I’m afraid I just don’t do rooibos well. The ingredients in this tea sound just like perfection to me – chestnuts are one of my absolutely favourite things ever. Figs and chestnuts are probably hanging out together at the top of my very tall ‘yummy yummy things’ pyramid. But alas, I just don’t like this tea. To me it tastes primarily like rooibos, no matter how many times and in how many ways I prepare it. Sigh. I should probably give up on rooibos, but as it seems to be the non-tea base of choice for amazing-sounding blends, I probably won’t.
By the way, I’ve recently discovered lapacho bark, and it is delicious. I got a pack of Rhubarb Lapacho tea at Hebden teas in York, and it is utterly delightful. Wish more places would make lapacho blends…