Sad to reach the bottom of my taster packet of this, but it definitely goes on my must buy again list, because of the following: not a strong rooibos flavor, which is not my fave; a definite lovely cooked rhubarb flavor without strawberries (because I just didn’t want the distraction of strawberry with the rhubarb); a bit of a custardy flavor, that goes WAY up when I make this as a latte, as I just did a little while ago, and I now sit staring forlornly at the bottom of my cup as well as the bottom of my packet. sigh

This is a nice tea for me since I’m not super fond of herbals in general, yet can’t have the black tea I would actually prefer before going to bed, and the full body and lovely flavor of this is juuuust right for my pre-sleep tea yearning. mmmm.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 300 ML
Show 4 previous comments...
tea-sipper 6 years ago

Yep, this is a good one. Somehow the flavor was even better in the very early batches they made of this. I still remember it…

AJRimmer 6 years ago

This is the one that I’m most excited to try whenever I finally make my big B&B order! Sounds so good.

Nattie 6 years ago

I loved this one and was gutted when it was discontinued. So happy they brought it back!

Kawaii433 6 years ago

Thank goodness but I’m gearing up to try their teas and this is one of them :D

Cameron B. 6 years ago

This is probably my favorite from B&B! ❤

Mastress Alita 6 years ago

I really enjoyed this one when it was in the advent calendar.

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People who liked this


tea-sipper 6 years ago

Yep, this is a good one. Somehow the flavor was even better in the very early batches they made of this. I still remember it…

AJRimmer 6 years ago

This is the one that I’m most excited to try whenever I finally make my big B&B order! Sounds so good.

Nattie 6 years ago

I loved this one and was gutted when it was discontinued. So happy they brought it back!

Kawaii433 6 years ago

Thank goodness but I’m gearing up to try their teas and this is one of them :D

Cameron B. 6 years ago

This is probably my favorite from B&B! ❤

Mastress Alita 6 years ago

I really enjoyed this one when it was in the advent calendar.

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Relatively new tea convert who discovered Mariage Frères online shop somehow (I wish I could remember!), and swooned over Wedding Imperial, particularly; I didn’t know tea could be like that! Now I’m testing my wings a bit, and eager to try as much as possible of various tea world treasures.


My avatar here doesn’t read well visually (because small), but it’s based on the neato story of the origins of Canis Major and Canis Minor: https://goo.gl/ajFm4T (image: https://imgur.com/a/ZTHyz3c)

Here’s where I’m going to keep track of interesting online tea sellers shipping (mostly with at least semi-reasonable rates) to Europe (or Greece, specifically):

Bird & Blend will ship orders from UK to EU up to €15 for €4.60, so no need to pad an order out just bc the min shipping rate is so high, and now also offer free EU shipping on orders of €65 and up.

Mariage Frères is expensive, full stop. Min €15.40 shipping from France to Greece, NO free shipping option for large orders. (Fast delivery, though) https://www.mariagefreres.com/UK

T2 ships from UK to EU for £10, w/ free shipping from £60. https://www.t2tea.com/en/uk

Teatower says they ship to EU for €3, w/ free shipping from €39. Will definitely check this out. https://www.teatower.com/en. UPDATE: though Gr is in EU, it doesn’t show up on dropdown for ordering; I’ve emailed to see if it’s an error, but no response.

Vadham has $10.00 shipping from India to Greece for orders up to $29.99; $5.00 for orders $30.00 – $48.99; free shipping above $49.00. https://www.vahdam.com

Dammann Frères ships to Greece for €8,40, quite a bit less than Mariage Frères. No free shipping option for larger orders. https://www.dammann.fr

What-Cha ships international orders from UK for a reasonable £4.40, with free shipping above £36. https://what-cha.com

Mountain Stream Teas offers free shipping from Taiwan with purchase over $25, and shipping to Greece for $7 for quantities under$25. https://mountainstreamteas.com

Tealyra UK ships to Greece for just €4.31, with free delivery above €48. https://www.tealyra.co.uk

White2Tea ships from China for $10. https://white2tea.com

Lupicia ships from France to Greece for €13. http://en.lupicia.fr

Tee Gschwendner ships from Germany to Greece for a minimum of €13.74. https://www.teegschwendner.de



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