513 Tasting Notes


I really like this tea iced, but I do find that, as with most mates, it can get a little grassy if I over steep it even a little bit. That being said, the raspberry and the lemon are a nice combo and it is a nice light iced tea.

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Thanks again to the travelling tea box. This was nice, I am not always crazy about the base Della Terra puts on their teas, but this one was nice and light. The chocolate shone through an it was sweet, but not too sweet, which was exactly what I was looking for this evening,

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drank Copabanana by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

I stole a scoop of this out of the tea box. I love banana based herbals and this is no exception. There is a great underlying sweetness to them that makes them taste decadent to me. I am very glad I got to try this and glad I got to participate in the travelling tea box!

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drank Mango Fruit Punch by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

Fitting that my last cup I make of this is the best. I tossed my last bit on my big pitcher and just let it go. Amazingly, I got light mango fruit tea. No bitterness, no peel, none of my earlier complaints. At least I can finish this tea knowing that I got one great brew out if it.

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drank Daydreamer by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

Mango and green. Always a lovely combination. Has anyone tried this iced, I feel like that might back a good idea?

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drank Marshmallow Macaron by Teavana
513 tasting notes

What a difference steeping method can make with a tea! I brewed this hot the day I got it and found it was too strong and almost sour, and not in a good way. Not one to give up until I have explored all my options, I tossed a scoop in the fridge yesterday to cold steep. Granted, I may have underleafed just a tiny bit, but, still, this is so much better! The guava really pops, but not in a harsh way. I get a mildly fruity, refreshing iced tea that is far sweeter and pleasant than the tea brewed hot. I am far, far more impressed. This is a tea I could grow to love this summer!

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I love how tart this tea is and how natural the grapefruit flavour is. I drink this tea when I am looking for a fruity green that is tart, but not sour with a mild base. There are hints of the base tea, but they only compliment the grapefruit flavour more. Though it is not sweet, the acidic tartness of the tea reminds me of the grapefruit gummy candies I used to adore as a child.

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This is actually the boy’s tea. For me, it is way too floral an oolong, but he absolutely adores it. I appreciate the smoothness of the oolong and I adore the smell of the leaves, but overall, this is his tea and not one I will be stealing too often. That being said, he loves it and says it is an amazing oolong.

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drank Ruby Pie by Butiki Teas
513 tasting notes

I think I am on the fence on this one. I like it parts of it, but I am not sure about others. I love the rhubarb and the strawberry along with the vanilla undertones. I absolutely think of a fruit pie when I am drinking it. However, there is a little bit of astringency in the base tea that I am not crazy about. I think I need to play with it a little bit and see if I can bring out the top notes and mellow the base.

For now, I am not going to rate this tea, I think I need to drink a few more cups before I make a final decision.

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drank Hello Sweetie by Butiki Teas
513 tasting notes

Hello Sweetie? Hello Amazing! This was fantastic! Rich, but not too rich. The caramel, the coconut, the banana, it all balances out so beautifully. With just a hint of sugar, I feel like I am having a lovely indulgent cup of dessert. I didn’t immediately think to scoop up a banana coconut tea, but this is amazing. I loved my sample and have already ordered some to throw in my cupboard!

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