Ooo, I love the dry leaf aroma of this one! Definitely smells like a coconut cream… I rarely buy coconut teas anymore just because it takes me so long to get around to drinking them, and the coconut has such a short shelf life before it goes rancid that I often end up having to throw them out before I even get to try them as a result, but it is a flavor/ingredient that I really love so it always feels like a special treat when I do have it in a tea.
The aroma wafting off my too-hot cup is still that lovely coconut cream smell; the coconut aroma has a bit of a toasty element, and the cream has lovely vanilla undertones. My patience is waning thin to drink this, but at least I have my breakfast of the matcha smoothie I prepared before bed last night and two pieces of toast slathered in PB and honey (I’m a simple person!) to tide me over while this aroma-steam plays games with my heart… Probably my favorite tea in the advent aroma-wise since the pecan one!
The flavor… I think my tongue is expecting something a little sweeter based on the aroma, but this actually has a fairly present black tea base mellowing that out a bit, where you can actually taste tea and not just flavorings: I’m getting some malt, oat bread, honey, and a very subtle hint of citrus from the black tea. It’s mildly astringent as well, adding a slight bit of dryness at the back of the tongue after the sip. While the flavorings aren’t bombarding the tea, they are pleasantly present, as the cup has a nice toasted coconut flavor, with slight vanilla taste that lingers on the tongue after the sip.
I really like this one! I think if I wasn’t just using their pre-selected servings and had enough leaf to tweak my cup a bit to see if I could smooth out some of the astringency, I would probably like this even more. I would, if we ever crossed paths again, also love to see how this would be with a dash of warm coconut milk.
Flavors: Astringent, Bread, Citrus, Coconut, Cream, Drying, Honey, Malt, Oats, Sweet, Toasted, Vanilla
Yeah I look at ingredient labels for all the teas I buy and put the coconut ones first in line. Even so, I had a DavidsTea with coconut recently that must have been rancid on arrival, which was very sad.
I know, I tend to never trust them anymore…