Tea & Cards TTB
I purposely overleafed this tea because Marzipan reviewed it as bland. I think it helped because I got quite a bit of flavor out of the tea. It’s very malty. Pretty tasty. No complaints. Sort of blanking on how to describe this one.
On another note I bought a cupboard/cabinet at an estate sale today just for my tea! It’s already organized and it makes me way more happy than a cupboard should.
It will definitely help me drink more of my teas! I had some hiding in cabinets before. Now if I could just organize my closet..
If I had somewhere to put a tea cupboard, I would. As is, I have taken over half of the pantry in the kitchen. I just need to clear the rest of it out. (Really, we can store that chicken stock and angel hair pasta somewhere else. I need pull out shelves and a whole pantry for my tea, thank you very much!)
Yay for organization! I sure could use some more in my life!
It will definitely help me drink more of my teas! I had some hiding in cabinets before. Now if I could just organize my closet..
If I had somewhere to put a tea cupboard, I would. As is, I have taken over half of the pantry in the kitchen. I just need to clear the rest of it out. (Really, we can store that chicken stock and angel hair pasta somewhere else. I need pull out shelves and a whole pantry for my tea, thank you very much!)
Tea is definitely more important than chicken stock and pasta.
Yay for cupboards!
Ooo… a tea cupboard… what a great idea!