1 Tasting Note

Mm, Sweet Roast Green. If Pokemon were iced tea, this would be a legendary. There was a huge batch for a party this week, and it was GONE before I could get a refill.

The leaves are fragmented, not a quality defect but a result of roasting. And what delicious roasting it is, producing a sweet-tart, and slightly toasty green tea with hints of pineapple and seaweed. The tartness is in the flavor and in the texture, with a strong, pleasant tingle especially when brewed hot (then cooled, if making iced tea). Absolutely no astringency or bitterness here, even when subjected to boiling temperatures in the way that I like to torture green tea sometimes (FOR SCIENCE).

And so easy to make too, it doesn’t take more than a short half minute to extract flavor from it, but it will take a beating too. Most interesting: that slight pineapple and marine character. Might be a consistent trait of the Hawaiian region. Go go US-grown tea!!

Flavors: Nutty, Pineapple, Seaweed, Sweet, Warm Grass, Tart

Lion 5 years ago

I have yet to try Hawaiian tea and I really want to try it pretty badly. That will go on my wish list right away! Love your review.

If tea reviewers were Pokemon you’d be a mythical.

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Hello, nice to meet you. (`v`*)
My name is Rie. I have too many favorite teas to list, but I have a bit of oolong bias. :D

I prefer straight teas with layered, complex profiles, towards the lighter side of the spectrum. But sometimes I like subtly flavored teas, and fresh tisanes – marked by my collection of Lupicia tins. I also have a weakness for Earl Grey, and am still searching for the perfect one. :D

About me? Well, here’s my intro thread: http://steepster.com/discuss/7824-hello-again-steepster-u

So yes, I am a returning Steepster with a bit more history. :) I now work (very passionately) for Tealet as a tea taster and general manager. In my personal leisure time, I conduct experiments and dabble in chaxi, which I sometimes post on my Instagram (@oolongcity).

Because I work in the industry, my tasting notes will not include any numerical ratings; I don’t want to be skewing any scales!

Outside of tea, I love to eat, cook, travel, and get into lengthy conversations about anything and everything. Fun, fun. I also like the rain, early mornings, and the city atmosphere. You know, things that are compatible with tea. Haha ~


Las Vegas, NV

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