Recently I was sent some teas to sample from Plum Deluxe, so thank you very much, Plum Deluxe! This tea was a free sampler in the package, and as soon as I’d finished sipping down the bag of tea I’d been working on as my daily drinker I wanted to brew this up, since I have a terrible habit of stashing coconut teas, forgetting about them, and then having the coconut go rancid and never getting to try them. What a treat it will be to drink a freshly blended coconut tea for a change!
The dry leaf had a lovely aroma of spices and coconut, but after steeping, the leaf reminded me of lemon ginger tea, with a bit of cinnamon also hitting my nose. The tea itself has a really pleasing aroma of coconut, lemon (a bit more like lemon zest or lemon cream, actually), and spices (I can pick out ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon in the aroma). With just a single-serving sampler I decided to try this chai straight rather than adding any additions (if I’m going to make a chai latte-style, I often go for a stronger brew that will withstand the addition of the milk) which often makes me worry that it will come off a bit strong — many I’ve tried are either quite astringent in the black tea or too spicy unless milk is added — but this was surprisingly very smooth taken straight. I am a person that likes tart/sour flavor profiles and the lemon/citrus is a pretty dominant flavor in the cup which I immediately found quite to my liking; it hits with the spices at the beginning of the sip, and then a very sweet coconut flavor comes toward the end of the sip and lingers on the tongue. It’s a very nice balance. The ginger spice really pops in the blend and compliments the citrus nicely, but it isn’t strong, burn-your-mouth-off ginger that leaves that unpleasant tingling on the throat for spice-wuss types like myself; it’s just a nice, pleasant warming effect. I can pick up a bit of clove and cardamom as well, and a touch of cinnamon sweetness. The base tea is just a bit malty and holds the flavors well.
I’m really enjoying this; it has a nice sour-and-sweet balance and as a chai, holds up well as a naked cup, which I certainly can’t say for all chais I’ve tried. No doubt it would likely also taste great steeped strong and mixed with some coconut milk as well. I’m really enjoying the lemon zing and sweet coconut on this cold and rainy winter Idaho morning.
Thanks again, Plum Deluxe!
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Citrus, Clove, Coconut, Cream, Ginger, Lemon Zest, Malt, Pleasantly Sour, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Tart