when I think it’s ready. I do this with coffee too, especially as I like iced coffee without additives.


I will do that next time. Thanks for the tip :-)


I used to drink it when I didn’t know any better. The thing is base is practically non-existing , it’s 98% of mint.


Well, maybe it’s not that particular barista’s fault. But she makes the most abysmal foam so I was predisposed to blame it on her

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
268 tasting notes

Disclaimer: This is more of a personal note and less of tea note.
So, I have a new night time tea obsession. I made a whole pot of this because using my teapot is actually really fun. My favorite part is the pouring and also that I can have 3.5 cups of tea without having to get up. I also chose this tea because I can get it at Target, so I don’t feel the need to hoard it. This is both good and, I suspect, very dangerous.
I wanted a nice mellow tea to go with a dessert I just made and want to try out. I sliced some bananas, froze the slices, made tiny peanut butter sandwiches with the banana slices, covered them in melted dark chocolate and then froze them again. OH. EM. GEE. So delicious. And so easy! This tea went so well with them.
I was also watching a documentary about Alaska. Ice worms are crazy!
I talked to my grandma for her birthday and she loved the teacup candles I made for her :-). This is the grandma who was married to my grandpa, whose birthday it was yesterday. They were born one day apart in the same year. He was from Mississippi and she was from Newfoundland. They met in Nova Scotia and on that day he told her he would not leave Canada without marrying her. She thought he was an arrogant ass. LOL. Three weeks later, they got married and they were together 63 years, until my Grandpa’s passing. I love that story, it’s so romantic! She told me tonight that she still talks to his picture every day, which made me simultaneously both happy and super sad.


I love those kind of love stories. I once had a teacher who married her husband after only knowing him two weeks. It was WWII, and there was the possibility of him never coming back. He did, and they had an adventurous life together,living all over the world. I’m sorry you lost him, but I am happy that you have such sweet memories of him.


Aww! Love both the dessert and the story!!! What a lovely note this is, thanks for sharing :-)


Thanks for storytelling! That’s precious! My sister recently sent me the (incredibly badly written) newspaper clipping relaying the long story of my grandparents’ 1929 chivaree after it was discovered they’d married on the QT. (She was a teacher and wasn’t supposed to be married but they didn’t want to wait until the end of the term.)

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This samples comes to me via Miss B. Thank you!
I am really enjoying this tea! I don’t know what I was expecting, but it was not this. This is much better. The star of the show is the mint, which I find to be a little sweet and gentle; pretty much perfect in that it’s not too in your face. The tulsi and maté pairing is unusual, but I like it a lot. It’s roasty and a tiny bit vegetal. It hangs out until the end of the sip and then really rounds out the experience. Why on earth is this discontinued?? It’s magical. It would greatly increase my tea joy if I could purchase some. Just going to put that out there…..

Flavors: Green Beans, Mint, Roasted

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

You can definitely purchase more :)

I have a policy at WPTC for discontinued blends – as long as I can still get/have the ingredients, all discontinued blends are available as special order with a minimum of 4 ounces. :)

Sadly, I do not stock any inventory of roasted yerba mate anymore, so it would have to wait until the next time I make an order from the supplier I get mate from, which will probably be about a month from now.


Excellent :). I’ll send you a message about that. I need to wait a while anyway before placing another order, so no problem there!

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drank Eve by Nina's Paris
268 tasting notes

Thanks to Laurent and Dorian @ Nina’s Paris USA for this sample! I have to admit that I didn’t pay much attention to the dry leaves because I was in morning autopilot other than to notice that there were fruity chunks included. However, when I poured the water on, I turned away to continue slicing a banana, the aroma caught up to me, and I then literally whipped my head back around to take a huge whiff. That is how heavenly this tea smells! Oh, and the taste does not disappoint either! I think I may be apple insensitive because I often don’t taste the apple flavor in tea and this is no exception. I really don’t care at all though, because this is lovely peachy-apricoty goodness with the vanilla to soften and enhance the fruit flavors. As with the other teas I’ve tried from this company, you still get a nice dose of the base tea so you know you are drinking tea and not fruit juice. The flavors are beautifully and subtly present. This is another win for Nina’s Paris! So good!!

