768 Tasting Notes
Another tea sent to me by my Secret Pumpkin. I really like this one! It has a nice orange flavor, but a creamy orange, almost like those old push up ice cream treats we used to get as kids. (can you tell I have a hint of my sense of smell today? It’s not super strong, but it’s present enough for me to taste some things)
Anyway. I realloy like this one. I might have to add this to my wish list.
Flavors: Creamy, Orange, Vanilla
I received a generous sample of this from Kaylee, my Secret Pumpkin. It’s really good! Even without my sense of smell I found this to be a good, smooth cup of tea. I’m getting kind of tired of saying that. For every tea I like I say something along those lines: smooth, or not bitter, or not astringent. But since I can’t smell I can’t really taste all the lovely, subtle flavors in a tea. But don’t under estimate how important smooth is. I’ve had some teas that were very astringent and/or very bitter. Believe me, a smooth tea is something to treasure. This one is certainly a treasure.
With my allergies, I can totally relate. I’ll make myself a cup of something that I know is wonderful, deep with nuance, only it’s not there.Then I start wondering if I imagined the whole thing… It comes and goes, depending on the pollen count, or the mold count, or whatever. Sometimes I’m a supersmeller/taster, other times I’m not.
I should move somewhere north & cold (although I guess being North and Cold are not always synonymous these days) so that I can savor flavors & aromas with wild abandon & not have to take allergies into account.
It was chilly this morning (such a nice change after the record high of 97 on Sunday!) that I decided to have a cup of this warm tea. It is a warm tea, and not just the temp of the water. The cinnamon makes it feel cozy and warm, the prefect thing to sip while reading on a cold afternoon. Sadly, I’m not reading. I’m working the day job. This tea is still a good cup to relax with. But break is over s oI better get my butt back to work. :)
This was my evening brew. I added some pieces of candied ginger. I am sadly still suffering from dyspepsia. I went out and bought from Pepcid. It’s helping a little. I’ll take it again tomorrow and then call the doctor. Today I have no sense of smell. It’s very disappointing. I hope it’s a temporary condition, but I’m afraid it’s permanent. The good news is, the boxed set I was invited to contribute to is selling very well on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Stormy-Alpha-Nights-Collection-ebook/dp/B015LI64GO/ It would be so cool if it keeps selling well. Not because I’ll make a ton of money or anything. I will make $0.02 per copy sold so I am not expecting this to make me rich, but hopefully some new readers will find my stuff and enjoy it.
Anyway, the tea is good. Sweet. It’s finally cooling down from the high of 97 (!!! mid October in North Dakota is not expected to be 97. The previous record high was 85, so we completely pulverized the old record) so this tea hit the spot.
With the temps expected to be a record high I tossed this in the fridge last night so I’d have cold refreshing tea to sip today. It seems weaker than the last jug I made. I’m not sure why, because I used the same amount of water, steeped it overnight like before, and the bags are all pre-measured. Anyway, not bad, but a little stronger would be better.
Well, my sense of smell has waned as the day went on, but my tummy became a little unhappy. Bloated. Gassy. Yuck. No ginger tea. Why do I have no ginger tea??? I brewed this one up instead as my nose was a little stuffy, and I thought the mint might help the tummy. Tonight it just did not hit the spot. I think I’ll take my unhappy tummy to bed and sleep it off. I rather suspect the aspirin regimen is responsible for the tummy. I’ll give it a few more days and then call the doc to see what he thinks. Aside from the tummy, the aspirin desensitization seems to have been good. I am breathing well, and even have some sense of smell. So the aspirin is reducing the inflammation in the sinuses, and that’s worth the bloating and gas.
Does anyone have a good tea for my tummy? Ginger? Peppermint? Help?
Ah… What a wonderfully scented tea. My sense of smell kicked in early this morning so I went through my teas, inhaling to find the one I wanted this morning. This one won. I swear, there is a hot pancake inside the pouch, drenched in butter and maple syrup. An excellent tea.
Flavors: Butter, Maple Syrup, Sweet
Breakfast tea!!! Rich, smooth, slightly smoky, and delicious. I gave up on coffee this morning. Since I’ve started taking the aspirin everyday my tummy doesn’t seem to care for coffee in the morning. That’s okay. I have tea. Delicious tea. This tea brews up nice and dark in the cup. I was afraid it might be bitter or astringent, but it wasn’t. There is even a slight sweetness to it at the end of the sip. I see other people detect vanilla. I don’t, but then, with my wonky nose… This is one of the best breakfast teas I’ve had.
Flavors: Smoke, Sweet