I must have just hit the sweet spot with this one. Steep was 3 minutes and the temp was around 195 F. The wet leaf takes on what I often call a beef stew aroma, others call it artichoke. I’ve never had artichoke so I’ll take their word for it. BUT on top of that wonderful green aroma this time I noticed an awesome floral note. I think Amanda called it orange flowers – yes exactly! When I sipped the hot cup my first reaction was beer but not really. Wine but not really. Good definitely. As it cools it becomes closer to the bi luo chun I had this morning but with a strong fruit/floral thing going on. Single Origin Teas says it reminds them of lychee. I have some lychee tea in my possession but have not tried it yet. To me it is almost mango or something. I did lightly sweeten this so maybe that is why all these new flavors are popping out. A truly cool tea that kept me interested the entire cup.
Since I had previously scored this I am going to boost the number a bit because this is very good. Even better than I remembered.