Flavors: Apricot, Peach, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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reviewed infusion ceramic teapot & cups by DAVIDsTEA
268 tasting notes

Ok, so this review is going to be a bit of an emotional over share, so if you aren’t into that type of thing, skip to below the line and I will just talk about the teapot. I think it will help me feel better to write it, so indulge me if you will.

It’s cold, grey and rainy here, tea friends. And that pretty much matches my mood. It’s my Grandpa’s birthday today- the 2nd since he’s been gone, so it’s been a rough day for me. My Grandpa was amazing, at least to me. I lived down the street from him for most of my life and he taught me how to swim, ride a bike, and fish. He spent time with me and played with me, even letting me chase him up a tree when we played cowboys and indians or have a “dolphin ride” in the pool. He was patient, kind, and willing to take the time to teach me whatever I happened to be curious about. Even though my dad lived in the same city, my Grandpa was more of a father to me. He was always supportive and crazy proud of me. He called me his little darling and I loved him so much. “Here comes the sun” came on my Pandora station as I was getting ready this morning, which always reminds me of him (because of the little darling part) and I lost it then. I’ve been thinking about him all day and holding it together at work, so I thought a pot of tea might be comforting when I got home and using my new teapot for the first time might cheer me up a bit.

So, this teapot is great. I think it’s super cute (duh, otherwise why would I have bought it?) and I got it during the 40% off sale. It’s well worth the money and it’s my first teapot. The infusion basket is pretty much the same as a the one that comes with the perfect mug, except about half again as long and it has a handle (folds down so you can put the lid on) for easy removal. The teapot itself is rather sturdy and the spout really does seem to be entirely drip-free. The lid was a little hard to take off and put back on at first, but it’s gotten easier after repeating it a few times. I love the silicon grips on the cups because they do provide a cool gripping surface while also looking like cupcake wrappers. For the inaugural run, I chose Capital Tea’s Strawberry Oolong and it brewed up perfectly in this pot. Plus having tea from a pot just seems more fun to me. I’m totally happy with my purchase.

carol who

Sorry for your loss. Remember the good times!


He sounds like a wonderful man! It really sucks to lose such amazing people from our lives.


Oh honey, hug hug hug. I get what you are saying 100%. I grew up next door to my grandparents and they were very much like parents to me. My grandmother died on my 21st birthday and was buried in the dress she had bought to wear to my wedding.

What you are feeling is a tribute to the man he was to you. It hurts I know, and eventually that will become more of a sweet memory ache instead of the stomach wrenching pain it probably still is now. I promise. It used to help me to sort of think at my grandmother, if that makes sense.


Big hug


Thank you so much for the kind words, everyone, and the hugs. It really does help, especially since I’m far away from my family.
Marzipan, it seems like you do understand how it feels, unfortunately, and I’m sorry you lost your grandmother that way. It must have been devastating. But we were both lucky to have such wonderful grandparents :-)


And that’s how you make a fairy cry…oh sweet mj, my heart goes to you, big hugs…I totally get it, I was grandaddy’s little girl as well, even in my twenties. He’s been gone for a while now, but i still think about him and talk to him everyday… I’m sure he watches over you, you are now his little darling from above :-)


Oh geez, TeaFairy, I didn’t mean to make you cry! But thank you for the hugs. I was (and still am) in my twenties when he passed and I too was grandpa’s little girl up until then.


No worries, good tears, cause what you wrote is beautiful :-)
We are lucky to have such good memories, aren’t we?


I’m so sorry sweet girl. Be very kind to yourself and treasure your memories of your grandpa. Hugs and hugs

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Tea-obsessed, book worm scientist.

I love black tea, especially Chinese black tea- I’m looking at you Fujians and Yunnans! I also enjoy Indian teas, mostly first flush darjeelings (and a select few assams).
I think I’m recently starting to like oolongs better though- gasp! I’ve been cheating on my black teas with all these lovely, alluring green floral oolongs. Sorry I’m not sorry.
White tea gets a lot of love too! I am particularly fond of silver needle whites.
I can’t seem to appreciate green teas and rooibos is foul, IMO.

Other interests: Books! Board games! Nerdy entertainment like Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, all the nature documentaries, etc etc. Also Disney!

I’m up for swaps!

Follow me on instagram if you like tea, food, and animal pics plus some other randomness:


Minneapolis, MN

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