This may turn out to be a mistake but I don’t even care. My wife shared her stomach virus with me and now I am trying very hard to keep lots of fluids in me. Yesterday I was too sick to care but today I need my morning matcha and cold milk. This one has a very unusual flavor that is perfect today. Its almost earthy but probably more nutty and roasted. I read Lion’s review and have to agree it has a stone flavor. Really good this morning.
Bleh. Get well soon.
Trade you a virus for a fracture. Hope you feel better soon.
Fracture? What did I miss?
Feel better quickly!
Oh no! Drink up and get better!
KS a little slip off the deck in the snow.
Sounds like more than a little slip!
It could have been worse gmathis.
It could have been worse gmathis.
I don’t know, must have been a pretty hard fall. It’s got you talking double ;) … and ouch.